Saturday, 14 May 2016

Game report 12.05.16 50SS Leveticus vs Jakob Lynch

Game report - 12.05.2016

50SS Leveticus (daniello_s) vs Jakob Lynch (Gavin)

Deployment: Flank Deployment
Strategy: Extraction
Schemes: Convict Labour, Show of Force, Hunting Party, Take Prisoner, Detonate Charges

Gavin brought:
Jakob Lynch (5SS pool) - The Rising Sun, Wanna See a Trick, Expert Cheater
Hungering Darkness - Addict, Fears Given Form
3x The Illuminated
Mr Tannen
Insidious Madness

I took:
Leveticus (5SS pool) - Pariah of Iron, Tally Sheet
(ultimate killing machine who with Effigy's help can get a fresh soulstone after killing enemy model)
Joss - Oathkeeper
(heavy hitter; Waif anchor)
Teddy - Oathkeeper
(second heavy hitter in the list; Waif anchor)
Soulstone Miner
(scheme runner; Waif anchor)
Johana - Oathkeeper
(heavy hitter and condition removal; Waif anchor)
Hodgepodge Effigy
(soulstone re-supply model which combines nicely with Levi; scheme runner)
(scheme runner)
2x Hollow Waif
(Levi's life insurance)

Gavin picked: Detonate Charges and Take Prisoner (Johana)
I took: Detonate Charges and Take Prisoner (Beckoner)

Plan for a game: Push strong straight into opposing crew and try to remove 2 Illuminated as fast as possible. If possible remove Jakob quickly as well and then deal with Huggy.
Necropunk will avoid fight as much as possible and help to drop scheme marker close to enemy models (Detonate Charges) and then stay nearby Beckoner to engage her on the last turn (Take Prisoner).

Deployment: Levi deployed second (at bottom of the picture)

Turn 1
Initiative: Jakob

Key actions/moments:

- We pushed strongly towards centre point. Beckoner lured effigy twice and it got shot twice from Illuminated. Madness walked and dropped scheme marker at the centre line then was killed by Levi. One Illuminated was 'greeted' by Joss who burnt Oathkeeper and charged him. Unfortunately Joss couldn't kill it this turn, but put him on 3 wounds left.
- Gavin dropped second scheme marker near my guys and at the end of the turn declared Detonate Charges.
- By the look at the table at the end of this round we knew that next turn gonna be ultimately killy.

Upkeep phase:
Jakob Lynch: +3VP Detonate Charges

Score after turn 1: Levi 0 - Jakob Lynch 3

Turn 2
Initiative: Jakob

Key actions/moments:

- Huggy charged Teddy and left him on last 2 wounds remaining. Knowing that Teddy will not survive this round I used his Oathkeeper, walked once and then Gobble You Up one Illuminated, then flurry her. Under this barrage of hugs Illuminated died fast. Sadly second Illuminated killed Teddy for good.
- Levi charged Illuminated who was engaged with Joss. Killing this Illuminated allowed Joss to charge Jakob later this turn.
- I dropped scheme markers with Soulstone Miner and Necropunk to score full points for Detonate Charges.
- Johana removed nasty condition from Joss which Mr Tannen put on him (-2Wk and Cg) so her M&SU friend could charge Jakob and put some serious pressure on him.
- I lost Teddy this turn but removing Madness previous turn and 2 Illuminated this turn allowed me to out-activate opponent and have an upper hand in strategy later in the game.

Upkeep phase:
Levi: +1VP Extraction, +3VP Detonate Charges
Jakob Lynch: +1VP Extraction

Score after turn 2: Levi 4 - Jakob Lynch 4

Turn 3
Initiative: Levi

Key actions/moments:

- I hard terrible hand this turn. My highest card after burning soulstone for additional cards was 7... Thanfully Gavin's hand wasn't good either.
- I put as much pressure at Jakob with Joss and Levi as possible but he was able to survive by using all his soulstones for damage prevention. Thankfully Johana was able to kill him with the deadly awing of her hammer.
- We traded a lot of blows again this turn and I lost Effigy and one Waif. Soulstone Miner charged Illuminated but missed everything.

Upkeep phase:
Levi: +1VP Extraction, 
Jakob Lynch: +1VP Extraction

Score after turn 3: Levi 5 - Jakob Lynch 5

Turn 4
Initiative: Jakob

Key actions/moments:

- With Jakob out of the game I was able to deal with Huggy. Johana killed it with her mighty hammer as she flurry at it like a mad girl ;)
- Levi, Joss and Miner tried to kill Illuminated but again my hand and flips were less than impressive this turn so I was able to hurt it a lot.
- I have surrounded Beckoner to make sure she won't go anywhere next turn.

Upkeep phase:
Levi: +1VP Extraction, 
Jakob Lynch: +1VP Extraction

Score after turn 4: Levi 6 - Jakob Lynch 6

Turn 5
Initiative: Levi

Key actions/moments:

- Levi killed Illuminated. Mr Tannen disengaged from Miner and Joss and engaged Johana. Johana suspected that he wants to take her as Prisoner so she flurried again and killed the guys.
- Beckoner was completely surrounded by 4 enemy models so she took double defensive stance. At the end of the game I thought that Levi would get yet another his Waif tonight ;)

Upkeep phase:
Levi: +1VP Extraction, +3VP Take Prisoner

Final score: Levi 10 - Jakob Lynch 6

Few comments after the game:

During this game I was made aware how crazy amount of damage can Jakob's crew dish-out once the target has Brilliance on it. Teddy's fate was the best  example of that. I start to like Jakob and his gang more and more. Also Huggy is such a nuisance if Jakob is on the table... ;)

Although all my crew did well this game (even Teddy), Johana was ultimate hero of the game. She killed Jakob, Huggy and Tannen while holding the Extraction marker.

Till the next time!

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