Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Levi (and Jack) wants new toys! - part 4

So I had some time to paint few more models for Levi and Jack.

This time the body count is:
- Metal Gamins - finally I got them so Mech Rider can summon something more than just Arachnid Spiders.
- Mobile Toolkit  - I think it might be interesting low cost filler for Iron-Levi which can boost models like Joss, Teddy or Howard nicely.
- Yin - I'm planning to test heavy Wp-based Bone-Levi crew and Yin fits here nicely. Plus it is solid anchor for Waifs.
- Bishop - this gentleman doesn't have to be introduced. Jack will have a good use of him especially when Bishop will benefit from Jack's push. Also Bishop is great candidate for carrying Bigger They Are upgrade.
- Hans - quite controversial many people model. Still I see him in Levi's/Jack's crew as backfield long range support.
- Finally with introduction of Ripples of Faith we were given very nice support for Jack in form of Dead Outlaws. Those Tormented models have very good shooting with the option to buff they damage once enemy has Upgrade attached on and I don't have to remind you that Jack loves to 'grant' his Curses to enemy models so Dead Outlaws should work pretty well in his crew. I used the models from Reaper Miniatures which fits fine as the proxy models.

Next in queue is Freikorps Librarian and Specialist (both nearly done) and Sue (primed only). Shortly I should get Watcher as well.
After that I hope to get Hodgepodge Emissary (once it is finally released and not only delayed...) and Brutal Effigy for Levi.

So below are some quick snapshots of my puny painting skills (not to mention poor photographic ones too ;)).

All models:

Dead Outlaws:

Till next time!

Sunday, 28 August 2016

Game report 27.08.16 50SS Leveticus vs Yan Lo

Game report - 27.08.2016

Riders are coming...

50SS Leveticus (daniello_s) vs Yan Lo (Mike)

Deployment: Standard Deployment
Strategy: Interference
Schemes: Convict Labour, Exhaust Their Forces, Leave Your Mark, Quick Murder, Detonate Charges

Mike brought:
Yan Lo (4SS pool) - Reliquary, Fortify The Spirit
Soul Porter
Carrion Emissary - Ancestral Conflux
Datsue Ba
Dead Doxy
Night Terror

I took:
Levi (4SS pool) - Oathkeeper
(killing machine and Abomination summoner with the melee attack only)
Hodgepodge Emissary - Conflux of Aetheral
(model which allows to use four horsemen list)
Dead Rider
(heavy beat-stick; Waif anchor)
Pale Rider
(scheme runner; Waif anchor)
Mechanical Rider
(summoner and scheme runner)
2x Hollow Waif
(Levi's life insurance)

Mike picked Detonate Charges and Quick Murder (Mech Rider)
My pick was Detonate Charges and Quick Murder (Carrion Emissary)

Before game we agreed that we won't bring our usual lists like Belle-Levi and Kirai. Also I told Mike that I'll bring Rider list so he took master he doesn't play that often - Yan Lo rather than something which would kill my Riders easily like McMourning and his Poison bomb ;)

Deployment (Levi deployed first on the left side of photo):

One note: Hooded Rider was actually Hodgepodge Emissary before he changed on turn 1 into... Hooded Rider ;)

Turn 1
Initiative: Yan Lo

Key actions/moments:

- As I expected Mike used his pushes to aggressively approach towards me. Yin was flanking me on the left and the rest of his crew moved towards centre of the table.
- On my side Emissary gave Regeneration trinket to Mech Rider (I was suspecting Mike picked Quick Murder on Mech Rider) and changed into Hooded Rider. Because Carrion Emissary used his blocking terrain action I was a bit clogged in the middle section but was able to position Dead and Hooded Rider for the charge next turn. I wouldn't be necessary if Levi was able to kill Carrion Emissary as I planned to do - Levi burnt Oathkeeper, sacrificed his Waif to get into position and fired 4 times at Emissary but I was able to drop him to last wound only (and I was cheating first damage with Red Joker...). What worse I overextended Levi a bit and Izamu (with help of pushes before of course) was able to double walk and smack Levi dropping him to 2 wounds left.
- And I forgot to take some photos this turn as well ;)

Upkeep phase:
No VPs scored by either side.

