Monday, 30 May 2016

Game report 29.05.16 50SS Leveticus vs Jakob Lynch

Game report - 29.05.2016

50SS Leveticus (daniello_s) vs Jakob Lynch (Gavin)

Deployment: Flank Deployment
Strategy: Reconnoiter
Schemes: Convict Labour, Show of Force, Hunting Party, Take Prisoner, Set Up

Gavin brought:
Jakob Lynch (6SS pool) - The Rising Sun, Wanna See a Trick, Woke Up With The Hand
Hungering Darkness - Addict, Fears Given Form
The Illuminated
Barbaros - Rapid Growth, Nephilim Gladius
Candy - Best Behavior, Fears Given Form
2x Terror Tot

I took:
Leveticus (4SS pool) - Pariah of Bone, Tally Sheet
(ultimate killing machine)
Rusty Alyce
(heavy shooter/hitter; Waif anchor)
(second heavy shooter in the list; Waif anchor)
The Valedictorian
(second heavy hitter in the list; Waif anchor)
Dead Doxy
(support model with her movement shenanigans; Waif anchor)
2x Rotten Belle
(support models)
2x Hollow Waif
(Levi's life insurance)

Gavin picked: Hunting Party and Show of Force
I took: hunting Party and Take Prisoner (Lynch)

Plan for a game: using Belles get things out of cover and shoot it dead with Levi/Rusty and Lazarus. Dead Doxy would use her Take the Lead to move my slower models (Levi/Lazarus) into position or push enemy as well. Valedictorian would take a role of flanker to hunt down enemy minions which would possible hide in the corners ;)

Deployment: Levi deployed second (at bottom of the picture):

Turn 1
Initiative: Levi

Key actions/moments:

- Jakob's crew spread into two groups and moved forward. Only Candy decided to stay where she was as she could be lured closer and punished by my heavy shooter.
- I pushed Valedictorian with Doxy, he walked and tried to hit Tot hiding behind hill but missed. Barbaros walked 3 times and engaged Valedictorian. Belle lured him back and lured Levi closer. Then Levi, Rusty and Lazarus (one shot with him) put a heavy fire on Barbaros (in hard cover) which wounded him seriously (plus made him Slow from Levi's attack). Generally I shifted almost all my crew on my right flank to deal with Barbaros first leaving only Lazarus, Belle and one Waif closer to my left flank.

Upkeep phase:
No VP score this turn by either crew

Score after turn 1: Levi 0 - Jakob Lynch 0

Turn 2
Initiative: Levi

Key actions/moments:

- Levi tried to kill Barbaros but he used soulstones heavily for damage prevention and survived on the last wound. The Barbaros took Df stance hoping he could withstand other attacks in hard cover but Belle lured him which allowed Rusty to shoot him dead.
- Valedictorian killed Tot and got me a VP for Hunting Party.
- I spread my crew to get VP for Reconnoiter.
- Jakob and Illuminated flanked me and Huggy stayed near centre point and secured Gavin VP for Show of Force.Candy decided to play safe and stayed out of the main action securing VP point for Reconnoiter

Upkeep phase:
Levi: +1VP Reconnoiter, +1VP Hunting Party
Jakob: +1VP Reconnoiter; +1VP Show of Force

Score after turn 2: Levi 2 - Jakob Lynch 2

Turn 3
Initiative: Levi

Key actions/moments:

- Levi killed Illuminated and I forgot to bury him this turn ;) Now the only minion left on Neverborn side was Tot who took defensive stance. Valedictorian flurried at him but missed. Rusty took a single swing and hit him for 3 damage. As I didn't want to hurt Jakob with Lazarus (and Huggy was in the cover) I decided to try to finish Tot with him to get auto-points this and next turn for Hunting Party. Thankfully Lazarus have succeeded in this task.
- Huggy charged Belle and beat her heavily. He also forced Lazarus to shoot at Waif but got a Black Joker on damage flip.
- Jakob moved closer but I had everything in cover and he didn't want to kill Belle with his Master as it wouldn't give him any VP for Hunting Party.
- Candy moved closer to get points for Show of Force.

