Game report - 03.12.2015
50SS Jack Daw (daniello_s) vs Lucius (Gavin)
Deployment: Close Deployment
Strategy: Squatter's Rights
Schemes: ALITS, Breakthrough, Protect Territory, Murder Protege, Frame for Murder
Gavin brought:
Lucius (6SS pool) - Legalese, Secret Assets, Surprisingly Loyal
Primordial Magic
Barbaros - Nephilim Gladiatus, Rapid Growth
Guard Sergeant
3x Guild Guard
3x Terror Tot
I took:
Jack Daw (4SS pool) - Writhing Torment, Twist and Turn, 3x Curses
(killer and curse thrower who is very mobile and supports his tormented crew with pushes and 'obeying' them when needed)
The Guilty
(his primary task was to torment Taelor and then allow Jack to borrow Share the Guilt to torment Specialist; scheme/strategy runner)
(heavy hitter whose main task was to engage Barbaros and kill him)
Freikorps Specialist
(shooting support whose slow Walk would be negated by being tormented at the Turn 1 and use Jack's push and obey to position him for shooting actions; Slow/Paralyzed removal )
(heavy hitter and condition removal)
(general support via her Take Your Meds action)
The Drowned
(scheme/strategy runner who would engage enemy model and guard Squatter marker )
Void Wretch
(scheme/strategy runner; Slow-thrower)
Gavin picked: Frame for Murder (Terror Tot) and Breakthrough (not revealed)
I took: Breakthrough and Murder Protege (Barbaros) - both revealed.
By revealing Murder Protege I wanted Gavin to make a difficult decision whether to keep Barbaros away from action which inevitably would take place at the centre line and try to negate me VP points or to use him more aggressively and risk being killed allowing me VP points for Murder Protege.
Also I decided to try Specialist this time as I had a feeling that with Jack he might perform really good, especially since it was Close Deployment.
Deployment (Jack deployed first):
Turn 1
Initiative: Jack Daw
Guilty made Taelor tormented and move towards centre line. Guards, using extra 1'' Walk bonus and Lucius advanced and tried to kill Drowned, but Nurse gave him proper meds to heal him fully. Johana charged Guard but missed horribly (I had really weak starting hand...).
Terror Tot which I suspected of being a Frame for Murder sucker, sprinted towards my guys stopping me from advancing towards centre line. I had two options then: either ignore him but he would really impede my movement next turn and possible even turn after or kill him with Specialist or Jack/Taelor.
As enemy guards were nicely clumped together I decided to save Specialist for later and I charged Tot with Jack. Now I know it was my mistake as I should try to kill Tot with Specialist. All I had to do is to focus and cheat damage flip for Moderate which would damage him for 3 and +1 Burning would finish him off without giving Gavin any victory points...
Of course Jack killed Tot easily but thanks to my shitty flips/hand he was unable to torment Specialist... At least Specialist removed Paralyzed condition from Drowned with his Move or Burn action.
Barbaros activated last and took a bait - he charged Guilty but his victim suffered only minor damage. Then Barbaros used his Cyclone Crash (0) action which pushed Taelor out of engagement range and gave her Slow... Not nice...
Upkeep phase:
Lucius: +3VP Frame for Murder
Score after turn 1: Jack Daw 0 - Lucius 3
Turn 2
Initiative: Jack Daw
Jack activated first and charged Barbaros beating him nicely (some damage prevented with soulstones but he was left with 5 wounds remaining) and gave him Firing and Drowning curses. Also what was most important he obeyed Taelor to engage Barbaros again.
Barbaros feeling his end might be soon used Penance to flip the Drowning Injustice face down, walked and used Cyclone Crash again but this time with minor results (only Jack was pushed away but thanks to this he tarpit another Tot and disallow it to flip Squatter Marker).
Nurse activated, pumped Taelor with meds to hike her damage with +2 bonus and then accomplice Taelor who took a swing at Barbaros burning a soulstone first to get a trigger negating damage prevention. This single swing was enough to kill poor Barbaros (6 damage + 1 for Fire Injustice) and give me +3VP for Murder Protege.
At this moment on my left flank there were only 2 Tots when I had there Jack, Taelor, Guilty and Nurse.
One Tot tried to hit Jack and he succeeded once with minimal damage and second Tot double walked to tarpit Specialist and Taelor. Specialist tried to disengaged but failed. Guilty used the opportunity to flip Squatter Marker.
On my right flank Johana killed one Guard and then she survived beating from other Guard. Void Wretch flipped Squatter Marker and went Defensive Stance which allowed him to survive attacks from Guild Guard and Sergeant. Lucius tried to inspire his Guards to attack Johana and Wretch but with limited success.
In the meantime Drowned joined this party and Primordial made Johana insignificant with his Nullify action.
Things looked very good for Jack and his crew at this moment :D
Upkeep phase:
Jack Daw: +1VP Strategy; +3VP Murder Protege
Score after turn 2: Jack Daw 4 - Lucius 3
Turn 3
Initiative: Jack Daw
On the right flank: Johana used flurry and she almost killed Guard. Sergeant charged her but she survived this and following attacks from nearby Guard on the last wound (Hard to Kill). Drowned swung at Guard but hit only once. Lucius used his tricks on his crew but none of Jack's crew members died in process. Primordial used successfully Nullify on Drowned. Wretch cast Slow on Guard and went Defensive securing Squatter Marker.
On my left flank Nurse Paralyzed Tot. Guilty moved and dropped scheme marker for Breakthrough. Second Tot tried to hit Jack but missed.
Taelor walked and flipped Squatter Marker.
Jack disengaged from Tot and dropped another scheme marker for Breakthrough. Then he obeyed Guilty to walk back to Tot.
Upkeep phase:
Jack Daw: +1VP Strategy;
Score after turn 3: Jack Daw 5 - Lucius 3
Turn 4
Initiative: Jack Daw
On my left flank:
Tot killed Guilty who was on last wound and then was shot once by Specialist for 3 damage and +1 Burning which effectively killed it at the end of the turn.
Nurse Paralyzed another Tot again.
On my right flank:
Johana killed Sergeant with flurry action and the she died from Guard's attack.
Taelor charged and killed Guard. Primordial tried to Nullify Taelor but without success.
Drowned double walked to tarpit Lucius and remaining Guard.
Lucius tried to kill Wretch but everything bounced off.
Jack walked twice and hit Guard with his range attack.
Wretch stayed as it was.
I had to bailed out from the shop at this moment and we ended the game at the turn 4.
To be honest nothing could snatch victory from my hands at this stage, even this Lucius' dirty trick to flip my scheme markers to his side as I was out activating him at this moment and I would easily drop two more scheme markers if needed.
I also had a dirty trick in my sleeve: Specialist could shoot at Guard or Drowned to trigger Wildfire and remove all scheme markers in 4'' area around them (there were 2 or 3 Gavin ones there).
Upkeep phase:
Jack Daw: +1VP Strategy; +3VP Breakthrough
Lucius: +3VP Breakthrough
Final Score: Jack Daw 9 - Lucius 6
Jack once again proved his versatility and Taelor was really good choice for prime beat-stick.
Unfortunately I couldn't torment Specialist on turn 1 and the I had no time to do that on next turns but he performed pretty good anyway thanks to his Slow/Paralyzed removal action.
Also I'm pretty happy with performance of the other models, especially with Nurse. As usual she was a very strong support model.
Till the next time!
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