Sunday, 28 August 2016

Game report 27.08.16 50SS Leveticus vs Yan Lo

Game report - 27.08.2016

Riders are coming...

50SS Leveticus (daniello_s) vs Yan Lo (Mike)

Deployment: Standard Deployment
Strategy: Interference
Schemes: Convict Labour, Exhaust Their Forces, Leave Your Mark, Quick Murder, Detonate Charges

Mike brought:
Yan Lo (4SS pool) - Reliquary, Fortify The Spirit
Soul Porter
Carrion Emissary - Ancestral Conflux
Datsue Ba
Dead Doxy
Night Terror

I took:
Levi (4SS pool) - Oathkeeper
(killing machine and Abomination summoner with the melee attack only)
Hodgepodge Emissary - Conflux of Aetheral
(model which allows to use four horsemen list)
Dead Rider
(heavy beat-stick; Waif anchor)
Pale Rider
(scheme runner; Waif anchor)
Mechanical Rider
(summoner and scheme runner)
2x Hollow Waif
(Levi's life insurance)

Mike picked Detonate Charges and Quick Murder (Mech Rider)
My pick was Detonate Charges and Quick Murder (Carrion Emissary)

Before game we agreed that we won't bring our usual lists like Belle-Levi and Kirai. Also I told Mike that I'll bring Rider list so he took master he doesn't play that often - Yan Lo rather than something which would kill my Riders easily like McMourning and his Poison bomb ;)

Deployment (Levi deployed first on the left side of photo):

One note: Hooded Rider was actually Hodgepodge Emissary before he changed on turn 1 into... Hooded Rider ;)

Turn 1
Initiative: Yan Lo

Key actions/moments:

- As I expected Mike used his pushes to aggressively approach towards me. Yin was flanking me on the left and the rest of his crew moved towards centre of the table.
- On my side Emissary gave Regeneration trinket to Mech Rider (I was suspecting Mike picked Quick Murder on Mech Rider) and changed into Hooded Rider. Because Carrion Emissary used his blocking terrain action I was a bit clogged in the middle section but was able to position Dead and Hooded Rider for the charge next turn. I wouldn't be necessary if Levi was able to kill Carrion Emissary as I planned to do - Levi burnt Oathkeeper, sacrificed his Waif to get into position and fired 4 times at Emissary but I was able to drop him to last wound only (and I was cheating first damage with Red Joker...). What worse I overextended Levi a bit and Izamu (with help of pushes before of course) was able to double walk and smack Levi dropping him to 2 wounds left.
- And I forgot to take some photos this turn as well ;)

Upkeep phase:
No VPs scored by either side.

Score after turn 1: Levi 0 - Yan Lo 0

Turn 2
Initiative: Yan Lo

Key actions/moments:

- Mike won initiative and tried to kill remaining Waif with Yan Lo's Spirit Barrage (burning SS to negate Waif's hard cover bonus) but she survived this as I was on defensive stance with her although she was on the last.
- I knew I won't save Levi as he was engaged by Izamu so Mech Rider had to save Waif and killed Carrion giving me 3VP for Quick Murder. Then I summoned Steam Arachnid and pulled her back from the action.
- Mike 'killed' Levi with Izamu and charged Hooded Rider hurting it a bit. The his Dead Doxy used Take the Lead on Waif but failed. Hooded Rider killed Mindless Zombie tar-pitting him and went after Dead Doxy but I failed miserable. Hooded Rider walked once and tried to smack Doxy but I failed again.
- On the left flank Yin and Pale Rider engaged. This negated me point for strategy this turn.

Upkeep phase:
Levi: +3VP Quick Murder
Yan Lo: +1VP Interference

Score after turn 2: Levi 3 - Yan Lo 1

Turn 3
Initiative: Yan Lo

Key actions/moments:

- Yan Lo resurrect Emissary and used Hunpo Assault to jump between Levi, Dead and Hooded Rider but didn't do much.
- Levi instantly killed Dead Doxy (cheated severe damage in melee) and hurt Emissary. Then Emissary retaliated and killed last Waif so Levi was effectively dead...
- I couldn't stand this and Hooded Rider together with Dead Rider killed Yan Lo. Dead Rider also paralyzed Carrion Emissary with his attack trigger.
- Izamu hit Hooded Rider but since it was turn 3 and I flipped/cheated Masks I was able to reduce a lot of damage. Datsue charged Hooded Rider but didn't do much, then she pushed Izamu away.
- Pale Rider hit Yin for 4 damage and Yin decided to fly away from him.
- Mech Rider failed to push and summon model (my hand was miserable at this stage and I failed to flip 6+ of anything...) so she walked once and dropped scheme marker which would give me full VP for Detonate Charges. Alternatively I could double walk to engage Carrion Emissary and get 1VP for Interference instead but I decided to go for full points for the scheme.

Upkeep phase:
Levi: +3VP Detonate Charges
Yan Lo: +1VP Interference

Score after turn 3: Levi 6 - Yan Lo 2

Turn 4
Initiative: Levi

Key actions/moments:

- I killed Datsue Ba with Dead Rider but I failed to kill Emissary (it was on the last wound after my attack).
- Izamu charged Hooded Rider leaving it on the last wound. Then I decided to charge Soul Porter with Hooded Rider (push first, then charge) but I missed both hits... Oh boy... Soul Porter killed Hooded Rider of course.
- Mech Rider summoned Arachnid and double walked to claim table quarter.
- Yin tried to tarpit Pale Rider and put him on negative Wp tests but brave Pale Rider passed Horror Duel, focused and killed Yin.
- Mike was about to concede the game as he knew he won't snatch victory from my hands at this stage but we decided to play quickly last turn.

Upkeep phase:
Levi: +1VP Intereference

Score after turn 4: Levi 7 - Yan Lo 2

Turn 5
Initiative: Levi

Key actions/moments:

- Dead Rider failed to kill Emissary... Then Emissary changed two corpse markers into scheme markers which gave him 2VP for Detonate Charges.
- I summoned Arachnid with Mech Rider and then she double walked towards my right flank to negate Mike VP for strategy and move one of my Spiders to reinforce left flank where Pale Rider was contesting th table quarter.
- As nothing could be really achievable we agreed to finish game here.

Upkeep phase:
Levi: +1VP Intereference
Yan Lo: +2VP Detonate Charges

Final Score: Levi 8 - Yan Lo 4

After game we had a quick chat about Rider crew and we both agreed that it is a mid-Tier list - it works quite reasonable but will struggle against most of the Resser masters. Still I like it a lot and will play it from time to time as nice and almost opponent friendly crew, lol.

Till next time!

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