Upkeep phase:
Levi: +1VP Reconnoiter, +1VP Hunting Party
Jakob: +1VP Show of Force

Score after turn 3: Levi 4 - Jakob Lynch 3

Turn 4
Initiative: Jakob

Key actions/moments:

- Huggy killed Belle and tried to 'kill' Levi but missed. In return Levi 'killed' Huggy ;) I decided not to summon Waif as Jakob was to close and could easily put a Brilliance on her and get Huggy back by killing her. Later Rusty 'killed' Levi :)
- Jakob walked twice and was able to attack Waif putting a Brilliance on her and getting Huggy anyway...
- Valedictorian was not impressed seeing Huggy back to life and flurried at it killing it.

Upkeep phase:
Levi: +1VP Reconnoiter, +1VP Hunting Party
Jakob: +1VP Show of Force, +1VP Hunting Party

Score after turn 4: Levi 6 - Jakob Lynch 5

Turn 5
Initiative: Levi

Key actions/moments:

- Lazarus engaged Jakob and I made sure he will survive his attacks this turn.
- Candy sprinted around the woods towards Jakob but was too far away to negate me some points for Take Prisoner.
- Valedictorian was pushed by Doxy and charged her but missed.
- Game ended on this turn.

Upkeep phase:
Levi: +1VP Reconnoiter, +3VP Take Prisoner

Final score: Levi 10 - Jakob Lynch 5

Few comments after the game:
- I like how this crew works and I thing it is deadly efficient. Belles luring enemy and Doxy pushing my models around gives me huge flexibility on what I want to engage and kill.
- Dead Doxy was one among two models I used for the first time and I must say she is an awesome support piece. Her push action is really great and she is quite capable in melee as well. Not to mention she is an anchor for Waifs.
- Valedictorian, the second model who had his debut that day, is another very interesting model in Levi's crew. Mobile, quite resilient (decent Df/Wp, Terrifying 12 (All), Armor +1 and an access to soulstones for damage prevention) and very reliable beater. I'm really glad I decided to get her when running Pariah of Bone on Levi and even after the single game only I can recommend her ;)

Till next time!

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Game report 22.05.16 50SS Leveticus vs Ramos

Game report - 22.05.2016

50SS Leveticus (daniello_s) vs Ramos (Owen)

Deployment: Standard Deployment
Strategy: Collect the Bounty
Schemes: Convict Labour, Show of Force, Exhaust Their Forces, Covert Breakthrough, Neutralize the Leader

Owen brought:
Ramos (5SS pool) - Arcane Reservoir, Under Pressure, Field Generator
Joss - Imbued Energies, Bleeding Edge Tech
Cassandra - Imbued Energies, Smoke and Shadows
Howard Langston - Imbued Energies
Mobile Toolkit
Steam Arachnid

I took:
Levi (3SS pool) - Pariah of Iron, Tally Sheet
(killing machine and Abomination summoner)
Ashes and Dust
(beat-stick and scheme runner;  Waif anchor)
Howard Langston
(heavy beat-stick; Waif anchor)
Johana - Oathkeeper
(anti-construct beat-stick; Waif anchor)
(scheme runner)
Soulstone Miner
(anti-construct hitter; Waif anchor)
Hodgepodge Effigy
(soul stones re-charger; scheme runner)
2x Hollow Waif
(Levi's life insurance)

Owen picked: Show of Force and Covert Breakthrough.
I took: Neutralize the Leader and Covert Breakthrough.

I was absolutely surprised when Owen declared at the bottom of turn 1 that he didn't take Neutralize the Leader. Surprised but glad ;)

My plan was to check if I can push through Arcanist's defenses and kill Ramos. I knew it won't be easy as there will be a wall of Spiders, Joss and Howard between me and Ramos but I wanted to test it anyway.