Score after turn 1: Levi 0 - Yan Lo 0

Turn 2
Initiative: Yan Lo

Key actions/moments:

- Mike won initiative and tried to kill remaining Waif with Yan Lo's Spirit Barrage (burning SS to negate Waif's hard cover bonus) but she survived this as I was on defensive stance with her although she was on the last.
- I knew I won't save Levi as he was engaged by Izamu so Mech Rider had to save Waif and killed Carrion giving me 3VP for Quick Murder. Then I summoned Steam Arachnid and pulled her back from the action.
- Mike 'killed' Levi with Izamu and charged Hooded Rider hurting it a bit. The his Dead Doxy used Take the Lead on Waif but failed. Hooded Rider killed Mindless Zombie tar-pitting him and went after Dead Doxy but I failed miserable. Hooded Rider walked once and tried to smack Doxy but I failed again.
- On the left flank Yin and Pale Rider engaged. This negated me point for strategy this turn.

Upkeep phase:
Levi: +3VP Quick Murder
Yan Lo: +1VP Interference

Score after turn 2: Levi 3 - Yan Lo 1

Turn 3
Initiative: Yan Lo

Key actions/moments:

- Yan Lo resurrect Emissary and used Hunpo Assault to jump between Levi, Dead and Hooded Rider but didn't do much.
- Levi instantly killed Dead Doxy (cheated severe damage in melee) and hurt Emissary. Then Emissary retaliated and killed last Waif so Levi was effectively dead...
- I couldn't stand this and Hooded Rider together with Dead Rider killed Yan Lo. Dead Rider also paralyzed Carrion Emissary with his attack trigger.
- Izamu hit Hooded Rider but since it was turn 3 and I flipped/cheated Masks I was able to reduce a lot of damage. Datsue charged Hooded Rider but didn't do much, then she pushed Izamu away.
- Pale Rider hit Yin for 4 damage and Yin decided to fly away from him.
- Mech Rider failed to push and summon model (my hand was miserable at this stage and I failed to flip 6+ of anything...) so she walked once and dropped scheme marker which would give me full VP for Detonate Charges. Alternatively I could double walk to engage Carrion Emissary and get 1VP for Interference instead but I decided to go for full points for the scheme.

Upkeep phase:
Levi: +3VP Detonate Charges
Yan Lo: +1VP Interference

Score after turn 3: Levi 6 - Yan Lo 2

Turn 4
Initiative: Levi

Key actions/moments:

- I killed Datsue Ba with Dead Rider but I failed to kill Emissary (it was on the last wound after my attack).
- Izamu charged Hooded Rider leaving it on the last wound. Then I decided to charge Soul Porter with Hooded Rider (push first, then charge) but I missed both hits... Oh boy... Soul Porter killed Hooded Rider of course.
- Mech Rider summoned Arachnid and double walked to claim table quarter.
- Yin tried to tarpit Pale Rider and put him on negative Wp tests but brave Pale Rider passed Horror Duel, focused and killed Yin.
- Mike was about to concede the game as he knew he won't snatch victory from my hands at this stage but we decided to play quickly last turn.

Upkeep phase:
Levi: +1VP Intereference

Score after turn 4: Levi 7 - Yan Lo 2

Turn 5
Initiative: Levi

Key actions/moments:

- Dead Rider failed to kill Emissary... Then Emissary changed two corpse markers into scheme markers which gave him 2VP for Detonate Charges.
- I summoned Arachnid with Mech Rider and then she double walked towards my right flank to negate Mike VP for strategy and move one of my Spiders to reinforce left flank where Pale Rider was contesting th table quarter.
- As nothing could be really achievable we agreed to finish game here.

Upkeep phase:
Levi: +1VP Intereference
Yan Lo: +2VP Detonate Charges

Final Score: Levi 8 - Yan Lo 4

After game we had a quick chat about Rider crew and we both agreed that it is a mid-Tier list - it works quite reasonable but will struggle against most of the Resser masters. Still I like it a lot and will play it from time to time as nice and almost opponent friendly crew, lol.

