Game report - 01.10.2015
50SS Von Schill (daniello_s) vs Kirai (Mike)
Deployment: Corner Deployment
Strategy: Reconnoiter
Schemes: ALITS, Protect Territory, Bodyguard, Cursed Object, Outflank
Mike brought:
Kirai (7SS pool) - Unforgiven
Lost Love
Datsue Ba - Spirit Beacon, Spirit Whispers
Bete Noire
2x Rotten Belle
Chiaki the Niece
I took:
Von Schill (4SS pool) - The Shirt..., Survivalist, Oathkeeper
Steam Trunk
Freikorps Strongarm
2x Freikorps Trapper
Freikorps Librarian
Hodgepodge Effigy
Freikorps Specialist
Mike picked: Protect Territory (revealed) and Bodyguard (Chiaki).
I took: Protect Territory (revealed) and Bodyguard (Librarian)
Second game with Von Schill as my master and straight away I'm thrown under the bus as Kirai in Mike's hands is like Viks in mine :D
I was expecting to face Ressers although I was thinking that Mike will grab Nicodem or Tara and that's why I took two Trappers. If I knew Kirai is waiting for me I would pick one Trapper only.
and crews deployment:
Turn 1
My plan on Turn 1 was easy - win initiative, focus with one Trapper and kill Lost Love. The I would possible loose that Trapper because of Ikiryo but that would open me a way to harass one flank with second Trapper (who would shoot Datsue) and Von Schill who would run towards Datsue and Belle and try to wreck the havoc there.
Second flank was secured by Strongarm (who would go after Kirai to put some pressure on her), Librarian and Specialist.
Plan was good but Mike won initiative and moved Lost Love out of Trappers sight. Well, that forced me to take another plan, the one I called 'passive resistance' - do not attack unless it is absolutely necessary :D
Turn 1 was overall about movement. Nothing major happened there except the fact that Mike thanks to the poor hand didn't summon anything :D
Upkeep phase - No VP score by either side;
Score after turn 1: Von Schill 0 - Kirai 0
Turn 2
As usual with summoners the things started to turn from OK to bad - Mike summoned The Hanged and Drowned.
I repositioned my models and dropped scheme marker from Protect Territory.
Von Schill run forward to jump in between cluster of enemies as I noticed that if performed correctly there will be no place to put Ikiryo after my Von Schill's charge.
Specialist couldn't kill Sheishin in single shot...
Upkeep phase - Von Schill +1VP Strategy; Kirai +1VP Strategy;
Score after turn 2: Von Schill 1 - Kirai 1
Turn 3
The Hanged tried to cast Whispers from beyond on Von Schill but he deflected the attack.
The I decided to go wild: after burning Oathkeeper I charged The Hanged (and I missed once, then I flipped Black Joker on damage) and then I charged Lost Love - Mike used his hand heavily to put me on negative flips for damage and I wasn't lucky enough to inflict 3 wounds on the target. Still I had 0 action left and Mike was sure I'll use Finish the Cur but I knew it would bring Ikiryo and Bete at the same time so I decided to gamble and I use The Shirt... to make Horror tests on 5 enemy models. Mike had average to low cards on hand so I was hoping to paralyze at least few models. Unfortunately only one Belle was left paralyzed... Malifaux wasn't in my favour that night...
Von Schill took small beating and Kirai together with Drowned advanced towards my guys teasing me to attack one of them so but I really didn't need Ikiryo there :D
Upkeep phase - Von Schill +1VP Strategy; Kirai +1VP Strategy;
Score after turn 3: Von Schill 2 - Kirai 2
Turn 4
Lost Love activated and made a room for Ikiryo to come in in case if Von Schill kills him.
Then Von Schill tried to disengage from Datsue and Lost Love so he could charge Chiaki (he was to far for direct charge) but Mike cheated flips with extreme high cards so Von Schill was grounded.
Then massive barrage of hits felt on Von Schill from various models around (including Red Joker on damage in one instance) so he had to die...
Kirai summoned another Hanged close to my guys and I knew I have to run away with Librarian to secure points for Bodyguard.
Chiaki run towards the cover but she run nicely into Trappers fire zone - he shot and dropped here below half of her wounds! Unfortunately there was Nurse nearby who on straight flip (even without cheating) healed her...
Having advantage in models Kirai without problems denied me victory points for strategy till the rest of the game.
At the end of the turn we both announced Bodyguard schemes.
Upkeep phase - Von Schill +1VP Bodyguard; Kirai +1VP Strategy, +1VP Bodyguard;
Score after turn 4: Von Schill 3 - Kirai 4
Turn 5
Strongarm charged Hanged and killed him. Bete unburied and flurried on Trapper with minor damage but with paralyze trigger so I had to use Specialist to remove this condition from my guy. Librarian run behind LOS blocking terrain.
I tried to secure VP points for Protect Territory by taking double Defensive Stance on Hodgepodge Effigy and retrieving two Trappers close to the markers but Kirai has pulled a dirty trick: she brought forawrd two Shieshins so she could easily move away from Strongarm and then killed Trapper with two shots.
After that Belle moved and lured successfully Hodgepodge away from my scheme marker denying me 2VPs for Protect Territory.
The Hanged tried to cast Whispers from beyond on Librarian but this bounced off from the target.
Game has ended on this turn.
Upkeep phase - Von Schill +2VP Bodyguard, +1VP Protect Territory; Kirai +1VP Strategy, +2VP Bodyguard, +3VP Protect Territory;
Final score: Von Schill 6 - Kirai 10
Few comments after the game:
- I was expecting to face other master than Kirai, hence my choice of 2x Trapper and Specialist. Having Specialist was for testing purposes to be honest as I don't really see him in Von Schill's crew (he is to slow) but rather in Jack Daw's or Hamelin's crew. These choices resulted in one of the most bizarre Malifaux game I ever had - I haven't attacked a single model for two turns and even after I was reluctant to do so :D
- Generally this time fate wasn't in my favour as my flips were below the average...
- And as the last the general comment about one thing: summoning stuff is a (par me my French) 'fucked up game mechanic' which is absolutely no-brainer when Reconnoiter or Interference is a strategy. Well, at least this is my opinion in this matter. Anyway, I need to learn how to deal with Kirai as I'm pretty confident how to deal with i.e. Nicodem.
Kirai's ability to summon Seishin in 6'' distance, then basically swapping it for something nasty like The Hanged is bad enough but when backed by Ikiryo and Bete lurking and ready to strike is becomes drastic.
At least Nicodem can be dealt in the distance...
Till next time!
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