Deployment (Levi deployed second, left side of the photo):

Turn 1
Initiative: Levi

Key actions/moments:

- As always first turn was (almost only about the movement. We pushed forward. I flanked enemy crew with A&D (left flank) and Howard (right flank) with centre hold by Johana, Miner and Levi.
- Owen used the famous trick of course: kill Toolkit with Joss to summon 3 Arachnids of the first scrap marker.
- I noticed that enemy Howard moved close enough to try the first blood with Levi. So Levi sacrificed A&D and jumped in base contact with close enough to charge Howard. First hit flipped severe damage, second moderate but third bounced off - Owen hard super strong control hand: 2x13, 12 and 11 so I couldn't finish off my victim... Bad things happens in Malifaux...

Upkeep phase:
No VPs scored by either side.

Score after turn 1: Levi 0 - Ramos 0

Turn 2
Initiative: Ramos
I flipped 10 for initiative and Owen burn soulstone to re-flip his - 11! Crap...

Key actions/moments:

- Howard knowing that Levi would finish him off didn't wait too long and 'killed' Levi. A&D wanted to take him out and charged but my hand wasn't too good again and Owen had two high cards from previous turn and again I couldn't kill Howard this turn but left him on last 2 wounds.
- My Howard killed Arachnid to secure point for Strategy this turn.
- Joss burnt Imbued Energies, moved and charged my Howard beating severely. Ramos summoned two Arachnids near Howard so Johana burnt her Oathkeeper and charged one of those Arachnids killing it and then swung and killed second Arachnid.
- Miner was blocked by the other Arachnid and couldn't charge and kill enemy Howard so he killed blocking Arachnid.

Upkeep phase:
Levi: +1VP Collect the Bounty
Ramos: +1VP Show of Force

Score after turn 2: Levi 1 - Ramos 1

Turn 3
Initiative: Ramos

Key actions/moments:

- Joss killed my Howard
- Levi shot at enemy Howard who was engaged by A&D. Randomizing went on A&D but Levi used his trigger to make A&D have a free swing at Howard which killed him. Then I made horrible mistake and tried to go after Cassandra so Levi sacrificed it and got in melee with her. Unfortunately Owen had again higher card than me and what worse it was a Mask so she used her defensive trigger to push away from the second hit. Ramos just waited for that and he killed Ashen Core. I told you it was a horrible mistake ;)
- Johana flurried at Joss but he spent soulstones to prevent majority of the damage.
- Necropunk started to drop scheme markers in safe sector of the table for Covert Breakthrough.
- Dust Storm engaged two Arachnids who were in the run for their Covert Breakthrough. Unfortunately one of those disengaged successfully and was able to drop scheme marker.

Upkeep phase:
Ramos: +1VP Collect the Bounty; +1VP Show of Force

Score after turn 3: Levi 1 - Ramos 3

Turn 4
Initiative: Levi

Key actions/moments:

- Levi killed Cassandra and Dust Storm killed Arachnid. Johana tried to kill Joss but he stayed on last two wounds.
- Ramos used Magnetism on Joss to put him on last wound which gave him Reactivate. Then Joss tried to kill Johana but I used high cards to bounce off as much as possible and save her for this turn on the last wound. Waif walked and desperately swung at Joss but missed. Thankfully Owen over-extended Joss who was too far from centre point of the table and couldn't score point for Show of Force this turn.
- I gave a chase after Ramos with Soulstone Miner and had Levi re-spawned near Joss and Ramos.
- Necropunk and two enemy Spiders dropped more scheme markers.