Till next time!

Sunday, 21 August 2016

Game report 18.08.16 50SS Jack Daw vs Dreamer

Game report - 18.08.2016

50SS Jack Daw (daniello_s) vs Dreamer (Gavin)

Deployment: Standard Deployment
Strategy: Guard the Stash
Schemes: Convict Labour, Take Prisoner, Leave Your Mark, Exhaust Their Forces, Neutralize the Leader

Gavin brought:
Dreamer (5SS pool) -Dreams of Pain, Otherworldly, On Wings of Darkness
2x Daydream
2x Alp
Teddy - Mimic's Blessing
Baby Kade
Mr Tannen

I took:
Jack Daw (4SS pool) - Writhing Torment, Twist and Turn, 3x Injustice
(Curse-giver and reliable hitter who also supports his Tormented crew)
Lady Ligeia
(Annoying model who would co-operate with Desolation Engine to maximize the damage fro his pulses)
Desolation Engine
(resilient hitter who will tank one of the Stash markers and try to kill weak models to summon Abominations)
(yet another hitter plus condition removal)
The Guilty
(used to Torment Johana and Desolation Engine)
(annoying toolbox with her Take Your Meds action)
2x Winged Plague
(scheme runners)

Gavin picked Exhaust Their Forces and Convict Labour
I took Take Prisoner (Mr Tannen) and Neutralize the Leader

I haven't used Desolation Engine for ages but I always wanted to try it with Jack Daw especially when I can take Lady Ligeia as well. The trick to pull was position Ligeia between group of enemy model and charge something nearby with Desolation Engine. Then utilize his pulses to make enemy do as many Df duels as possible which cannot be cheated due to the Ligeia's aura. Scramble was taken to add extra 1'' of Walk/Charge to the Engine plus to make sure it won't be slow down by severe terrain (those woods in the middle of the table).

I was planning to take Leave Your Mark but seeing Dreamer and amount of all of these small, annoying models like Alp or Daydream (not to mention Dreamer's summoning abilities) I knew it will be really hard to keep scheme marker 4'' away from enemy models.

For Gavin it was a first game with Dreamer.

Deployment (Dreamer deployed first):

Turn 1
Initiative: Dreamer

Key actions/moments:

- Desolation Engine and Johana were Tormented as usual. I kept my models near the middle section of the table and only Winged Plagues were moved max to the edge of the table.
- Thankfully Gavin had terrible control hand (despite burning soulstone for extra cards at the start of turn 1) and couldn't summon anything more than Day Dream and Alp. Still he easily out-activated me and used tons of pushes to charge my Winged Plague with Teddy. Of course Teddy ate poor Plague without the problem. I couldn't save it as my hand was also terrible this turn (highest 10, then one 7 and 6 and all the rest lower than 4). Still I was quite happy that Teddy went really far away from the rest of his crew and wouldn't be that easily pushed on turn 2.

Upkeep phase:
No VPs scored by either side.

Score after turn 1: Jack 0 - Dreamer 0

Turn 2
Initiative: Dreamer

Key actions/moments:

- Dreamer summoned Lelu and Lilitu. Also his crew started to drop scheme markers near centre line which gave me a clear hint what is his first scheme.
- I was able to charge one Alp with Desolation Engine and kill it summoning Abomination which walked straight between Lilitu and Tannen (also close to Dreamer and Daydream) which stopped Gavin's advance towards one of the Stash markers. I secured those markers with Guilty and Winged Plague. Nurse paralyzed Tannen. Rest of the crew advanced towards table centre ready to attack next turn.

