Sunday, 8 May 2016

Game report 06.05.16 50SS Leveticus vs McMourning

Game report - 06.05.2016

50SS Leveticus (daniello_s) vs McMourning (Mike)

Deployment: Corner Deployment
Strategy: Extraction
Schemes: Convict Labour, Hunting Party, Show of Force, Detonate Charges, Mark for Death

Mike brought:
McMourning (4SS pool) - Plastic Surgery, Moonlighting, Decaying Aura
Sebastian - Transfusion
2x Rotten Belle
Carrion Emissary - Carrion Conflux
Guild Lawyer
2x Nurse
Zombie Chihuahua

I took:
Levi (3SS pool) - Pariah of Bone, Tally Sheet, Desolate Soul
(killing machine and Abomination summoner)
(hitter and support model; Waif anchor)
Rusty Alyce
(hitter/shooter;  Waif anchor)
(hitter and condition removal; Waif anchor
(scheme runner)
Hodgepodge Effigy
(Levi's soustonel re-charger; scheme runner)
2x Rotten Belle
(Lure-demons who should help set up killing zone for Levi and other hitters)
2x Hollow Waif
(Levi's life insurance)

Mike picked: Convict Labour and Detonate Charges
I took: Hunting Party and Detonate Charges

It was the first time I was playing Pariah of Bone Levi and first time I was using Belles so as predicted I made many mistakes during this game ;)

Deployment (Levi and Co on the right):

Turn 1
Initiative: Levi

Key actions/moments:

- As usual this turn was about movement mostly. Because we both had Belles it was kind of chess game. When Mike activated his Belle I moved Hannah twice and lured her with Make a New Entry. Then I made a first mistake due to my lack of experience with running Belles - I should immediately chain-activate my Belle and lure enemy Belle even more. I didn't do that so Carrion Emissary used his LOS blocking action and disallow me to shoot his Belle this turn. I positioned Rusty and Levi in range to fire at that Belle or Sebastian for turn 2.

Upkeep phase:
No VPs scored by either side.

Score after turn 1: Levi 0 - McMourning 0

Turn 2
Initiative: McMourning

Key actions/moments:

- McMourning tried to hit Rusty with his Rancid Transplant so I had to use my both 13s which I had on my hand to deflect two attempts.
- Levi shot 3 times at Sebastian but couldn't finish him off (he was left on 2 wounds). I think I should activate Rusty instead and kill Belle to score VP for Hunting Party. Nurse fully healed Sebastian and then Rusty Rapid Fire at him but again dropped him to last 2 wounds only (damage prevention).
- Mike dropped scheme markers for Convict Labour and I dropped mine for Detonate Charges so I knew I would score 3VPs this turn.
- I lured Emissary and charged him with Johana leaving him on 2 wounds.
- Mike had more models near Extraction marker and moved it away from me at the end of the turn.

Upkeep phase:
Levi: +1VP Extraction, +3VP Detonate Charges
McMourning: +1VP Extraction, +1VP Convict Labour

Score after turn 2: Levi 4 - McMourning 2

Turn 3
Initiative: Levi

Key actions/moments:

- With the good hand and initiative I decided to go after McMourning. Hodgepodge activated first and hit doctor twice but both were a miss  - at least Mike flipped 12 and 13 for defense. The Levi chain-activated and charged McMourning. I hit him once and dropped two cards to get straight flip which I cheated for severe. McMourning prevented 3 damage... Crap... Second hit bounced off because McMourning cheated Red Joker for defense... Crapx2. Third hit went through but in order to kill doctor I would have to flip severe on double negative flip... So I dropped my whole hand (3 cards) to gamble and get single positive flip and hope for severe there - weak and moderate was flipped... Crapx3. I knew I'm toasted now...

- McMourning hit Hodgepodge twice leaving him on last wound with Poison to finish him off. Then he hit Rusty so she had 8 Poison and 2 wounds taken. He tried to Expunge her but he flipped low card and I flipped 13 which saved her for now. I tried to remove Poison from her but I failed (no cards in the hand) and Chihuahua doble wlaked and Expunged her to death despite my try with damage prevention... Crapx4...

- I finished off Emissary but he used his LOS blocking action to cut me off from getting to close to extarction marker this turn.

- Necropunk tried to negate enemy Convict Labour but failed first to Leap and then disengage from Guild Lawyer... Oh well...

Upkeep phase:
McMourning: +1VP Extraction, +1VP Convict Labour

Score after turn 3: Levi 4 - McMourning 4

Turn 4
Initiative: McMourning

Key actions/moments:

- Nurses paralyzed first Johana and then Levi... Game was effectively lost here...
- Hannah killed Sebastian but I wasn't able to kill enemy Minion/Peon.
- Mike dropped scheme markers near my models and got full points for Detonate Charges.
- Because I was paralyzed with two of my models and couldn't push through to Extraction marker gain.

Upkeep phase:
McMourning: +1VP Extraction, +1VP Convict Labour, +3VP Detonate Charges

Score after turn 4: Levi 4 - McMourning 9

Turn 5
Initiative: Levi

There was very little point to play this game any longer but we did it for the craic.

Key actions/moments:

- Levi charges McMourning killing him with flipped Red Joker on damage... Damn, why it didn't happen on turn 3?.. ;)
Levi also killed Nurse with his last AP.
- Hannah killed Chihuahua.

Upkeep phase:
Levi: +1VP Extraction, +1VP Hunting Party
McMourning: +1VP Extraction

Final score: Levi 6 - McMourning 10

I like my nwe crew. It has every possible needed tool there. There is good damage output, strong Ca support (lure, condition removal) good scheme running and additional card on the top of that. Quite versatile band I must say. I can possibly drop Desolate Soul to have more SS in the pool although possibility of raising Abomination is quite tempting. Also I might swap Necropunk for Arcane Emissary which would give me another condition removal option but that would depend on scheme pool.

Till the next time!

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