Game report - 06.08.2016
Riders are back again...
50SS Leveticus (daniello_s) vs Hoffman (Gavin)
Deployment: Corner Deployment
Strategy: Headhunter
Schemes: Convict Labour, Show of Force, Leave Your Mark, Undercover Entourage, Set Up
Gavin brought:
Hoffman (7SS pool) - Field Mechanic, On Site Assimilation, Remote Mines
Mechanical Attendant
Peacekeeper - Plant Evidence
Ryle - Vengeance Bullet
Samael Hopkins - Witch Hunt
I took:
Levi (4SS pool) - Oathkeeper
(killing machine and Abomination summoner with the melee attack only)
Hodgepodge Emissary - Conflux of Aetheral
(model which allows to use four horsemen list)
Dead Rider
(heavy beat-stick; Waif anchor)
Pale Rider
(scheme runner; Waif anchor)
Mechanical Rider
(summoner and scheme runner)
2x Hollow Waif
(Levi's life insurance)
Gavin picked Show of Force and Set Up (Pale Rider)
I took Leave Your Mark and Set Up (Ryle)
Plan for a game was this:
- Play (rather) defensively for first two turns
- Pale Rider plus anything summoned by Mech Rider should pursue Leave Your Mark scheme
- Dead Rider should pick enemy model and push it along with him closer to my crew so I could kill it and grab the head marker.
- If possible remove Peacekeeper as soon as possible because I was expecting Hoffman to Machine Puppet him a lot and he would put huge amount of damage on my guys.
- The most important point - have fun with Rider list ;)
Deployment (Levi deployed first at the bottom of photo):
Turn 1
Initiative: Levi
Key actions/moments:
- Emissary (represented this time by Hunter ;)) gave Regeneration Trinket to Pale Rider, pushed with (0) action and summoned Hooded Rider.
- Pale Rider double walked along my left flank, Hooded Rider hid behind the forest, Dead and Mech Riders hid behind another forest on my right flank
- Hoffman gave Targeting Systems to Peacekeeper and Patchwork Plating to Ryle. He also looped in Ryle and Peacekeeper. Peacekeeper advanced towards middle of the table, when Samael and Ryle were flanking me on their left. Hoffman used Ryle as the the taxi.
- Levi double walked and shot at Peacekeeper in the soft cover hitting him for 4 damage.
Upkeep phase:
No VPs scored by either side.
Score after turn 1: Levi 0 - Hoffman 0
Turn 2
Initiative: Levi
Key actions/moments:
- Despite my below average hand I decided to go after Peacekeeper. Levi burnt Oathkeeper and attacked 3 times him (Focus+Attack twice and attack with burning SS to negate cover once) but couldn't finish him. Hoffman healed Peacekeeper a bit and gave him Fast. I decided to gamble and I charged Peacekeeper with Dead Rider. First hit went through and I dropped him to the last wound dragging him with me towards my models. Second attack sadly missed... Peacekeeper flurried at Dead Rider killing him in process (Red Joker on damage during first attack) then decided to shot at Waif. And that was his undoing as I flipped high Tome and not only this deflected the shot but also triggered Unmade and Peacekeeper suffered final wound! :))
- Mech Rider took an opportunity and pushed summoning Metal Gamin (proxied as Necropunk as seen on photos), then walked and picked the head from Dead Rider.
- Ryle shot at Mech Rider but I was able to flip Tomes on defense flips so Mech Rider suffered only 2 wounds in total.
- Watcher flew over the building and was quickly engaged by the Pale Rider who also dropped scheme marker near Watcher.
- Hooded Rider jumped into the wood and took defensive stance.
- Samael double walked into the forest to be within 6'' of table centre.
- Metal Gamin used Magnetism on Attendant wounding it for 2 damage.
Upkeep phase:
Levi: +1VP Headhunter
Hoffman: +1VP Show of Force
Score after turn 2: Levi 1 - Hoffman 1
Turn 3
Initiative: Levi
Key actions/moments:
- Pale Rider killed Watcher and pushed dropping another scheme marker behind the building and picked the head from Watcher.
- Samael put Burning +4 on Hooded and Mech Rider.
- Ryle shot Waif but hit only once for 2 damage.
- Levi shot at Hoffman wounding him.
- Hoffman walked once, used Machine Puppet on Ryle who missed Mech Rider with shooting and then used O.S.A on Mech Rider to make him attack Hooded Rider but this attack missed the target.
- Hooded Rider charged Hoffman tearing him to pieces (Red Joker on damage).
- Mech Rider summoned another Metal Gamin and removed Burning +2 from himself
- Metal Gamin used Magnetism on Attendant killing him.
Upkeep phase:
Levi: +1VP Headhunter; +1VP Leave Your Mark
Hoffman: +1VP Show of Force
Score after turn 3: Levi 3 - Hoffman 2
Turn 4
Initiative: Hoffman
Key actions/moments:
- Ryle charged Mech Rider but thanks to the built in 3 Tomes and flipped/cheated fourth one Mech Rider survived the attack.
- Hooded Rider attacked Samael twice but missed.
- Samael put Burning +4 on Hooded Rider but failed to do it twice.
- Mech Rider hit Ryle dropping two scheme markers next to Ryle and then pushed away summoning third Metal Gamin. Levi walked once, dropped third scheme marker 4'' away from Ryle and shot at Samael in soft cover (with Focus of course) but missed.
- Pale Rider walked and dropped scheme marker.
- One Metal Gamin walked to Ryle and other used Magnetism on him.
Upkeep phase:
Levi: +1VP Headhunter, +1VP Leave Your Mark, +3VP Set Up
Hoffman: +1VP Show of Force
Score after turn 4: Levi 8 - Hoffman 3
Turn 5
Initiative: Hoffman
Key actions/moments:
- Samael tried to put Burning on Hooded Rider put failed. Ryle killed Metal Gamin. Then both of them died after the hail of blows from different sources (Levi + Metal Gamins killed Ryle and Pale plus Hooded Rider killed Samael). I picked one of the head markers with Mech Rider.
- Game ended here.
Upkeep phase:
Levi: +1VP Headhunter, +1VP Leave Your Mark
Final Score: Levi 10 - Hoffman 3
Second game with Rider list and I definitely felt more comfortable using it..
Each Rider was fulfilling his role very good (maybe except Dead Rider who was sadly traded for Peacekeeper) and it would be really hard to me to decide which one is the best ;)
I need to think about upgrades on Levi next time. Maybe I'll bring To Earth Return again. Desolate Soul with such low SS pool (3) is not the best option I think. Oathkeeper is always welcome of course.
Till next time!
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