Upkeep phase:
Jack Daw: +1VP Guard the Stash

Score after turn 2: Jack 1 - Dreamer 0

Turn 3
Initiative: Jack

Key actions/moments:

- I did gamble a bit and Johana burnt Oathkeeper to get close to Teddy and she did flurry. All 3 attacks hit with the straight damage flips and of course I didn't kill Teddy as I flipped 10 damage total (2x weak, 1 moderate). Thankfully Jack was nearby and he walked, killed Teddy and hit Kade giving him Fire Injustice. Unfortunately this also meant that Jack was too far to support rest of his crew this turn but I really needed to remove Teddy from the game.
Abomination walked close to Dreamer so he wouldn't be able to summon anything this turn. Downside of this was that Tannen put Exhaust on it. Desolation Engine attacked Lilitu but she had Whispers in Blood on her plus Tannen was nearby and I couldn't cheat attacks so easy. Lilitu heavily bruised survived the attack.
- Gavin secured Stash markers and tried to score VP for Convict Labour but I walked with Guilty towards his scheme marker and negate this point. Dreamer had to get out from Abomination and summoned Insidious Madness only.

Upkeep phase:
Jack Daw: +1VP Guard the Stash
Dreamer:  +1VP Guard the Stash, +1VP Exhaust Their Forces

Score after turn 3: Jack 2 - Dreamer 2

Turn 4
Initiative: Dreamer

Key actions/moments:

- Johana pushed thanks to nearby Jack and flurry at Lelu killing him with single attack (Red Joker on negative damage flip). She also kept Kade engaged with her 3'' range hammer. I pulled my trick this turn (after Lilitu killed Winged Plague) and walked Ligeia between Dreamer, Lilitu, Madness, Alp and freshly summoned Coppelius. Then I walked Jack twice and killed Coppelius. This would allow me to push Engine and attack Dreamer but between using damage prevention and good Df flips Dreamer survived on the last wound. Well at least it allowed me to score +1VP from Neutralize the Leader. If I had any Ram on my hand Nurse would give Engine +2 damage to his MI attacks which would allow me to kill Dreamer definitely...
- Dreamer's crew tried to withstand my assault but couldn't get to second Stash marker. They Exhaust Abomination again who was tar-pitting Tannen (and made sure I score Take Prisoner) and dropped scheme markers for Convict Labour.
- Unfortunately we had to finish the game at this turn.

Upkeep phase:
Jack Daw: +1VP Guard the Stash; +1VP Neutralize the Leader, +3VP Take Prisoner
Dreamer:  +1VP Convict Labour, +1VP Exhaust Their Forces

Final score: Jack 7 - Dreamer 4

I'm pretty happy with Engine's performance during this game. It really benefits from Jack's push and Ligeia's no cheating aura. Plus if it would die I would have two Abominations near Stash marker anyway which would help me score points for strategy. Ligeia is pretty interesting model although I have feeling that she shouldn't cost more that 3SS as she is so fragile and needs a lot planning or she would die really easy.

But the most important thing is that I started to feel Jack well again. I was better with positioning and utilizing his attacks/support than the last time ;)

Till next time!

Saturday, 13 August 2016

Game report 11.08.16 50SS Jack Daw vs Outcast Tara

Game report - 11.08.2016

50SS Jack Daw (daniello_s) vs Tara (Stephen)

Deployment: Corner Deployment
Strategy: Guard the Stash
Schemes: Convict Labour, Take Prisoner, Hunting Party, Covert Breakthrough, Frame for Murder

Stephen brought:
Tara (4SS pool) -Knowledge of Eternity, Obliteration Symbiote, Dead of Winter
Malifaux Child
Nothing Beast - Void Shield
Convict Gunslinger - Oathkeeper
Johana - Oathkeeper
Dead Marshal
Void Wretch

I took:
Jack Daw (3SS pool) - Writhing Torment, Twist and Turn, 3x Injustice
(Curse-giver and reliable hitter who also supports his Tormented crew)
(resilient hitter who can copy Hanged and Strongarm's actions)
Strongarm Suit
(resilient hitter who will tank one of the Stash markers)
(yet another hitter plus condition removal)
The Guilty
(used to Torment Hannah, Johana and Strongarm)
(annoying toolbox with her Take Your Meds action)
The Hanged
(Whispers from Beyond nightmare whose action would be copied by Hannah and Jack)

Stephen picked Hunting Party and Frame for Murder (Johan)
I took Take Prisoner (Tara) and Frame for Murder (The Guilty)

