Saturday, 13 August 2016

Game report 11.08.16 50SS Jack Daw vs Outcast Tara

Game report - 11.08.2016

50SS Jack Daw (daniello_s) vs Tara (Stephen)

Deployment: Corner Deployment
Strategy: Guard the Stash
Schemes: Convict Labour, Take Prisoner, Hunting Party, Covert Breakthrough, Frame for Murder

Stephen brought:
Tara (4SS pool) -Knowledge of Eternity, Obliteration Symbiote, Dead of Winter
Malifaux Child
Nothing Beast - Void Shield
Convict Gunslinger - Oathkeeper
Johana - Oathkeeper
Dead Marshal
Void Wretch

I took:
Jack Daw (3SS pool) - Writhing Torment, Twist and Turn, 3x Injustice
(Curse-giver and reliable hitter who also supports his Tormented crew)
(resilient hitter who can copy Hanged and Strongarm's actions)
Strongarm Suit
(resilient hitter who will tank one of the Stash markers)
(yet another hitter plus condition removal)
The Guilty
(used to Torment Hannah, Johana and Strongarm)
(annoying toolbox with her Take Your Meds action)
The Hanged
(Whispers from Beyond nightmare whose action would be copied by Hannah and Jack)

Stephen picked Hunting Party and Frame for Murder (Johan)
I took Take Prisoner (Tara) and Frame for Murder (The Guilty)

Plan for a game:
- Strongarm and Hannah will tank at the Stash markers supported by Hanged who would be relatively close to Hannah so she could copy his Ca actions.
- Guilty would try to lure enemy models to kill him turn 3 latest.
- Nurse would be generally annoying and try to give Take Your Meds to enemy heavy hitters to either paralyze them, make them walk/interact only or give them +2 damage on MI when they don't engage my models
- Jack would float around staying in cover and put Injustice upgrades on enemy models

When I saw Stephen's crew I  knew two facts: I'll be permanently out-activated and I Tara might go first on the most of the turns.
Also Sue and Gunslinger have + on their attacks so even staying in the cover might not be enough but is generally necessary.
And to be honest, since I haven't played Jack for almost 4 months I wasn't really sure about this game but I promised to play Jack so I did it ;)

Deployment: Jack deployed first.

Turn 1
Initiative: Jack

Key actions/moments:

- I did Torment Hannah, Johan and Strongarm this turn so they would benefit from Jack's push and Twist and Turn. I made a first mistake on turn 1 (and sadly not the last during the whole game) as I should move Guilty towards further Stash marker, not the closest. There he would hold it together with Strongarm. But because I didn't do that I had to move Johana to support Strongarm in this task. I also out-stretched Hanged to far from the centre of the table. Rest of the crew pushed behind the wall.
- Stephen obviously out-activated me with Tara's Reactivate action and higher number of enemy models.
He moved Nothing Beast and Gunslinger to flank me on my right. Wretch prepared to jump close to the Stash marker on turn 2. Tara and Sue (and Johana who was pine-boxed by Death Marshal and unburied by Tara) moved towards middle of the table while Death Marshal was flanking me on my left.

Upkeep phase:
No VPs scored by either side.

Score after turn 1: Jack 0 - Tara 0

Turn 2
Initiative: Jack

Key actions/moments:

- I secured one Stash marker with Guilty and Hannah and second with Strongarm. Jack hit enemy Johana and gave her Fire Injustice.. Hanged tried to cast Whispers on her but Stephen bounced it off with Red Joker. Till now I was suspecting she was selected as Frame for Murder but this Red Joker cheat made me a bit confused so Hannah borrowed Whispers from Hanged and successfully used it against enemy Johana. Of course I made yet another mistake and miss-position Nurse so she was too far from the table centre. I tried to paralyze Death Marshal but Stephen cheated higher cards and bounce this off.
- Stephen pushed Marshal and Johana towards one Stash marker, Void Wretch secured other. Gunslinger hit Strongarm in hard cover and gave him Slow. Sue harassed Hannah with his shooting.

Upkeep phase:
Jack: +1VP Guard the Stash
Tara: +1VP Guard the Stash

Score after turn 2: Jack 1 - Tara 1

Turn 3
Initiative: Jack

Key actions/moments:

- Guilty attacked Johana but missed. The Hannah killed him and hurt nearby Marshal with the blast. Unfortunately it gave Stephen full VP for Frame for Murder. Jack attacked Sue and gave him Fire Injustice and hit Marshal giving him Guillotine Injustice.This hampered Stephen's plans as he couldn't attack with Sue this turn and had to discard two cards to save Marshal. Hanged harassed Sue with Whispers. Strongarm moved to more secured position out off Gunslinger sight. Johana charged this Gunslinger but hit only once. I moved Nurse closer to the centre to heal Strongarm next turn.
- Nothing Beast attacked Johana but Stephen made a mistake and triggered Glimpse the Void when she was on the last wound and I intentionally failed Wp test saving her this turn. Sue walked to the Stash marker and Death Marshal attacked Guilty but missed twice. Tara shot my models ere and there but no major damage was done.

Upkeep phase:
Jack: +1VP Guard the Stash
Tara: +1VP Guard the Stash, +3VP Frame for Murder

Score after turn 3: Jack 2 - Tara 5

Turn 4
Initiative: Jack

Key actions/moments:

- I killed Sue, Marshal and Wretch (by sticking Guillotine Injustice on it when Stephen was short of cards) but unfortunately I lost Strongarm before I was able to heal him as Nothing Beast charged him and got severe damage on negative damage flips. This also prevented me from scoring VP for strategy this turn. Jack and Hanged tarpit Tara.
- Stephen tried to disengage with Tara but failed. Child engaged Hanged to attacked it with paralyzing effect which allowed me to tarpit Tara. Gunslinger relocated closer to Jack and Hanged.

Upkeep phase:
No VPs scored by either side.

Score after turn 4: Jack 2 - Tara 5

Turn 5
Initiative: Tara

Key actions/moments:

- Nothing Beast charged Nurse but failed to kill her. Tara tried to disengage again but also failed.
- Jack killed Gunslinger and Child. I attacked Beast with Hanged (Whispers) which first was negated by the Void Shield but second went through.. I also attacked Beast with Nurse and Hannah but failed. My final mistake was not to disengage from Tara with Jack to secure second Stash marker...
- Game ended this turn

Upkeep phase:
Jack: +3VP Take prisoneP

Final Score: Jack 5 - Tara 5

That was quite difficult game as Stephen made very little mistakes and I did more than a lot myself ;)
I don't like to play with less than 8 models in the crew especially when I don't have some 'cheap' activations.
But anyway I decided to play this 'Whispers crew' and did enjoy running it. I think  it has potential as casting Whispers by Hanged, Hannah and Jack can be really scary. Maybe next time I'll play better because I might run Jack for next few games just for the pure craic (unless I paint Yin and Mobile Toolkit for Levi fast) :)

Till next time!

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