Upkeep phase:
Levi: +1VP Collect the Bounty

Score after turn 4: Levi 2 - Ramos 3

Turn 5
Initiative: Ramos

Key actions/moments:

- Ramos killed Johana and Miner.
- Levi walked once and killed Joss summoning Abomination. Then he took a single shot at Ramos wounding him for 4 damage. I was short of 1 more wound on Ramos to score single VP for Neutralize the Leader. Abomination walked once but Ramos succeeded on Df 10 duel and avoided any further damage.
- Dust Storm killed Arachnid.
- Game ended on this turn

Upkeep phase:
Levi: +1VP Collect the Bounty; +3VP Covert Breakthrough
Ramos: +3VP Covert Breakthrough

Final Score: Levi 6 - Ramos 6

Few comments after the game:
- I haven't played A&D for long time and forgot how to run it properly. On the other hand Ramos and his Arachnids are not the best opponent for it as Ramos' attacks ignore Armor and Arachnids can block Dust Storm from reaching Ashen Core. Lesson learnt hard way yet still valuable lesson.
- Ramos is very difficult to take down especially with his healing when friendly construct dies withing 8'' and LOS. Not to mention you have to push through tank like Joss plus Howard and Cassandra. Still I'm tempted to try to kill him again if I have a chance :)
- If Owen took Neutralize the Leader he would won by one point but I think Levi is able to win the game even with Neutralize the Leader in the scheme pool. Not easy to achieve but doable.

Till next time!

Saturday, 14 May 2016

Game report 12.05.16 50SS Leveticus vs Jakob Lynch

Game report - 12.05.2016

50SS Leveticus (daniello_s) vs Jakob Lynch (Gavin)

Deployment: Flank Deployment
Strategy: Extraction
Schemes: Convict Labour, Show of Force, Hunting Party, Take Prisoner, Detonate Charges

Gavin brought:
Jakob Lynch (5SS pool) - The Rising Sun, Wanna See a Trick, Expert Cheater
Hungering Darkness - Addict, Fears Given Form
3x The Illuminated
Mr Tannen
Insidious Madness

I took:
Leveticus (5SS pool) - Pariah of Iron, Tally Sheet
(ultimate killing machine who with Effigy's help can get a fresh soulstone after killing enemy model)
Joss - Oathkeeper
(heavy hitter; Waif anchor)
Teddy - Oathkeeper
(second heavy hitter in the list; Waif anchor)
Soulstone Miner
(scheme runner; Waif anchor)
Johana - Oathkeeper
(heavy hitter and condition removal; Waif anchor)
Hodgepodge Effigy
(soulstone re-supply model which combines nicely with Levi; scheme runner)
(scheme runner)
2x Hollow Waif
(Levi's life insurance)

Gavin picked: Detonate Charges and Take Prisoner (Johana)
I took: Detonate Charges and Take Prisoner (Beckoner)

Plan for a game: Push strong straight into opposing crew and try to remove 2 Illuminated as fast as possible. If possible remove Jakob quickly as well and then deal with Huggy.
Necropunk will avoid fight as much as possible and help to drop scheme marker close to enemy models (Detonate Charges) and then stay nearby Beckoner to engage her on the last turn (Take Prisoner).

Deployment: Levi deployed second (at bottom of the picture)

Turn 1
Initiative: Jakob

Key actions/moments:

- We pushed strongly towards centre point. Beckoner lured effigy twice and it got shot twice from Illuminated. Madness walked and dropped scheme marker at the centre line then was killed by Levi. One Illuminated was 'greeted' by Joss who burnt Oathkeeper and charged him. Unfortunately Joss couldn't kill it this turn, but put him on 3 wounds left.
- Gavin dropped second scheme marker near my guys and at the end of the turn declared Detonate Charges.
- By the look at the table at the end of this round we knew that next turn gonna be ultimately killy.

