Game report - 13.12.2015
50SS Leveticus (daniello_s) vs Ramos (Owen)
Deployment: Standard Deployment
Strategy: Turf War
Schemes: ALITS, Bodyguard, Assassinate, Power Ritual, Cursed Object
Owen brought:
Ramos (5SS pool) - Combat Mechanic, Field Generator, Under Pressure
Electrical Creation
Howard Langston
Steam Arachnid
I took:
Levi (5SS pool) - Desolate Soul, To the Earth Return, Tally Sheet
(ultimate killing machine who would stick close to the Turf Marker and try to kill enemy models with summoning Abominations if possible)
Ashes and Dust - Scramble
(ultimate scheme runner and killing machine in one package; Waif anchor)
Taelor - Oathkeeper
(anti-Construct hitter who can punish freshly summoned models straight away; Waif anchor)
Freikorps Librarian
(healing support; Bodyguard target; Waif anchor)
(anti-Construct hitter and condition removal; Waif anchor)
Hodgepodge Effigy
(soulstone re-supply model which combines nicely with Levi; scheme runner)
2x Hollow Waif
(Levi's life insurance)
Owen picked: Bodyguard (Joss) and Cursed Object
I took: Bodyguard (Librarian) and Power Ritual (revealed)
That was Owen's first game with Ramos so he was a bit worried especially since he was facing Levi with his killer-crew :D He also had a limited number of models to choose from.
I wasn't sure which scheme to choose as my second (ALITS or Power Ritual) but I decided to bring A&D which should give me a chance to zoom around the table and drop the scheme marker for Power Ritual within Owen's deployment zone at some stage of the game. Rest of the crew was to concentrate around Turf Marker except Librarian who would be held in the back and only support my wounded models without committing her into the fight.
Deployment (Ramos deployed first):
Turn 1
Initiative: Levi
Both crews moved toward Turf War marker.
Hodgepodge dropped Scheme Marker at my corner. A&D tried to tease Howard to move towards him by advancing relatively close.
Ramos out-activated me by killing Electric Creation and summoning 2 Steam Arachnids who would together with third one form the Swarm.
Thankfully before Levi activated as my last model, Coryphee took double walk staying far from my crew but still within single shot from Levi (2x Walk + Unmaking). Levi took this opportunity and attacked Coryphee killing it with summoning Abomination.
Howard walked and charged newly summoned Abomination. Thankfully Abomination is not only Construct but also Undead so I dropped Corpse Marker rather than Scrap Marker.
At the end of the turn Levi came back and was ready to kill Howard as long as I win initiative on Turn 2.
In other case I would suspect Levi to be 'killed' by angry construct.
Upkeep phase:
No VPs scored by either side.
Score after turn 1: Levi 0 - Ramos 0
Turn 2
Initiative: Levi - YEAH! :D
Hodgepodge activated first and put Loyalty to the Coin on Levi, then he used Accomplice on his master. Levi attacked Howard 3 times with Unmaking using ones his trigger from To the Earth Return upgrade and was able to kill the big dude and summon Abomination in his place. I was a little worried if I don't flip Black Joker somewhere during the attack (especially for Horror Duel) but Malifaux was on my side last night.
Death of Howard put Ramos on the defensive mode for the rest of the game and he utilized heavily his Arcing Screen action to protect himself and his construct from my attacks. Performer and Swarm took a cover in the wooden area to secure points for strategy and Joss moved on my right flank away from any fight.
Ramos summoned 3 Steam Arachnids from second Scrap Marker which was left from last turn. Those Arachnids formed another Swarm which flanked my on my right.
Taelor burnt Oathkeeper and charged it but couldn't kill it during her activation.
A&D zoomed along left flank to drop scheme markers for Power Ritual next turn.
Upkeep phase:
Levi: +1VP Strategy
Ramos: +1VP Startegy
Score after turn 2: Levi 1 - Ramos 1
Turn 3
Initiative: Ramos
Swarm walked and hit Taelor 3 times (thanks to this pesky trigger it has and my low defense flips...) dropping her to 5 wounds. Because there was Joss nearby Taelor hit Swarm once killing it and retreated behind cover. Unfortunately I forgot to use Welcome to Malifaux action.
Ramos summoned Steam Arachnid and walked into the cover casting the Arcing Screen again. He also used Magnetism on my Abomination to position himself in the soft cover.
Hodgepodge did same trick as previous turn and Levi killed Arachnid and summoned Abomination. Because Levi was too far to attack anyone else he used his (0) action to jump in base contact with freshly summoned Abomination (sacrificing it) and he attacked twice Performer killing her raising another Abomination in the process.
A&D dropped two scheme markers (in case if one would be somehow removed) in the opponent's corner of the table.
Joss seeing that the game was really and truly lost at this stage took double walk behind the building.
Two Abomination tarpit Ramos and Swarm.
Upkeep phase:
Levi: +1VP Strategy
Ramos: +1VP Startegy
Score after turn 3: Levi 2 - Ramos 2
Turn 4
Initiative: Ramos
Ramos put Cursed Object on Abomination, cast Screen and took defensive stance. Then he Accomplice Swarm who gave another Abomination Cursed Object and then took defensive stance as well.
I employed nasty trick to remove Cursed Objects from my Abominations - one 'bit' it friendly Abomination for a card and killed it, then Levi used (0) action to get in base contact with other one and sacrificed it. Because Levi was on last 2 wounds he couldn't Channel but took 3 swings at Ramos hitting him only once but for whooping 8 damage which was firstly reduced to 6 (armor) and then to 3 (damage prevention).
A&D bored with scheme running walked once and then charged Swarm killing it (before the charge Swarm had 8 wounds left).
Librarian walked into safe zone and the I announced Bodyguard on her.
Joss double walked and announced his Bodyguard.
Taelor and Johana advanced towards Levi and Ramos.
Upkeep phase:
Levi: +1VP Strategy, +1VP Bodyguard
Ramos: +1VP Boduguard
Score after turn 4: Levi 4 - Ramos 3
Turn 5
Initiative: Ramos
Ramos hit Levi hoping to kill him but I prevented the damage. Then he summoned 2 Arachnids and used Screen again.
Taelor charged Arachnid but missed. Then Johana walked and hit Arachnid killing it.
A&D charged Ramos hitting him but was pushed away with Ramos' defensive trigger. Then A&D pushed into base contact with scrap marker and attacked other Arachnid killing it with summoning Abomination. Levi sacrifice it to get two cards as my hand for last 2 turns was below average but didn't gain anything substantial from this. Then he attacked Ramos hurting him but was pushed away himself. The I tried to snatch some VPs from Owen and walked Levi once and shot at Joss but Levi missed.
Game ended on this turn.
Upkeep phase:
Levi: +1VP Strategy, +2VP Bodyguard
Ramos: +2VP Boduguard
Score after turn 5: Levi 10 - Ramos 5
It was really bad game for Ramos when first 2 Levi's attacks tipped the balance on my side.
Levi was definitely the star of the game - he killed 28SS worth of models. I also summoned 4 or 5 Abominations which were actually the only models which died or were sacrificed in my crew.
I'm sure Owen will soon get an experience with Ramos as he quickly did with Colette. I'm sure he will also get more much needed models for his crew so my next game will be way bloody on my side than this one.
I pointed out during our post-game review that in my opinion he shouldn't form his Arachnids into the Swarm so early in the game and just rushed them into my crew so I would have to deal with them first allowing him to secure points for strategy and giving him a chance to put Cursed Object on my models.
We also concluded that we had to next time put some more LOS blocking and cover terrains around the centre of the table as it was a bit too clear
Till next time!
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