Sunday, 4 September 2016

Game report 01.09.16 50SS Jack Daw vs Ramos

Game report - 01.09.2016

50SS Jack Daw (daniello_s) vs Ramos (Owen)

Deployment: Flank Deployment
Strategy: Extraction
Schemes: Convict Labour,Take Prisoner, Hunting Party, Set Up, Quick Murder

Owen brought:
Ramos (6SS pool) - Under Pressure, Field Generator
Joss - Imbued Energies, Bleeding Edge Tech
Howard - Imbued Protection
Large Arachnid
Mobile Toolkit

Jack Daw (3SS pool) - Writhing Torment, Twist and Turn, 3x Injustice
(Curse-giver and reliable hitter who also supports his Tormented crew)
(beat-stick who can punish enemy models when they miss the hit against him)
Johana - Bigger They Are
(another hitter plus condition removal)
Hans - Advanced Sight
(range support)
The Guilty
(used to Torment Johana and Bishop)
(annoying toolbox with her Take Your Meds action)
Dead Outlaw
(range support whose damage spread bumps up once he hits models with upgrade attached)
Lady Ligeia
(annoying model who should be used to tame a bit enemy heavy hitters)

Owen picked Hunting Party and Quick Murder (Bishop)
I took Hunting Party and Take Prisoner (Ramos)

I decided to play for fun and test Bigger They Are and Advanced Sight upgrades (although table didn't favor Hans) and test Dead Outlaw. Also since I painted new models recently (Bishop, Hans and Dead Outlaw) I wanted to use them this game.I knew it would be a tough game as Ramos' Arachnid factory means the Extraction marker will be claimed by him and placed away from me almost every turn so I will have to push towards it which will expose my models to his heavy hitters. Oh well, life can't be always easy aka I can't always bring Levi with me ;)

Deployment: Ramos deployed first (Jack's crew at the bottom of the picture)

Turn 1
Initiative: Ramos

Key actions/moments:

- As usual Mobile Toolkit use a walk twice and then was charged and killed by Joss to generate two scrap marks. Then Ramos summoned 2 Arachnids from the scrap marker. Howard and Cassandra started to flank me on my left staying behind the house.
- On my side I tormented Bishop and Johana. Hans focused and wounded Howard. I took rather defensive stance with my crew and kept them in quite tight bobble not to close to the Extraction marker but I made sure I won't be too far from next turn.

Upkeep phase:
No VPs scored by either side.

Score after turn 1: Jack 0 - Ramos 0

Turn 2
Initiative: Ramos

Key actions/moments:

- Cassandra punished Nurse and shot her twice for 4 damage in total. I knew Howard is lurking nearby so I decided to bait him with The Guilty so first I parked Ligeia near Cassandra (who used Southern Hospitality of course) and then I charged Cassandra with Guilty. Only one hit went in for 2 damage. As I expected Howard moved in to action and killed Guilty with single swing (Decapitation trigger). I could try to defend Guilty but Howard still had two swings (Flurry) so I decided to keep my cards. After that Owen declared Hunting Party. Ramos summoned two more Arachnids. Two of them secured Extraction marker and one engaged Bishop. Last Arachnid was killed by Hans so I could claim VP for Hunting Party as well.

- I tried to capitalize on the fact that Cassandra and Howard were exposed so I pushed Ligeia closer to Howard so she could get him in her no cheating zone and then Jack attacked Howard 3 times followed by Dead Outlaw. Owen had to discard Imbued Protection to save Howard and I was short of cards with my last attack so I failed to kill him but I left him on the last wound with Firing Injustice attached.
Bishop used the push from Jack to move away from Arachnid, walked one and charged Large Arachnid (who was within Ligeia's aura) and hit Large Arachnid twice leaving it on last wound. Johana attacked Arachnid but failed miserably.

Upkeep phase:
Jack: +1VP Extraction, +1VP Hunting Party
Ramos: +1VP Extraction, +1VP Hunting Party

Score after turn 2: Jack 2 - Ramos 2

Turn 3
Initiative: Jack

Key actions/moments:

- As I won initiative I had to try to take the opportunity and do as much damage as possible. Jack activated first and finished off Howard with one attack. Then he 'obeyed' Bishop to attack Large Arachnid and finish it (+1VP Hunting Party for me). Then I tried to punish Cassandra but my hand was below average and despite the fact that Cassandra was affected by Ligeia's aura she was able to deflect one attack and I was able to attach to her Fire Injustice only.
- Cassandra walked away from Ligeia (Nimble) and killed Nurse with the double blast (+1VP Hunting Party for Ramos) which clipped Jack and Bishop for 3 damage and Dead Outlaw for 2. Then she attacked Bishop hitting him for next 2 damage. But what worse I realized how good Owen's hand is when he discarded 8 for Southern Hospitality and my highest card on hand was 8...
- I failed to realize that Bishop is in danger and I activated Ligeia who walked closer to Cassandra but not far enough to protest Bishop. Joss used this opportunity and burned Imbued Energy for extra walk and then charged Bishop. Despite my reasonable high flips Owen punched through Bishop's defense by cheating attacks with high cards. This gave Owen full VP for Quick Murder. Johana tried to retaliate on Joss but Owen used his last stones for damage prevention.
- Dead Outlaw finished Cassandra and put Curse of the Covetous condition on Joss (till end of the game he can only do walk/interact action unless he drops scheme marker or takes 3 damage at the start of his activation)
- Owen placed Extraction marker further away from my crew.

Upkeep phase:
Jack: +1VP Extraction, +1VP Hunting Party
Ramos: +1VP Extraction, +1VP Hunting Party, +3VP Quick Murder

Score after turn 3: Jack 4 - Ramos 7

Turn 4
Initiative: Jack

Key actions/moments:

- Jack hit Joss twice giving him Firing Injustice and Drowning Injustice. Jack accidentally killed also nearby Arachnid (Red Joker on damage). Hans hit Joss twice and Joss was left on the last wound with no soulstones available for damage prevention so all he could do was to stay and do nothing.
- Johana killed another Arachnid (final VP for Hunting Party).
- Owen realized I have Take Prisoner on Ramos and he run away towards the corner of the table.
- Dead Outlaw finished Joss but I was to far to grab VP point for strategy this turn. Owen placed it further away at the end of the turn.

Upkeep phase:
Jack: +1VP Hunting Party
Ramos: +1VP Extraction

Score after turn 4: Jack 5 - Ramos 8

Turn 5
Initiative: Ramos

Key actions/moments:

- Ramos run away to the corner and secured Extraction marker with two Arachnids.
- I couldn't reach Ramos so I tried to kill one Arachnid with Jack (single attack) and Johana (charge) but I failed...
- Hans killed third Arachnid who tried to tarpit my models.
- Game should end now as we used to play 5 turns usually like on the tournaments, but as it was friendly game and we had time Owen flipped card for turn 6 and... 11! ;)

Upkeep phase:
Jack: +1VP extraction
Ramos: +1VP Extraction

Score after turn 5: Jack 6 - Ramos 9

Turn 6
Initiative: Ramos

Key actions/moments:

- I won initiative but decided to Owen go first. He moved Arachnid away of Ramos along the table edge.
I knew I have a chance to draw this game but for some reason I made the terrible mistake - I moved Jack instead of activating someone else... So I triple walked to Ramos who then used Magnetism on his Arachnid and run away from Jack...I forgot about this pesky Magnetism...
- As nothing else could be done, Johana killed Arachnid and Hans killed last Arachnid. Dead Outlaw walked away from Extraction marker as I hoped to have turn 7 and chase down Ramos. Game sadly ended this turn ;)

Upkeep phase:
No VPs scored by either side.

Final score: Jack 6 - Ramos 9

Few comments after the game:

- Bigger They Are upgrade and Dead Outlaw are extremely useful in Jack's crew. Stick the Curse on enemy model and hit it with you beast-stick with attached upgrade or shoot it with Dead Outlaw. I'll use this combo quite often as I see huge potential in this combo.
- Hans and Advanced Sight upgrade... I'm not really convinced about this upgrade. Hans is good fire support especially since he can shoot into melee without randomizing but I think this (0) action competes too heavily with Reference to Field Guide which is more important for Hans. Also I think it is better to invest 1SS in Scout the Field than take free Advanced Sight.
- Lady Ligeia is quite ok but I think she is a bit overpriced. She can be annoying and once played carefully can do a lot of trouble but she is pretty squishy. I would consider her if she was for 3SS but as she costs 4SS I would rather get either scheme runner like Winged Plague or support piece like Hodgepodge Effigy.

And finally it is extremely difficult to play Extraction against Ramos as he gets those Arachnids with such ease and you have to first goes through his beat-sticks (Howard, Joss) and then those Arachnids to get the to the marker. I don't think I would have a problem playing Levi or Viks but for Jack it was a bit too much this time :)

Till next time!

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