Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Game report 22.05.16 50SS Leveticus vs Ramos

Game report - 22.05.2016

50SS Leveticus (daniello_s) vs Ramos (Owen)

Deployment: Standard Deployment
Strategy: Collect the Bounty
Schemes: Convict Labour, Show of Force, Exhaust Their Forces, Covert Breakthrough, Neutralize the Leader

Owen brought:
Ramos (5SS pool) - Arcane Reservoir, Under Pressure, Field Generator
Joss - Imbued Energies, Bleeding Edge Tech
Cassandra - Imbued Energies, Smoke and Shadows
Howard Langston - Imbued Energies
Mobile Toolkit
Steam Arachnid

I took:
Levi (3SS pool) - Pariah of Iron, Tally Sheet
(killing machine and Abomination summoner)
Ashes and Dust
(beat-stick and scheme runner;  Waif anchor)
Howard Langston
(heavy beat-stick; Waif anchor)
Johana - Oathkeeper
(anti-construct beat-stick; Waif anchor)
(scheme runner)
Soulstone Miner
(anti-construct hitter; Waif anchor)
Hodgepodge Effigy
(soul stones re-charger; scheme runner)
2x Hollow Waif
(Levi's life insurance)

Owen picked: Show of Force and Covert Breakthrough.
I took: Neutralize the Leader and Covert Breakthrough.

I was absolutely surprised when Owen declared at the bottom of turn 1 that he didn't take Neutralize the Leader. Surprised but glad ;)

My plan was to check if I can push through Arcanist's defenses and kill Ramos. I knew it won't be easy as there will be a wall of Spiders, Joss and Howard between me and Ramos but I wanted to test it anyway.

Deployment (Levi deployed second, left side of the photo):

Turn 1
Initiative: Levi

Key actions/moments:

- As always first turn was (almost only about the movement. We pushed forward. I flanked enemy crew with A&D (left flank) and Howard (right flank) with centre hold by Johana, Miner and Levi.
- Owen used the famous trick of course: kill Toolkit with Joss to summon 3 Arachnids of the first scrap marker.
- I noticed that enemy Howard moved close enough to try the first blood with Levi. So Levi sacrificed A&D and jumped in base contact with close enough to charge Howard. First hit flipped severe damage, second moderate but third bounced off - Owen hard super strong control hand: 2x13, 12 and 11 so I couldn't finish off my victim... Bad things happens in Malifaux...

Upkeep phase:
No VPs scored by either side.

Score after turn 1: Levi 0 - Ramos 0

Turn 2
Initiative: Ramos
I flipped 10 for initiative and Owen burn soulstone to re-flip his - 11! Crap...

Key actions/moments:

- Howard knowing that Levi would finish him off didn't wait too long and 'killed' Levi. A&D wanted to take him out and charged but my hand wasn't too good again and Owen had two high cards from previous turn and again I couldn't kill Howard this turn but left him on last 2 wounds.
- My Howard killed Arachnid to secure point for Strategy this turn.
- Joss burnt Imbued Energies, moved and charged my Howard beating severely. Ramos summoned two Arachnids near Howard so Johana burnt her Oathkeeper and charged one of those Arachnids killing it and then swung and killed second Arachnid.
- Miner was blocked by the other Arachnid and couldn't charge and kill enemy Howard so he killed blocking Arachnid.

Upkeep phase:
Levi: +1VP Collect the Bounty
Ramos: +1VP Show of Force

Score after turn 2: Levi 1 - Ramos 1

Turn 3
Initiative: Ramos

Key actions/moments:

- Joss killed my Howard
- Levi shot at enemy Howard who was engaged by A&D. Randomizing went on A&D but Levi used his trigger to make A&D have a free swing at Howard which killed him. Then I made horrible mistake and tried to go after Cassandra so Levi sacrificed it and got in melee with her. Unfortunately Owen had again higher card than me and what worse it was a Mask so she used her defensive trigger to push away from the second hit. Ramos just waited for that and he killed Ashen Core. I told you it was a horrible mistake ;)
- Johana flurried at Joss but he spent soulstones to prevent majority of the damage.
- Necropunk started to drop scheme markers in safe sector of the table for Covert Breakthrough.
- Dust Storm engaged two Arachnids who were in the run for their Covert Breakthrough. Unfortunately one of those disengaged successfully and was able to drop scheme marker.

Upkeep phase:
Ramos: +1VP Collect the Bounty; +1VP Show of Force

Score after turn 3: Levi 1 - Ramos 3

Turn 4
Initiative: Levi

Key actions/moments:

- Levi killed Cassandra and Dust Storm killed Arachnid. Johana tried to kill Joss but he stayed on last two wounds.
- Ramos used Magnetism on Joss to put him on last wound which gave him Reactivate. Then Joss tried to kill Johana but I used high cards to bounce off as much as possible and save her for this turn on the last wound. Waif walked and desperately swung at Joss but missed. Thankfully Owen over-extended Joss who was too far from centre point of the table and couldn't score point for Show of Force this turn.
- I gave a chase after Ramos with Soulstone Miner and had Levi re-spawned near Joss and Ramos.
- Necropunk and two enemy Spiders dropped more scheme markers.

Upkeep phase:
Levi: +1VP Collect the Bounty

Score after turn 4: Levi 2 - Ramos 3

Turn 5
Initiative: Ramos

Key actions/moments:

- Ramos killed Johana and Miner.
- Levi walked once and killed Joss summoning Abomination. Then he took a single shot at Ramos wounding him for 4 damage. I was short of 1 more wound on Ramos to score single VP for Neutralize the Leader. Abomination walked once but Ramos succeeded on Df 10 duel and avoided any further damage.
- Dust Storm killed Arachnid.
- Game ended on this turn

Upkeep phase:
Levi: +1VP Collect the Bounty; +3VP Covert Breakthrough
Ramos: +3VP Covert Breakthrough

Final Score: Levi 6 - Ramos 6

Few comments after the game:
- I haven't played A&D for long time and forgot how to run it properly. On the other hand Ramos and his Arachnids are not the best opponent for it as Ramos' attacks ignore Armor and Arachnids can block Dust Storm from reaching Ashen Core. Lesson learnt hard way yet still valuable lesson.
- Ramos is very difficult to take down especially with his healing when friendly construct dies withing 8'' and LOS. Not to mention you have to push through tank like Joss plus Howard and Cassandra. Still I'm tempted to try to kill him again if I have a chance :)
- If Owen took Neutralize the Leader he would won by one point but I think Levi is able to win the game even with Neutralize the Leader in the scheme pool. Not easy to achieve but doable.

Till next time!

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