Monday, 30 November 2015

Nordicon 28.11.2015 - 50SS fixed faction tournament - part 2

Game report - 28.11.2015 Nordicon, Belfast - 50SS fixed faction tournament - part 2

After two games I was on 2nd place right behind Mike and his Molly so I knew the next game won't be easy one...

For the reminder those were the strategies/schemes for last two games of the tournament:
Round 3
Strategy : Extraction
Deployment : Close Deployment
Schemes : Distract,Assassinate,Make Them Suffer,Take Prisoner, ALiTS
Round 4
Strategy : Stake a Claim
Deployment : Standard Deployment
Schemes : Breakthrough,Assassinate,Take Prisoner,Frame for Murder, ALiTS

Round 3

Mike... My personal nemezis... :D

Mike's crew:

Molly - Forgotten Life, Tear of the Gorgon, Take Back the Night - 7SS pool
Madame Sybelle - Bleeding Tongue
2x Guild Autopsy
Carrion Effigy
Night Terror

I took:

Ash Viki (4SS pool) - Sisters in Spirit, Sisters in Fury, Synchronized Slaying
(sling-shot machine for her twin-Sister and killing machine herself)
Blood Viki - Oathkeeper, Mark of Shez'ull
(main killer in the crew)
(general support for the crew with extra card each round on the top of everything else)
(Sister-healer who benefits also from Sisters in Fury, Ca damage dealer)
Freikorps Librarian
(healing support)
Freikorps Trapper
(forwardly deployed, annoying Minion :D)
(beat-stick and condition removal)
Malifaux Child
(Sisters in Fury caster, healing support)

We both picked: Assassinate and Make Them Suffer.

I have never played against Molly before but seeing Killjoy in the crew I was sure some dirty trick will be involved. And I wasn't left disappointed - Mike showed me a dirty trick straight on the turn 1...

Deployment (Viks were deploying first)

Key moments in the game:

Turn 1:
- Mike wins initiative, activates Molly who walks once, summons Guild Autopsy who dies straight away as there is no enemy model nearby - that makes Killjoy unbury in front of my models. Mike also summons Punk Zombie. Killjoy chain-activates and charges Ash Viki. My reasonable high cheats meets Mike's extremely high cheats (Red Joker and 13) and even burning all my soulstones could not prevent first turn kill of my Master and 3VP for Assassination. Right after that I was ready to call a game but as it was a tournament I had to play to the bitter end...

Turn 2-5:
- Mike summons in total over 35SS worth of models  - couple Punk Zombies, 2x Student of Viscera (after I killed one he summoned other) and he slowly worn me down to my last two models - Malifaux Child and Trapper.
- I'm able to score 2 points for Make Them Suffer and 1 for strategy. Still I'm surprised I was able to withstand to the last turn...

Final score: Viks 3 - Molly 7

That was a brutal lesson of what Molly can do... Well, no pain, no gain as the wise man said. Now I know Molly's basic tricks and I'll be prepared better next time :D

Round 4

I was currently sitting on the 4th place but still I had a chance to be 2nd or 3rd but first I needed to win against Matt (who was currently 3rd) and his Neverborn master. I was expecting Lynch but Matt picked Dreamer instead. I thought 'great, another master I'll play for the first time...' :D

I don't remember exactly what Matt has in his crew (upgrade-wise) but it looked something like this:

Dreamer - Dreams of Pain (6/7SS pool)
Mr Graves - unknown upgrade
Mr Tannen - unknown upgrade
2x Waldgeist
2x Day Dream

I took:

Tara (5SS pool) - Dead of Winter, Knowledge of Eternity, Obliteration Symbiote
(burying/unburying shenanigans, slow/fast caster)
Malifaux Child
(slow/fast caster)
Death Marshal
(burying shenanigans which can remove one of the enemy key models without killing it)
Nothing Beast - Void Shield
(very mobile beat-stick)
2x Void Wretch
(strategy runners, slow casters, healing and condition removal for buried models )
(beat-stick and condition removal)

Matt picked: Breakthrough (revealed) and Take a Prisoner (one of the Void Wretches).
I picked: Assassinate and Frame for Murder (Killjoy). I was expecting Killjoy to be killed soon after he jumps out and tries to kill Dreamer but I should take something else instead.

I had no idea what I could possibly expect from my opponent except one thing: it is not going to be an easy game :D


Key moments in the game:

- Despite double obstacles (2x Germinate) Tara drops Killjoy who kills one Waldgeist on turn 1.
- Killjoy is being paralyzed at the start of turn 2 (don't remember what triggered this) but Tara buries him and Void Wretch removes this pesky condition from him, which makes him ready for action when Tara reactivates. Happy Killjoy kills another Waldgeist.
- Mr Tannen and Mr Graves advance way to close to fast Johana (fast from Malifaux Child) and Nothing Beast - both my models charge Mr Graves killing him.
- Summoned Stitched Together (2 of them) are dying faster than they can do anything substantial. Summoned Coppelius dies quite quick as well.
- Silurid leaps and drops scheme markers and claim marker but Tara also is able to drop claim markers negating Matt's ones and giving me a 1VP point for strategy over the course of the game while Matt is not able to score a single point for strategy.
- Mr Tannen, being on double Defensive Stance, survives two turns of heavy beating from Johana and Nothing Beast.
- Killjoy finally is able to jump on Dreamer on the Turn 4 reaping him apart and giving me 3VP for Assassinate.
- Delay in killing Mr Tannen disallows me to engage Silurid and remove opponent's scheme and claim markers. When claim markers are negated by my claim markers, Matt is still able to score 3VP for Breakthrough.

Final score: Tara 4 - Dreamer 3

In the meantime Mike defeats Mark which allows me to jump back on the 2nd place in the final ranking! Yay! :D

That was a very nice and well organized tournament. Robert deserved an A+ for the organization - big thanks to him.
I also want to thanks to my opponents for the challenging games and I hope I'll see all of the guys at Paddyfaux on March 2016. 

Till next time!

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