Upkeep phase:
Jakob Lynch: +3VP Detonate Charges

Score after turn 1: Levi 0 - Jakob Lynch 3

Turn 2
Initiative: Jakob

Key actions/moments:

- Huggy charged Teddy and left him on last 2 wounds remaining. Knowing that Teddy will not survive this round I used his Oathkeeper, walked once and then Gobble You Up one Illuminated, then flurry her. Under this barrage of hugs Illuminated died fast. Sadly second Illuminated killed Teddy for good.
- Levi charged Illuminated who was engaged with Joss. Killing this Illuminated allowed Joss to charge Jakob later this turn.
- I dropped scheme markers with Soulstone Miner and Necropunk to score full points for Detonate Charges.
- Johana removed nasty condition from Joss which Mr Tannen put on him (-2Wk and Cg) so her M&SU friend could charge Jakob and put some serious pressure on him.
- I lost Teddy this turn but removing Madness previous turn and 2 Illuminated this turn allowed me to out-activate opponent and have an upper hand in strategy later in the game.

Upkeep phase:
Levi: +1VP Extraction, +3VP Detonate Charges
Jakob Lynch: +1VP Extraction

Score after turn 2: Levi 4 - Jakob Lynch 4

Turn 3
Initiative: Levi

Key actions/moments:

- I hard terrible hand this turn. My highest card after burning soulstone for additional cards was 7... Thanfully Gavin's hand wasn't good either.
- I put as much pressure at Jakob with Joss and Levi as possible but he was able to survive by using all his soulstones for damage prevention. Thankfully Johana was able to kill him with the deadly awing of her hammer.
- We traded a lot of blows again this turn and I lost Effigy and one Waif. Soulstone Miner charged Illuminated but missed everything.

Upkeep phase:
Levi: +1VP Extraction, 
Jakob Lynch: +1VP Extraction

Score after turn 3: Levi 5 - Jakob Lynch 5

Turn 4
Initiative: Jakob

Key actions/moments:

- With Jakob out of the game I was able to deal with Huggy. Johana killed it with her mighty hammer as she flurry at it like a mad girl ;)
- Levi, Joss and Miner tried to kill Illuminated but again my hand and flips were less than impressive this turn so I was able to hurt it a lot.
- I have surrounded Beckoner to make sure she won't go anywhere next turn.

Upkeep phase:
Levi: +1VP Extraction, 
Jakob Lynch: +1VP Extraction

Score after turn 4: Levi 6 - Jakob Lynch 6

Turn 5
Initiative: Levi

Key actions/moments:

- Levi killed Illuminated. Mr Tannen disengaged from Miner and Joss and engaged Johana. Johana suspected that he wants to take her as Prisoner so she flurried again and killed the guys.
- Beckoner was completely surrounded by 4 enemy models so she took double defensive stance. At the end of the game I thought that Levi would get yet another his Waif tonight ;)

Upkeep phase:
Levi: +1VP Extraction, +3VP Take Prisoner

Final score: Levi 10 - Jakob Lynch 6

Few comments after the game:

During this game I was made aware how crazy amount of damage can Jakob's crew dish-out once the target has Brilliance on it. Teddy's fate was the best  example of that. I start to like Jakob and his gang more and more. Also Huggy is such a nuisance if Jakob is on the table... ;)

Although all my crew did well this game (even Teddy), Johana was ultimate hero of the game. She killed Jakob, Huggy and Tannen while holding the Extraction marker.

Till the next time!

Sunday, 8 May 2016

Game report 06.05.16 50SS Leveticus vs McMourning

Game report - 06.05.2016

50SS Leveticus (daniello_s) vs McMourning (Mike)

Deployment: Corner Deployment
Strategy: Extraction
Schemes: Convict Labour, Hunting Party, Show of Force, Detonate Charges, Mark for Death

Mike brought:
McMourning (4SS pool) - Plastic Surgery, Moonlighting, Decaying Aura
Sebastian - Transfusion
2x Rotten Belle
Carrion Emissary - Carrion Conflux
Guild Lawyer
2x Nurse
Zombie Chihuahua

