Report: Jinglefaux - 28.12.2015, 50SS fixed faction event
On 28.12.2015 in Gamersworld, Dublin was held a one day, 50SS fixed faction event.
As it was a X-mas/holiday time this event was slightly different than the others.
First of all we played two rounds only but without 5 turn per round limit.
Secondly the strategies we played were not those we used to play throughout a year (aka normal from rulebook or Gaining Grounds 2015 ones) but a modified story encounters with special terrains:
I hope TO (Owen) will not kill me for a copy-and-paste input from the rules-pack :D)
1) Santa’s Sleigh (using the Supply Wagon story encounter rules) with the Ancient
Monument terrain which will be represented by a Statue of Santa!
2) Find the Presents (using the Treasure Hunt story encounter rules) with the
Junkyard terrain to represent some extra special Christmas Presents!
3) Christmas Party (using the Shindig story encounter and Interference rules) with
the Forbidden Text terrain to represent some Christmas Stories!
(for more details about Story Encounters and Special Terrains please refer to the Malifaux Rulebook)
We were randomly assigned the encounter for the first round and we all played Shindig in the round 2.
Also there were some special Triggers setup which happened when the fate did or didn't favor you with your flips:
Faster than You Upgrade
Trigger – You flip a Red Joker; Benefit – Your opponent gains the Faster than You
Upgrade which he must immediately attach to an eligible model in his crew (model
may discard Upgrade at any stage in activation to gain Fast)
Too much Eggnog Condition
Trigger – You Paralyze a model; Benefit – Target model gains the Too much Eggnog
Condition (model may be pushed 3″ in any direction when damaged; this condition
is removed when the Paralyze condition is removed)
Better Lucky than Good Upgrade
Trigger – You flip moderate or severe (not Red Joker) damage on a -/–/— flip;
Benefit – Your opponent gains the Better Lucky than Good Upgrade which he must
immediately attach to an eligible model in his crew. The model gains the following
tactical action: (0) I’ve Been a Good Boy this Year, this model gains the Focused (1)
Too Much Turkey Upgrade
Trigger – You flip weak (not Black Joker) damage on a +/++ flip (and you don’t cheat
it!); Benefit – Your model model gains the Too Much Turkey Upgrade (regardless of
attached upgrades) with the following tactical action: (0) Stumble Away, this model
may be immediately pushed 2″ in any direction.
Finally for a Shindig story we used the Red Joker as if it was flip when generating this strategy and we also agreed that you can't Obey enemy model to hit and damage one of your models to score +2VP in this strategy.
The deployment was to be generated by the players before start of the game.
As usual I was coming with my trusty Outcasts and I decided to use the Master which in my opinion among Outcasts brings the X-mas spirit the best - Jack Daw :) (and also because at the last tournament I haven't played Jack at all)
Round 1
Deployment: Standard Deployment
Strategy: Santa's Sleigh
Schemes: ALITS, Distract, Breakthrough, Take Prisoner, Deliver a Message
My first opponent was Gavin and his tricky Collodi. We flipped for the Attacker/Defender and Gavin was attacker:
Collodi (4SS pool) - Breathe Life, Fated, Strum the Threads
3x Marionette
2x Wicked Doll
Brutal Effigy
Baby Kade
As Defender flip I had a Mask so my Strategy was to 'Set up camp' (see rulebook).
I took:
Jack Daw (4SS pool) - Writhing Torment, Twist and Turn, 3x Curses
(Curse-giver and reasonably good hitter who also supports his Tormented crew)
(heavy hitter which would be Tormented via The Guilty's action)
(as above plus condition removal)
(shooting platform which would be Tormented as well)
The Guilty
(model which allows grant Tormented to other models; he would camp at enemy half of the table)
2x Void Wretches
(Breakthrough and Strategy-runners)
(general support thanks to Take Your Meds action)
Gavin picked: Breakthrough and Deliver a Message (both revealed)
I took: Breakthrough (revealed) and Take Prisoner (Collodi)
Deployment (Jack deployed first):
Note 1: The table mats we used that day were 4'x4' so deployment pics might look deceptive.
Note 2: The Santa represents Ancient Monument :D
Note 3: All pics are taken from my side so Jack's crew is (mostly) at the closer plane.
