Game report - 12.02.2016
50SS Tara (daniello_s) vs McMourning (Mike)
Deployment: Standard Deployment
Strategy: Guard the Stash
Schemes: Convict Labour, Neutralise the Leader, Search the Ruins, Undercover Entourage, Public Demonstration
Quick note about schemes: we will have a Paddyfaux 2016 tournament soon and those schemes were picked by TO for first round of the tournament.
Mike brought:
McMourning (4SS pool) - Spare Parts, Moonlighting, Plastic Surgery
Sebastian - Transfusion, Those Are Not Ours!
Rafkin - Transfusion
2x Nurse
Forgotten Marshal
Guild Lawyer
Zombie Chihuahua
I took:
Tara (4SS pool) - Knowledge of Eternity, Death of Winter
(Slow/Fast caster with excellent interact action denial zone)
Karina - Faces of Oblivion
(fire support with an option for occasional summoning and putting Slow/Fast/Burning condition on buried models)
(Slow caster who can attack buried models; scheme markers controller)
Nothing Beast - Void Shield
(highly mobile beat-stick)
2x Death Marshal
(strategy/scheme runners with option for burying models)
2x Void Wretch
(strategy/scheme runners with option to five Slow/fast to enemy)
Mike picked: Convict Labour and Search the Ruins
I took: Neutralise the Leader and Search the Ruins
My first game GG2016 schemes and also first time I use Tara and her crew as aggressive burying team. Not to mention first time I run Aionus. Loads of first time things on my part this game :D
Deployment (McMourning deployed first, Tara's crew is to the right):
Turn 1
Initiative: McMourning
Key moments/actions:
- Unfortunately McMourning won initiative flip with whooping 13 as I was ready for the first kill this game - Beast would torn apart Crooligan. Crooligan activated first and run away.
- We pushed forward towards Stash markers. I used Aionus' ability to give some of my models fast so they would move and drop scheme markers which would later be pushed by Aionus and his Midnight action.
- Mike put some Poison on McMourning and he used all of his dirty tricks to get close to my Death Marshal (whom I recklessly moved to far I must admit), put loads of Poison on him and then Expunge and kill him (summoning Flesh Construct). At this moment I knew this game gonna be my nightmare...
- Reactivating Tara dropped 3 cards making Aionus, Beast, Void Wretch and Flesh Construct Fast and then she charged Flesh Construct burying him in the result.
Upkeep phase:
No VPs scored by either side.
Score after turn 1: Tara 0 - McMourning 0
Turn 2:
Initiative: Tara
Key moments/actions:
- My mistake was not to activate Karina first to move and shoot at McMourning and then Accomplice Beast with Fast to charge doctor. Instead I went straight with Beast into doctors face beating him severely and forcing him to burn 2 soulstones for damage prevention. As I dropped him below half of the wounds I got +1VP for Neutralise the Leader.
- McMourning used his push again, put Poison on Karina, Expunged and killed her summoning another Flesh Construct (unburying Fast one as well) and double walked into safety. I run after him with Aionus and dropped him to last wound remaining. Death Marshal disengaged from Flesh Construct and killed doctor (full VP for Neutralise the Leader this turn). Aionus also pushed mu scheme markers successfully this turn.
- Mike put some Poison on Death Marshal and one Void Wretch but I was able to bury Sebastian with Tara before he would be able to wreck my crew with extra damage from Poison.
- He also put 3 markers for Convict Labour.
- We both parked our models close to the Stash markers.
Upkeep phase:
Tara: +3VP Neutralise the Leader, +1VP Guard the Stash
McMourning: +1VP Convict Labour, +1VP Guard the Stash
Score after turn 2: Tara 4 - McMourning 2
Turn 3:
Initiative: Tara
Key moments/actions:
- Turn started with me drawing this hand:
After burning soulstone for extra cards I got another 2 and 13... Excellent start for that turn...
- Aionus activated first as I knew I had to punish Sebastian before he unburies. 3 attacks bounced of thanks to my poor attack flips backed up by nothing to cheat with... Perfect...
- Nurse activated, discarded low Crow and tried to Paralyze Tara but I used my high card to cheat and deflect this. Then Nurse attacked Tara second time with Take Your Meds and of course Mike flipped 12 Crow (because why not). Tara was paralyzed... Excellent.
- I tried to defend myself for the rest of the turn but I lost Void Wretch (Sebastian unburied) and eventually VP for strategy this turn.Game was lost at this moment.
- Death Marshal pine-boxed one of the Constructs and had to run away as he had +4 Poison on him and Sebastian was closing :D
- Crooligan removed one of my scheme markers.
Upkeep phase:
McMourning: +1VP Convict Labour, +1VP Guard the Stash
Score after turn 3: Tara 4 - McMourning 4
Turn 4
Initiative: Tara
Key moments/actions:
- This turn I had a completely opposite hand to the previous turn: Red joker, 13, 12, 11, 6 and Black Joker.
- Nothing Beast focused and killed Rafkin (cheating Red Joker for damage) and then also killed Chihuahua
- Mike pushed more and dropped more scheme markers.
- Tara moved, and unsuccessfully tried to give Nurse and Sebastian Slow. Tara also used her 0 action to disallow enemy model Interact Actions within 6'' which protected my 2 Markers near table centre.
- I wrongly moved Aionus as he wasn't 2'' from Stash marker and Mike negated me another VP for strategy killing my Void Wretch (dropped him to last wound and put Poison on him which killed him at the end of the turn).
Upkeep phase:
McMourning: +1VP Convict Labour, +1VP Guard the Stash
Score after turn 4: Tara 4 - McMourning 6
Turn 5
Initiative: Tara
Key moments/actions:
- Tara attacked Nurse who pushed away, then disengaged from Lawyer and dropped scheme marker. She also used her (0) action to protect my scheme markers.
- Other Nurse used her Take Your Meds on Aionus and Beast paralyzing them as (of course) Mike had two high Crows in the hand. After that I called the game.
Upkeep phase:
Tara: +2VP Search the Ruins
McMourning: +3VP Search the Ruins, +1VP Guard the Stash
Final score: Tara 6 - McMourning 10
Few comments after the game:
- Despite loss I think this Tara's crew has a huge potential. Of course it requires a lot of practice to run it properly.
- Aionus is a very interesting model to play although I wound mind if his attack action had even short distance range (even 4'') apart of only 2'' melee range but he is still very powerful tool.
- I hate, hate, hate when my opponent has so many luck with Paralyzing my models but getting Tara Paralyzed on lucky flip on turn 3 or two of my models on the last turn is a bit too much even for me :D
Till next time!
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