I took:
Levi (3SS pool) - Pariah of Bone, Tally Sheet, Desolate Soul
(killing machine and Abomination summoner)
(hitter and support model; Waif anchor)
Rusty Alyce
(hitter/shooter;  Waif anchor)
(hitter and condition removal; Waif anchor
(scheme runner)
Hodgepodge Effigy
(Levi's soustonel re-charger; scheme runner)
2x Rotten Belle
(Lure-demons who should help set up killing zone for Levi and other hitters)
2x Hollow Waif
(Levi's life insurance)

Mike picked: Convict Labour and Detonate Charges
I took: Hunting Party and Detonate Charges

It was the first time I was playing Pariah of Bone Levi and first time I was using Belles so as predicted I made many mistakes during this game ;)

Deployment (Levi and Co on the right):

Turn 1
Initiative: Levi

Key actions/moments:

- As usual this turn was about movement mostly. Because we both had Belles it was kind of chess game. When Mike activated his Belle I moved Hannah twice and lured her with Make a New Entry. Then I made a first mistake due to my lack of experience with running Belles - I should immediately chain-activate my Belle and lure enemy Belle even more. I didn't do that so Carrion Emissary used his LOS blocking action and disallow me to shoot his Belle this turn. I positioned Rusty and Levi in range to fire at that Belle or Sebastian for turn 2.

Upkeep phase:
No VPs scored by either side.

Score after turn 1: Levi 0 - McMourning 0

Turn 2
Initiative: McMourning

Key actions/moments:

- McMourning tried to hit Rusty with his Rancid Transplant so I had to use my both 13s which I had on my hand to deflect two attempts.
- Levi shot 3 times at Sebastian but couldn't finish him off (he was left on 2 wounds). I think I should activate Rusty instead and kill Belle to score VP for Hunting Party. Nurse fully healed Sebastian and then Rusty Rapid Fire at him but again dropped him to last 2 wounds only (damage prevention).
- Mike dropped scheme markers for Convict Labour and I dropped mine for Detonate Charges so I knew I would score 3VPs this turn.
- I lured Emissary and charged him with Johana leaving him on 2 wounds.
- Mike had more models near Extraction marker and moved it away from me at the end of the turn.

Upkeep phase:
Levi: +1VP Extraction, +3VP Detonate Charges
McMourning: +1VP Extraction, +1VP Convict Labour

Score after turn 2: Levi 4 - McMourning 2

Turn 3
Initiative: Levi

Key actions/moments:

- With the good hand and initiative I decided to go after McMourning. Hodgepodge activated first and hit doctor twice but both were a miss  - at least Mike flipped 12 and 13 for defense. The Levi chain-activated and charged McMourning. I hit him once and dropped two cards to get straight flip which I cheated for severe. McMourning prevented 3 damage... Crap... Second hit bounced off because McMourning cheated Red Joker for defense... Crapx2. Third hit went through but in order to kill doctor I would have to flip severe on double negative flip... So I dropped my whole hand (3 cards) to gamble and get single positive flip and hope for severe there - weak and moderate was flipped... Crapx3. I knew I'm toasted now...

- McMourning hit Hodgepodge twice leaving him on last wound with Poison to finish him off. Then he hit Rusty so she had 8 Poison and 2 wounds taken. He tried to Expunge her but he flipped low card and I flipped 13 which saved her for now. I tried to remove Poison from her but I failed (no cards in the hand) and Chihuahua doble wlaked and Expunged her to death despite my try with damage prevention... Crapx4...

- I finished off Emissary but he used his LOS blocking action to cut me off from getting to close to extarction marker this turn.

- Necropunk tried to negate enemy Convict Labour but failed first to Leap and then disengage from Guild Lawyer... Oh well...

