Game report - 21.01.2016
50SS Hamelin (daniello_s) vs Ramos (Owen)
Deployment: Corner Deployment
Strategy: Reconnoiter
Schemes: ALITS, Assassinate, Distract, Plant Explosives, Spring the Trap
Owen brought:
Ramos (6SS pool) - Arcane Reservoir, Field Generator, Under Pressure
Electrical Creation
Joss - Imbued Protection
Howard Langston
2x Steam Arachnid
I took:
Hamelin (4SS pool) - Survivalist, The Piper
(Obey, obey, obey and charge zone denial)
The Stolen
(extra 2 Rats on turn 1)
(anti-Construct hitter who can punish freshly summoned models straight away)
2x Freikorps Trapper
(shooting support which can be deployed where necessary)
(anti-Construct hitter and condition removal)
(scheme runner and Blight spreader)
Obedient Wretch
(Rat-machine key model)
Malifaux Rat
(cheap activation and Rat-machine support)
Owen picked: Distract and Plant Explosives
I took: ALITS (revealed) and Plant Explosives
My first time using Nix and third time to run Rat-machine. Against me: Spider-machine with spiders as significant models opposed to my Peon Rats... That definitely would be tight game :D
Deployment: Ramos deployed first
(Hamelin's crew at the bottom of the pictures)
Turn 1:
Initiative: Hamelin
Key moments/actions:
- Trapper's attempt to kill Electrical Creation which would also hurt nearby Ramos, Joss and Howard failed as only 2 wounds were inflicted. At least that forced to move Electrical Creation as one of the last models and disallow Joss killing it for 2 scrap markers.
- Rat-machine worked reasonable well and I was able not only out-activated opponent but also welcomed a Rat Catcher. Unfortunately I didn't have a Ram on my hand so I would be able to remove Slow on newly summoned Stolen and sacrificed her to get more Rats and eventually another Rat King/Rat Catcher.
- Joss killed one of the Spiders and then Ramos summoned 4 new ones from the Scrap Markers.
- We both advanced forward to claim 2 quarters each as soon as possible.
Upkeep phase:
No VPs scored by either side.
Score after turn 1: Hamelin 0 - Ramos 0
Turn 2:
Initiative: Ramos
Key moments/actions:
- Ramos summoned two more Spiders from the last Scrap Marker and decided to retreat into cover to be save from Trappers. That was big mistake as Ramos would be needed closer to his crew later in the game. That would allow him to summon more Spiders in places where I started to kill them with my crew.
- Owen pushed Howard, Performer and one Spider on my right flank. Also Joss and another Spider was following them so I had to shift majority of my models on that table quarter to secure VP for Strategy this turn. My other quarter was secured by Taelor, Trapper and Obedient Wretch.
- Rat-machine worked again reasonable well as second Rat Catcher was summoned. Unfortunately attempt to summon Stolen failed miserably as I flipped Black Joker...
- Trapper (with a little help from Hamelin) dropped Howard to 2 wounds remaining. Nix double walked towards Howard, Spider and Performer hoping to make them Blighted, but Owen succeeded Wp tests by cheating heavily with his good cards except for Howard who took Blighted condition.
Upkeep phase:
Hamelin: +1VP Strategy
Ramos: +1VP Strategy
Score after turn 2: Hamelin 1 - Ramos 1
Turn 3:
Initiative: Hamelin
Key moments/actions:
- Nix charged Howard killing him. Performer and Spider passed Wp tests again (by cheating the flips) so no Blighted was spread by Nix this time.
- Taelor was distracted by the Spider. This really upset the girl so she killed the construct.
- After loosing Howard Owen tried to secure his presence on my quarter by taking lots of defensive stances on his models. He also tried to get points for dropping scheme marker near my Rat Catcher and 2 Rats but I was able to summon Stolen, remove Slow from it and sacrifice it to eventually get Rat King who ate that scheme marker. Owen also tried to push more on my right table quarter with one Spider moved from his left table quarter and Ramos. That gave me a chance to snatch a Strategy point from Owen as Hamelin Obeyed Taelor and Trapper and they both moved on my opponent's table quarter where only 2 Spiders were claiming it.
- I started to drop scheme markers for ALITS.
Upkeep phase:
Hamelin: +1VP Strategy
Score after turn 3: Hamelin 2 - Ramos 1
Turn 4:
Initiative: Ramos
Key moments/actions:
- I dropped more scheme markers for ALITS and pressed more on Joss and Performer with Nix, Johana and Rat King. Also I was able to drop scheme marker between enemy models to get max points for Plant Explosives. Joss tried to punish Nix with limited results only. Nix healed himself later this turn by hitting Performer and when Joss failed Wp duel for getting Blighted by Nix's (0) action.
- Rat-machine failed as a flipped Black Joker when trying to summon Stolen (again)
- Owen used his Spiders to Distract Johana and Trapper. He also advanced with Ramos and secured his right table quarter with Spiders. But above all he dropped scheme markers to claim max points for Plant Explosives this turn.
Upkeep phase:
Hamelin: +1VP Strategy, +3VP Plant Explosives
Ramos: +1VP Strategy, +3VP Plant Explosives, +1VP Distract
Score after turn 4: Hamelin 6 - Ramos 6
Turn 5
Initiative: Hamelin
Key moments/actions:
- Nix killed Performer to prevent her from using scheme marker removal action.
- Ramos summoned some new Spiders among my crew but that didn't negate me VP point for Strategy as I killed few of them later this turn.
- I dropped final scheme marker for ALITS
Game ended on this turn.
Upkeep phase:
Hamelin: +1VP Strategy, +3VP ALITS
Ramos: +1VP Strategy, +1VP Distract
Final score: Hamelin 10 - Ramos 8
Few thoughts after the game:
- Nix is quite interesting model and definitely I need more practice with handling him.
- Rat-machine without Hannah and her extra card works OK however I was hampered few time during the game by not having any Crow on my hand or not having Ram to remove Slow from newly summoned Stolen. Still it is powerful tool to out-activate opponent even when it works partially only.
- Rat Kings... I love them. With Rat Catcher nearby to give them Reactivate no enemy scheme marker can be save :D
Till next time!
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