Plan for a game:
- Strongarm and Hannah will tank at the Stash markers supported by Hanged who would be relatively close to Hannah so she could copy his Ca actions.
- Guilty would try to lure enemy models to kill him turn 3 latest.
- Nurse would be generally annoying and try to give Take Your Meds to enemy heavy hitters to either paralyze them, make them walk/interact only or give them +2 damage on MI when they don't engage my models
- Jack would float around staying in cover and put Injustice upgrades on enemy models

When I saw Stephen's crew I  knew two facts: I'll be permanently out-activated and I Tara might go first on the most of the turns.
Also Sue and Gunslinger have + on their attacks so even staying in the cover might not be enough but is generally necessary.
And to be honest, since I haven't played Jack for almost 4 months I wasn't really sure about this game but I promised to play Jack so I did it ;)

Deployment: Jack deployed first.

Turn 1
Initiative: Jack

Key actions/moments:

- I did Torment Hannah, Johan and Strongarm this turn so they would benefit from Jack's push and Twist and Turn. I made a first mistake on turn 1 (and sadly not the last during the whole game) as I should move Guilty towards further Stash marker, not the closest. There he would hold it together with Strongarm. But because I didn't do that I had to move Johana to support Strongarm in this task. I also out-stretched Hanged to far from the centre of the table. Rest of the crew pushed behind the wall.
- Stephen obviously out-activated me with Tara's Reactivate action and higher number of enemy models.
He moved Nothing Beast and Gunslinger to flank me on my right. Wretch prepared to jump close to the Stash marker on turn 2. Tara and Sue (and Johana who was pine-boxed by Death Marshal and unburied by Tara) moved towards middle of the table while Death Marshal was flanking me on my left.

Upkeep phase:
No VPs scored by either side.

Score after turn 1: Jack 0 - Tara 0

Turn 2
Initiative: Jack

Key actions/moments:

- I secured one Stash marker with Guilty and Hannah and second with Strongarm. Jack hit enemy Johana and gave her Fire Injustice.. Hanged tried to cast Whispers on her but Stephen bounced it off with Red Joker. Till now I was suspecting she was selected as Frame for Murder but this Red Joker cheat made me a bit confused so Hannah borrowed Whispers from Hanged and successfully used it against enemy Johana. Of course I made yet another mistake and miss-position Nurse so she was too far from the table centre. I tried to paralyze Death Marshal but Stephen cheated higher cards and bounce this off.
- Stephen pushed Marshal and Johana towards one Stash marker, Void Wretch secured other. Gunslinger hit Strongarm in hard cover and gave him Slow. Sue harassed Hannah with his shooting.

Upkeep phase:
Jack: +1VP Guard the Stash
Tara: +1VP Guard the Stash

Score after turn 2: Jack 1 - Tara 1

Turn 3
Initiative: Jack

Key actions/moments:

- Guilty attacked Johana but missed. The Hannah killed him and hurt nearby Marshal with the blast. Unfortunately it gave Stephen full VP for Frame for Murder. Jack attacked Sue and gave him Fire Injustice and hit Marshal giving him Guillotine Injustice.This hampered Stephen's plans as he couldn't attack with Sue this turn and had to discard two cards to save Marshal. Hanged harassed Sue with Whispers. Strongarm moved to more secured position out off Gunslinger sight. Johana charged this Gunslinger but hit only once. I moved Nurse closer to the centre to heal Strongarm next turn.
- Nothing Beast attacked Johana but Stephen made a mistake and triggered Glimpse the Void when she was on the last wound and I intentionally failed Wp test saving her this turn. Sue walked to the Stash marker and Death Marshal attacked Guilty but missed twice. Tara shot my models ere and there but no major damage was done.

Upkeep phase:
Jack: +1VP Guard the Stash
Tara: +1VP Guard the Stash, +3VP Frame for Murder

Score after turn 3: Jack 2 - Tara 5

Turn 4
Initiative: Jack

Key actions/moments:

- I killed Sue, Marshal and Wretch (by sticking Guillotine Injustice on it when Stephen was short of cards) but unfortunately I lost Strongarm before I was able to heal him as Nothing Beast charged him and got severe damage on negative damage flips. This also prevented me from scoring VP for strategy this turn. Jack and Hanged tarpit Tara.
- Stephen tried to disengage with Tara but failed. Child engaged Hanged to attacked it with paralyzing effect which allowed me to tarpit Tara. Gunslinger relocated closer to Jack and Hanged.

