Sunday, 17 January 2016

The Plague arrived... Hamelin is here!

As I finished painting my next Outcast crew it is finally a time to fully introduce Hamelin.

It is mainly a combination of old, metal models and Brotherhood of the Rat box. Nix is from new, plastic box and Obedient Wretch is a nice alternative model from Reaper Miniatures (Vermina - Rat Queen).

Anyway, here we go:

For next couple of games I'll run this crew in various combination to get a grip with what it can achieve on the table, so expect more game reports with Hamelin as a main actor in nearest future :D

Till next time!


  1. Looks good. I have everything in metal except the Rat Kings, so it's a toss up between buying Brotherhood of the Rat for those, or just proxying using Wyrd's Twisted Apparitions. I plan to use their Imps as flying plagued until the models come out.

  2. So I found myself with a lot of extra money, and bought The Plague Cometh and Brotherhood of the Rat.

  3. Nice! It is a very good purchase I must say.