Turn 1
Initiative: Collodi
Key moments/actions:
- we moved towards each other and both our crew focused their movement towards the centre of the table except Coryphee who was flanking me on my right and my Void Wretch who was running along my left flank.
- thanks to Collodi's movement shenanigans Gavin was able to put more models near Wagon marker and he could moved it at the end of the turn.
Upkeep phase:
No VPs scored by either side.
Score after turn 1: Jack Daw 0 - Collodi 0
Turn 2
Initiative: Collodi
Key moments/actions:
- Nurse gave Teddy meds making him a monster in melee (+2 damage) but shorting his actions to melee only. In response Baby Kade used Where's Teddy? to push his fluffy friend in engagement range with Jack and Guilty. Thankfully Taelor was nearby and she charged Teddy hitting him for 9 damage in total (I love Relic Hammers :D) but what was more important she used her trigger to push him 3'' away (which basically 'paralyzed' Teddy for this turn). Later this turn Lazarus finished off Teddy and also was able to clip Baby Kade thanks to severe damage and double blast effect from his gun.
- Coryphee advanced on my right flank and dropped scheme marker for Breakthrough. Guilty 'transferred' Tormented characteristic from Lazarus on Johana and thanks to this Johana went into engagement range with Coryphee (and then I was told Coryphee is immune to Disengaging Strikes...)
- Collodi used his Wicked Doll to Deliver a Message to Jack. In response Jack killed this Doll, moved and killed Baby Kade.
- Wagon was moved again by Collodi's crew.
Upkeep phase:
Jack Daw: + 1VP Strategy
Collodi : +3VP Deliver a Message
Score after turn 2: Jack Daw 1 - Collodi 3
Turn 3
Initiative: Jack Daw
Key moments/actions:
- Johana used flurry against Coryphee but all she needed was a first blow with Severe Damage. Did I mention how I love Relic Hammers before? :D
- A lonely Marionette run as fast as it could on my left flank to drop markers for Breakthrough but she was quickly followed by Jack.
- I dropped 2 scheme markers for Breakthrough with my Void Wretches
- Collodi and Brutal Effigy retreated towards the corner in their deployment zone and were followed by my crew.
- Taelor killed Marionette and other Marionette charged The Guilty.
- I moved the Wagon this turn.
Upkeep phase:
Jack Daw: + 1VP Strategy
Score after turn 3: Jack Daw 2 - Collodi 3
Turn 4:
Initiative: Jack Daw
Key moments/actions:
- Jack Daw killed the Marionette which he chased the last turn.
- Taelor killed last Marionette. At this moment on the table Gavin had Brutal Effigy and Collodi.
- As Gavin guessed correctly that my second scheme is Take Prisoner on Collodi he run away from my crew killing one of my Void Wretches in the meantime.
- Guilty made Lazarus Tormented again.
Upkeep phase:
Jack Daw: + 1VP Strategy
Score after turn 4: Jack Daw 3 - Collodi 3
Turn 5:
Initiative: Jack Daw
Key moments/actions:
- I gave a chase after Collodi but unfortunately he slipped away from Jack Daw
- Brutal Effigy killed Void Wretch
- I dropped more scheme markers for Breakthrough
- Wagon stayed where it was.
- I flipped 11 for Turn 6!
Upkeep phase:
Jack Daw: + 1VP Strategy
Score after turn 5: Jack Daw 4 - Collodi 3
Turn 6
Initiative: Collodi
Key moments/actions:
- Collodi walked twice and dropped one scheme marker for Breakthrough.
- Lazarus killed Brutal Effigy
- Jack Daw gave chase after Collodi and was followed by Lazarus and Nurse who also Paralyzed Collodi
- I moved the Wagon this turn
- Flip for Turn 7 - Red Joker, but we agreed to stop playing here.
Upkeep phase:
Jack Daw: + 3VP Take Prisoner, +3VP Breakthrough
Collodi: +2VP Strategy Wagon was on Attacker's half of the table, +1VP Breakthrough
Final score: Jack Daw 10 - Collodi 6
Jack and his crew confirmed they were really in X-mas mood during this game.
Round 2 report to follow shortly...
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