Upkeep phase:
No VPs scored by either side.

Score after turn 4: Jack 2 - Tara 5

Turn 5
Initiative: Tara

Key actions/moments:

- Nothing Beast charged Nurse but failed to kill her. Tara tried to disengage again but also failed.
- Jack killed Gunslinger and Child. I attacked Beast with Hanged (Whispers) which first was negated by the Void Shield but second went through.. I also attacked Beast with Nurse and Hannah but failed. My final mistake was not to disengage from Tara with Jack to secure second Stash marker...
- Game ended this turn

Upkeep phase:
Jack: +3VP Take prisoneP

Final Score: Jack 5 - Tara 5

That was quite difficult game as Stephen made very little mistakes and I did more than a lot myself ;)
I don't like to play with less than 8 models in the crew especially when I don't have some 'cheap' activations.
But anyway I decided to play this 'Whispers crew' and did enjoy running it. I think  it has potential as casting Whispers by Hanged, Hannah and Jack can be really scary. Maybe next time I'll play better because I might run Jack for next few games just for the pure craic (unless I paint Yin and Mobile Toolkit for Levi fast) :)

Till next time!

Sunday, 7 August 2016

Game report 06.08.16 50SS Leveticus vs Hoffman

Game report - 06.08.2016

Riders are back again...

50SS Leveticus (daniello_s) vs Hoffman (Gavin)

Deployment: Corner Deployment
Strategy: Headhunter
Schemes: Convict Labour, Show of Force, Leave Your Mark, Undercover Entourage, Set Up

Gavin brought:
Hoffman (7SS pool) - Field Mechanic, On Site Assimilation, Remote Mines
Mechanical Attendant
Peacekeeper - Plant Evidence
Ryle - Vengeance Bullet
Samael Hopkins - Witch Hunt

I took:
Levi (4SS pool) - Oathkeeper
(killing machine and Abomination summoner with the melee attack only)
Hodgepodge Emissary - Conflux of Aetheral
(model which allows to use four horsemen list)
Dead Rider
(heavy beat-stick; Waif anchor)
Pale Rider
(scheme runner; Waif anchor)
Mechanical Rider
(summoner and scheme runner)
2x Hollow Waif
(Levi's life insurance)

Gavin picked Show of Force and Set Up (Pale Rider)
I took Leave Your Mark and Set Up (Ryle)

Plan for a game was this:
- Play (rather) defensively for first two turns
- Pale Rider plus anything summoned by Mech Rider should pursue Leave Your Mark scheme
- Dead Rider should pick enemy model and push it along with him closer to my crew so I could kill it and grab the head marker.
- If possible remove Peacekeeper as soon as possible because I was expecting Hoffman to Machine Puppet him a lot and he would put huge amount of damage on my guys.
- The most important point - have fun with Rider list ;)

Deployment (Levi deployed first at the bottom of photo):

Turn 1
Initiative: Levi

Key actions/moments:

- Emissary (represented this time by Hunter ;)) gave Regeneration Trinket to Pale Rider, pushed with (0) action and summoned Hooded Rider.
- Pale Rider double walked along my left flank, Hooded Rider hid behind the forest, Dead and Mech Riders hid behind another forest on my right flank
- Hoffman gave Targeting Systems to Peacekeeper and Patchwork Plating to Ryle. He also looped in Ryle and Peacekeeper. Peacekeeper advanced towards middle of the table, when Samael and Ryle were flanking me on their left. Hoffman used Ryle as the the taxi.
- Levi double walked and shot at Peacekeeper in the soft cover hitting him for 4 damage.

Upkeep phase:
No VPs scored by either side.

