Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Game Report 06.10.15 50SS Von Schill vs Colette

Game report - 06.10.2015

50SS Von Schill (daniello_s) vs Colette (Owen)

Deployment: Corner Deployment

Strategy: Reckoning
Schemes: ALITS, Bodyguard, Assassinate, Plant Evidence, Frame for Murder

Owen brought:
(7SS pool) - Practised Production, Cabaret Choreography

Cassandra - Smoke and Mirrors
Howard Langston
Mechanical Dove

I took:
Von Schill (4SS pool) - The Shirt..., Survivalist, Oathkeeper 
Steam Trunk 
Freikorps Strongarm
2x Freikorps Trapper
Freikorps Librarian
Hodgepodge Effigy
Freikorps Specialist

Owen picked: Bodyguard (Cassandra) and Plant Evidence (not revealed)
I took: Bodyguard (Librarian) and Plant Evidence (revealed)

Despite the fact that I have never played against Colette before when I saw Owen's crew I knew it will be a tough game and Owen prove it to be correct :D
I decided to give the last chance to Specialist in Von Schill's crew and see if he can finally earn his place in the crew. 


and crews deployment

NOTE: Owen didn't have a chance to assembly his models before the game so we agreed he can proxy everything with Legion of Everblight models (which looks really, really cool).

Turn 1
I tried to inflict a first turn casualty so I focused my Trapper and shot Performer. Unfortunately Owen cheated defensife flip with 13 when my highest card was 12...
Then Colette showed me how crazy mobile her crew is. She used Prompt on Cassandra to push her and walk. The Cassandra Nimble and charged Trapper - first blow bounced off, second landed with Red Joker on damage - Trapper was gone...
Howard moved 3 times and later was Prompted by Cassandra to walk dangeroulsy close to secon Trapper.
I had to save that guy so Von Schill triple walk towards his buddy. In the meantime Trapper fired twice at Howard inflicting 4 wounds in total.

Upkeep phase - No VP score by either side; Score after turn 1: Von Schill 0 - Colette 0

Turn 2 
I won initiative so Hodgepodge activated and used Loyalty to he Coin, then chain activate Von Schill who charged Howard. Von Schill had to be very angry for losing one of his Trappers as he has torn apart poor Howard to the pieces. I was expecting Frame for Murder on Howard but I was surprised when Owen said I was wrong :D

Cassandra used her superior movement and charged Strongarm (2 wounds inflicted). She also used Southern Hospitality.
I decided to swing at her with Strongarm but I really should focus and hit her once as she bounced off the hit and with her defensive trigger she pushed out of melee and drop scheme marker.
Joss and Colette were advancing towards Strongarm and Cassandra so I decided to reinforce that flank with Specialist and Librarian. Also I knew that next turn I'll move Von Schill back to hep them out.

As usual for Colette and her crew loads of scheme markers were placed here and there on the table :D  

Upkeep phase - No VP score by either side; Score after turn 2: Von Schill 0 - Colette 0

Turn 3 
Having Joss really close (and Colette) lurking nearby I withdrew Strongarm towards Specialist and Librarian.
The Specialist fired twice at Cassandra - first hit her for 2 damage (and +1 Burning), second hit for 2 damage as well but she prevented whole damage. Then Cassandra decided it is a good time to run away.
I dropped scheme marker for Plant evidence and relocate Von Schill towards my Freikorps to give them his famous kind-of Hard to Kill ability in case if Joss decides to go for kill.
Joss decided to flank me instead.

Upkeep phase - No VP score by either side; Score after turn 3: Von Schill 0 - Colette 0

Turn 4 
Specialist walked and tried to snipe Dove but he only hit for 2 damage.
Joss tarpit Strongarm and Specialist. I was now expecting Frame for Murder on that guys so Strongarm took double Defensive Stance and Von Schill relocated.
Librarian run away to secure VP for Bodyguard.
We both dropped more scheme markers and at the end of the turn we both announced Bodyguard.
I needed one more wound on Cassandra to deny Owen full VP for Bodyguard - the hunt for Cassandra begun :D 

Upkeep phase:
Von Schill: +1VP Bodyguard; 
Colette: +1VP Bodyguard;  
Score after turn 4: Von Schill 1 - Colette 1
Turn 5
I realised Owen might not have Frame for Murder on Joss so Strongarm charged him and wounded him for 3 damage. Joss swung at Specialist but bounced off then he took Defensive Stance.
I relocated Trapper to cover one flank. Colette triple walk and tarpit Von Schill.
Von Schill charged her in effort to get closer to Cassandra, performer and Mannequin but both swings missed. Then he tried to disengage but Owen cheated with high card.
Cassandra duck behind Mannequin, Performer and dense terrain. 

We flipped for the turn 6 - 12! So we will play turn 6!

Upkeep phase:
Von Schill: +1VP Bodyguard; 
Colette: +1VP Bodyguard;  
Score after turn 5: Von Schill 2 - Colette 2

Turn 6
Trapper couldn't see Cassandra but took two shots at Performer - first hit for 3 damage, but second bounced off thanks to another Owen's cheat with high card (13 vs my highest card being 12).
Strongarm was very upset with this fact and he killed Joss with two swings (first was moderate with no damage reduction trigger and second was severe).
Von Schill was impressed with Strongarm's performance so he burnt Oathkeeper and with 5 swings (Finish the Cur!) he killed Colette. 

After that we decided to call the game.

Upkeep phase:
Von Schill: +1VP Startegy, +1VP Bodyguard, +3VP Plant Evidence
Colette: +1VP Bodyguard, +3VP Plant Evidence

Final score: Von Schill 7 - Colette 6

Few comments after the game:
- Specialist... nope... at least not in Von Schill's crew. I see him with Jack Daw or Hamelin  but not Von Schill. He is to slow and his gun is 10'' range only. With Jack at least you can Torment him and push him around and Hamelin can Obey him to move into position and fire.
- Trappers are awesome but I need to place them carefully next time, especially when I'm facing ultra mobile crew like Colette's one.
- Which brings me to my last comment - Collete is awesome :D

Till next time!