Upkeep phase:
McMourning: +1VP Extraction, +1VP Convict Labour

Score after turn 3: Levi 4 - McMourning 4

Turn 4
Initiative: McMourning

Key actions/moments:

- Nurses paralyzed first Johana and then Levi... Game was effectively lost here...
- Hannah killed Sebastian but I wasn't able to kill enemy Minion/Peon.
- Mike dropped scheme markers near my models and got full points for Detonate Charges.
- Because I was paralyzed with two of my models and couldn't push through to Extraction marker gain.

Upkeep phase:
McMourning: +1VP Extraction, +1VP Convict Labour, +3VP Detonate Charges

Score after turn 4: Levi 4 - McMourning 9

Turn 5
Initiative: Levi

There was very little point to play this game any longer but we did it for the craic.

Key actions/moments:

- Levi charges McMourning killing him with flipped Red Joker on damage... Damn, why it didn't happen on turn 3?.. ;)
Levi also killed Nurse with his last AP.
- Hannah killed Chihuahua.

Upkeep phase:
Levi: +1VP Extraction, +1VP Hunting Party
McMourning: +1VP Extraction

Final score: Levi 6 - McMourning 10

I like my nwe crew. It has every possible needed tool there. There is good damage output, strong Ca support (lure, condition removal) good scheme running and additional card on the top of that. Quite versatile band I must say. I can possibly drop Desolate Soul to have more SS in the pool although possibility of raising Abomination is quite tempting. Also I might swap Necropunk for Arcane Emissary which would give me another condition removal option but that would depend on scheme pool.

Till the next time!

Sunday, 1 May 2016

Game report 29.04.16 50SS Leveticus vs Ramos

Game report - 29.04.2016

50SS Leveticus (daniello_s) vs Ramos (Owen)

Deployment: Corner Deployment
Strategy: Interference
Schemes: Convict Labour, Hunting Party, Take Prisoner, Set Up, Inspection

Owen brought:
Ramos (7SS pool) - Arcane Reservoir, Under Pressure, Field Generator
Joss - Imbued Energies
Large Arachnid
Mobile Toolkit
5x Steam Arachnid

I took:
Levi (3SS pool) - Pariah of Iron, Desolate Soul, Tally Sheet
(killing machine and Abomination summoner)
Rusty Alyce - From the Aether
(scrap and Abomination summoner;  Waif anchor)
Mechanical Rider
(scheme runner and summoner; Waif anchor)
(anti-construct beat-stick; Waif anchor)
(scheme runner)
Soulstone Miner
(anti-construct hitter; Waif anchor)
Hodgepodge Effigy
(soul stones re-charger; scheme runner)
2x Hollow Waif
(Levi's life insurance)

Owen picked: Convict Labour and Inspection.
I took: Convict Labour and Take Prisoner (Ramos).

I was thinking about taking Set Up on Joss or Ramos and I should do that as taking Convict Labour when facing an endless tide of Spiders wasn't the beat idea...

Deployment (Levi deployed first, on the bottom of the photo):

My plan was to use Rider along my left flank on turn 1 and 2, get advantage on those quarters with a support from Levi and Rusty, when I'll defend my deployment quarter with my other models.

Turn 1
Initiative: Ramos

Key actions/moments:

- As usual the turn 1 was almost exclusively about movement. We moved our models along our flanks to seize quarters on turn 2. Owen concentrated more forces on his left flank which was OK with me as that gave me easier task to deal with remaining models on my left flank where Mech Rider, Levi and Rusty push forward.
- Joss killed Toolkit and Ramos raised two new Spiders.

Upkeep phase:
No VPs scored by either side.