Score after turn 1: Levi 0 - Hoffman 0

Turn 2
Initiative: Levi

Key actions/moments:

- Despite my below average hand I decided to go after Peacekeeper. Levi burnt Oathkeeper and attacked 3 times him (Focus+Attack twice and attack with burning SS to negate cover once) but couldn't finish him. Hoffman healed Peacekeeper a bit and gave him Fast. I decided to gamble and I charged Peacekeeper with Dead Rider. First hit went through and I dropped him to the last wound dragging him with me towards my models. Second attack sadly missed... Peacekeeper flurried at Dead Rider killing him in process (Red Joker on damage during first attack) then decided to shot at Waif. And that was his undoing as I flipped high Tome and not only this deflected the shot but also triggered Unmade and Peacekeeper suffered final wound! :))
- Mech Rider took an opportunity and pushed summoning Metal Gamin (proxied as Necropunk as seen on photos), then walked and picked the head from Dead Rider.
- Ryle shot at Mech Rider but I was able to flip Tomes on defense flips so Mech Rider suffered only 2 wounds in total.
- Watcher flew over the building and was quickly engaged by the Pale Rider who also dropped scheme marker near Watcher.
- Hooded Rider jumped into the wood and took defensive stance.
- Samael double walked into the forest to be within 6'' of table centre.
- Metal Gamin used Magnetism on Attendant wounding it for 2 damage.

Upkeep phase:
Levi: +1VP Headhunter
Hoffman: +1VP Show of Force

Score after turn 2: Levi 1 - Hoffman 1

Turn 3
Initiative: Levi

Key actions/moments:

- Pale Rider killed Watcher and pushed dropping another scheme marker behind the building and picked the head from Watcher.
- Samael put Burning +4 on Hooded and Mech Rider.
- Ryle shot Waif but hit only once for 2 damage.
- Levi shot at Hoffman wounding him.
- Hoffman walked once, used Machine Puppet on Ryle who missed Mech Rider with shooting and then used O.S.A on Mech Rider to make him attack Hooded Rider but this attack missed the target.
- Hooded Rider charged Hoffman tearing him to pieces (Red Joker on damage).
- Mech Rider summoned another Metal Gamin and removed Burning +2 from himself
- Metal Gamin used Magnetism on Attendant killing him.

Upkeep phase:
Levi: +1VP Headhunter; +1VP Leave Your Mark
Hoffman: +1VP Show of Force

Score after turn 3: Levi 3 - Hoffman 2

Turn 4
Initiative: Hoffman

Key actions/moments:

- Ryle charged Mech Rider but thanks to the built in 3 Tomes and flipped/cheated fourth one Mech Rider survived the attack.
- Hooded Rider attacked Samael twice but missed.
- Samael put Burning +4 on Hooded Rider but failed to do it twice.
- Mech Rider hit Ryle dropping two scheme markers next to Ryle and then pushed away summoning third Metal Gamin. Levi walked once, dropped third scheme marker 4'' away from Ryle and shot at Samael in soft cover (with Focus of course) but missed.
- Pale Rider walked and dropped scheme marker.
- One Metal Gamin walked to Ryle and other used Magnetism on him.

Upkeep phase:
Levi: +1VP Headhunter, +1VP Leave Your Mark, +3VP Set Up
Hoffman: +1VP Show of Force

Score after turn 4: Levi 8 - Hoffman 3

Turn 5
Initiative: Hoffman

Key actions/moments:

- Samael tried to put Burning on Hooded Rider put failed. Ryle killed Metal Gamin. Then both of them died after the hail of blows from different sources (Levi + Metal Gamins killed Ryle and Pale plus Hooded Rider killed Samael). I picked one of the head markers with Mech Rider.
- Game ended here.

Upkeep phase:
Levi: +1VP Headhunter, +1VP Leave Your Mark

Final Score: Levi 10 - Hoffman 3

Second game with Rider list and I definitely felt more comfortable using it..
Each Rider was fulfilling his role very good (maybe except Dead Rider who was sadly traded for Peacekeeper) and it would be really hard to me to decide which one is the best ;)
I need to think about upgrades on Levi next time. Maybe I'll bring To Earth Return again. Desolate Soul with such low SS pool (3) is not the best option I think. Oathkeeper is always welcome of course.

Till next time!