Game report - 23.10.2015
50SS Hamelin (daniello_s) vs Colette (Owen)
Deployment: Corner Deployment
Strategy: Turf War
Schemes: ALITS, Bodyguard, Distract, Plant Explosives, Spring the Trap
Owen brought:
Colette (6SS pool) - Practised Production, Cabaret Choreography
Cassandra - Smoke and Mirrors
Joss - Open Current
Mechanical Dove
One note before I reveal what I decided to use: from now on, when I show my crew I'll add some short note beside each model explaining why I picked them and their task during the game.
I took:
Hamelin (3SS pool) - The Piper, I Pay Better
(Obey heavily my crew; 6'' 'no charge' zone; access to extra focus for my crew)
(heavy-hitter with double positive damage flips against Constructs, who also can negate armor, hard to kill or disallow using soulstones for damage prevention)
(second heavy hitter with double positive damage flips against Constructs; condition removal; ALITS scheme runner)
Freikorps Trapper
(forwardly deployed model who should take out enemy Performer on turn 1 and harass enemy from the distance)
Freikorps Librarian
(target for my Bodyguard scheme; healing support)
2x Ronin
(Turf War marker guards who can't be charged and have Hard to Kill; ALITS scheme runners)
Desperate Mercenary
(ALITS scheme runner who can't be charged)
Owen picked: ALITS (revealed) and Plant Explosives
I took: Bodyguard (Librarian) and ALITS (revealed)
My first game with Hamelin and straight away I was against one of the trickiest masters in the Malifaux with the scheme pool which makes Colette more than happy and smiling. I knew I need to kill Performers as soon as ppossible and defend the centre of the table at all cost.
Turn 1
Initiative duel: Colette
Generally we both rushed towards the centre of the table. Owen moved Coryphee along his left flank and Dove to the right. Thanks to practised Production first scheme marker was placed on the centre line (near Dove).
I moved forward with my guys with only Desperate Merc running along my left flank (she as relatively save there as only a Dove was nearby her).
Trapper focused and shot twice at Performer but thanks to Owen's crazy good defensive flips (including Red Joker) none reached the target.
Hamelin summoned Stolen.
Upkeep phase - No VP score by either side;
Score after turn 1: Hamelin 0 - Colette 0
Turn 2
Initiative duel: Colette
Owen entrenched himself with near Turf War marker with Joss, Performer and later with Cassandra. Coryphee flanked me to drop scheme marker on the far side of the table. More scheme markers appeared on Arcanist's side.
Trapper took a chance and killed Performed. Unfortunately she was close to Cassandra who got Reactivate in the process. Cassy used Southern Hospitality, triple walked towards Trapper and after that she reactivated and hit him twice with minor damage which was healed soon by Librarian.
Taelor discarded card for focus and charged at Cassandra hitting her for 5 damage with first hit. Then I made a huge mistake: I forgot to burn soulstone to add positive flip for Taelor's attack which would level Cassandra's Southern Hospitality. As a result I missed and Cassy pushed away. I tried to Obey Taelor and swung at her again but I failed to Obey once and I had to try to hit her without focus - miss again and Cassy dropped scheme marker near my models - Plant Explosives, here I go! :D
Stolen moved toward the centre of the table to be killed by Mannequin later.
Ronins moved and took defensive stance near Turf War marker. Johana went there to support them as well.
Desperate Merc prepared herself to drop scheme marker far. far away from any action.
Dove moved and exploded my crew in the face - Ronin and summoned Stolen took a hit.
Upkeep phase:
Hamelin: +1VP Strategy
Colette: +1VP Strategy, +3VP Plant Explosives
Score after turn 2: Hamelin 1 - Colette 4
Turn 3
Initiative duel: Colette
Cassy tried to kill Trapper but he survived on the last wound. Taelor said it is enough and killed Cassy.
Coryphee after dropping scheme marker thanks to the Practised Production rushed back towards centre which was still held by Colette, Joss and Performer all with at least +1 Defensive Stance on each.
Ronins and Merc dropped scheme markers for ALITS.
Johana killed Mannequin and dropped a scheme marker.
Trapper failed to kill Dove (high cards cheats for defence).
Librarian healed Trapper and moved out along left flank to score Bodyguard next turn.
Upkeep phase:
Hamelin: +1VP Strategy
Colette: +1VP Strategy
Score after turn 3: Hamelin 2 - Colette 5
Turn 4
Initiative duel: Hamelin
Ronin charged Joss hitting him for 4 damage. Coryphee double walked to support Joss. Performer and Colette entrenched themselves again to score Turf War points. I tried to kill Coryphee with Taelor and Johana but my flips were miserable and I hit her for 2 damage only. Obeying didn't help to much as additional blows from Johana and Taelor missed the target...
Merc dropped scheme marker for ALITS.
At the end of the turn I declared Bodyguard on Librarian.
Upkeep phase:
Hamelin: +1VP Strategy, +1VP Bodyguard
Colette: +1VP Strategy
Score after turn 3: Hamelin 4 - Colette 6
Turn 5
Initiative duel: Hamelin
Ronin flurried at Coryphee but missed everything. Joss killed Ronin via Colette's prompt.
Taelor killed Coryphee and tarpit Joss using her 3'' melee range. Dove flew between her and Joss to block LOS between them (our mistake as Dove is Ht 1 only so it couldn't block LOS between Joss and Taelor). Johana killed Dove. Then Performer did same thing as Dove but died from Johana's blow (Obey). Joss took moved and swung at Taelor but missed.
Ronin and Trapper fired at Colette inflicting 4 damage in total.
Flip for turn 6 - nope.
Game has ended here.
Upkeep phase:
Hamelin: +1VP Strategy, +2VP Bodyguard, +3VP ALITS
Colette: +1VP Strategy, +3VP ALITS
Final score: Hamelin 10 - Colette 10
Few comments after first game with 'Obey-style' Hamelin.
- Obey action which requires straight 7+ flips is a powerful thing. Maybe less powerful than Colette's Prompt but still it is something Outcasts really can entertain. Of course someone can find it boring to have a master who basically stands his ground from turn 2 on and try to obey everything around but it is quite effective.
- I Pay Better is amazing - giving extra Focus at the cost of low card is really nice and I think it is a must have in 'Obey-style' Hamelin crew were the bulk of his models have a Mercenary trait.
- I found a new love for Ronins and Taelor (I haven't used them for a while) - they work really nice with Hamelin and I Pay Better (especially Taelor with the latter).
Despite my disregard to 'rat-factory' Hamelin I think I'll invest in the Brotherhood of the Rat box as I think Rat King would be great addition to the crew (summoned from two hired Rats and summoned Stolen).
Till next time!
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