Score after turn 1: Levi 0 - Ramos 0

Turn 2
Initiative: Levi

Key actions/moments:

- Levi tried to kill two Spiders but Owen cheated high cards for defense and Levi was able to kill just one Spider and hurt other. At least with the killed Spider he raised one Abomination.
- Ramos summoned more Spiders and cleverly used his Magnetism and put enormous pressure on Hodgepodge Effigy.
- Spiders rushed forward and put scheme markers for Convict Labour. Joss burnt Imbued Energies, rushed towards centre of the table and dropped scheme marker too.
- Rusty raised Abomination from scrap marker she summoned on Turn 1 and tried to hit tar-pitting Spider but hit only once.
- Mech Rider summoned first of my Spiders. She tried also kill enemy Spider but positive Df flip from Ramos' Arcing Screen negated any hit.
- I started dropping scheme markers but it was really hard to find a safe place to put them already (I told you it was a bad idea to take Convict Labour...).

Upkeep phase:
Levi; +1VP Interference
Ramos: +1VP Interference, +1VP Convict Labour

Score after turn 2: Levi 1 - Ramos 2

Turn 3
Initiative: Ramos

Key actions/moments:

- Ramos detonated Spider nearby Levi, Mech Rider and Rusty and then summoned 3 new ones. Well, we forgot that sacrificed models don't drop markers... ;)
Ramos also used Magnetism on Hodgepodge Effigy again. And if I only remembered that it has Hard to Kill... Thankfully those two mistakes were also our last two during this game ;)
- Joss walked and hit Rusty.
- Rusty hit Spider twice. Well she tried at least but she missed all (Ramos used his Arcing Screen again...).
- Levi killed Spider and summoned another Abomination. Then charged another one but hit only once and didn't kill it.
- The gargantuan battle between Abomination and Spider was taken place at the table edge and Abomination was the winner (Red Joker on damage flip).
- Johana charged Large Arachnid but hit only once. Accidentally I put her to close to the target instead at the 3'' range.
- Miner fought with Spider who tar-pitted him but my flips this round were so bad he didn't do any damage.
- Mech Rider summoned my second Spider and tried to kill enemy one - just guess with what effect.. ;)
- Necropunk walked twice and Leaped over on the enemy quarter which denied Owen a VP for Strategy this turn.

Upkeep phase:
Levi; +1VP Interference
Ramos: +1VP Convict Labour

Score after turn 3: Levi 2 - Ramos 3

Turn 4
Initiative: Levi

Key actions/moments:

- Rusty summoned Abomination from scrap marker and tried to hit Joss - miss again...
- Ramos walked once, he used Magnetism on one of my Spiders killing it and then he summoned two more Spiders.
- Joss killed Rusty
- On my side: Levi killed newly summoned Spider and then another one, Miner killed Spider, Johana killed the Spider but missed a swing at Large Arachnid who put her at the last wound (Hard to Kill).
- Mech Rider summoned next Spider and put a pressure on Ramos.
- Necropunk was engaged with enemy Spider and all he needed to do was to Leap and drop scheme marker so I could score Convict Labour. At this stage I had 5 cards on my hand where 5 was the highest one... Leap - no... Disengage flip - nope as I needed a 6 to success... crap...

Upkeep phase:
Levi; +1VP Interference
Ramos: +1VP Convict Labour, + 1VP Inspection

Score after turn 4: Levi 3 - Ramos 5

Turn 5
Initiative: Levi

Key actions/moments:

- Abomination walked and slapped Ramos.
- Joss charged and 'killed' Levi.
- Ramos being with 2'' of Abomination could raise only one Spider.
- Mech Rider charged the Spider who was in the corner of the table and killed it.
- There was some more movements this turn but game ended at this turn.

Upkeep phase:
Levi; +1VP Interference, +1VP Convict Labour, +3VP Take Prisoner

Final score: Levi 8 - Ramos 5

Few comments after the game:

On From Aether upgrade:
If I get some free 2SS it is worthy to take it as Rusty doesn't have any other (0)AP action anyway, but still I'm not its biggest fan. Need to try it again.

On Mech Rider:
Evil... Lovely evil model... ;)

On Ramos and Interference:
Bloody bugger was sending wave after wave of those pesky Spiders... I like him ;)

Till next time!