Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Levi (and Jack) wants new toys! - part 4

So I had some time to paint few more models for Levi and Jack.

This time the body count is:
- Metal Gamins - finally I got them so Mech Rider can summon something more than just Arachnid Spiders.
- Mobile Toolkit  - I think it might be interesting low cost filler for Iron-Levi which can boost models like Joss, Teddy or Howard nicely.
- Yin - I'm planning to test heavy Wp-based Bone-Levi crew and Yin fits here nicely. Plus it is solid anchor for Waifs.
- Bishop - this gentleman doesn't have to be introduced. Jack will have a good use of him especially when Bishop will benefit from Jack's push. Also Bishop is great candidate for carrying Bigger They Are upgrade.
- Hans - quite controversial many people model. Still I see him in Levi's/Jack's crew as backfield long range support.
- Finally with introduction of Ripples of Faith we were given very nice support for Jack in form of Dead Outlaws. Those Tormented models have very good shooting with the option to buff they damage once enemy has Upgrade attached on and I don't have to remind you that Jack loves to 'grant' his Curses to enemy models so Dead Outlaws should work pretty well in his crew. I used the models from Reaper Miniatures which fits fine as the proxy models.

Next in queue is Freikorps Librarian and Specialist (both nearly done) and Sue (primed only). Shortly I should get Watcher as well.
After that I hope to get Hodgepodge Emissary (once it is finally released and not only delayed...) and Brutal Effigy for Levi.

So below are some quick snapshots of my puny painting skills (not to mention poor photographic ones too ;)).

All models:

Dead Outlaws:

Till next time!

1 comment:

  1. heh I used that same reaper mini as a sue proxy before he was released in plastic!
