Friday, 12 June 2015

Game Report 11.06.15 50SS Levy vs Seamus

Game report - 11.06.2015

50SS Levy (daniello_s) vs Seamus (Mike)

Deployment: Flank Deployment

Strategy: Interference (Gaining Grounds 2015)
Schemes: ALITS, Protect Territory, Bodyguard, Distract, Power Ritual

Mike brought: 
 (5SS pool) - Bag o'Tools, Mad Harderbasher, Red Chapel Killer

Copycat Killer
2x Rotten Belle

4x Night Terror
Bete Noire
Chiaki the Niece

I took:
Leveticus (5SS pool) - Tally Sheet, To the Earth Return, Desolate Soul
Rusty Alyce
2x Hollow Waif
Hodgepodge Effigy
Freikorps Librarian
3x Void Wretch

Seamus picked: Protect Territory (revealed) and Bodyguard (Chiaki)
took Power Ritual (revealed) and Bodyguard (Librarian).

This time Levy met Seamus on frozen grounds outside of Malifaux (I'm sure Rasputina was lurking somewhere nearby :D)
Table setup:

Seamus deployed first (Bete started buried):

and then Levy:

Turn 1 
Levy won initiative flip but kindly allowed his opponent to go first.
Seamus split his crew in three groups: Night Terrors were moving swiftly along the table edges on their left and right flanks - 2 beasts on each side, Chiaki moved along right edge too and rest of the Ressers were moving towards centre.
Levy decided to move Librarian, 2x Void Wretches, Hodgepodge and one Waif along the table edge on his left flank and keep rest of the crew on his deployment quarter to ensure VP points for Strategy.

One Void Wretch tried to bite buried Bete but without success.
Of course Seamus wouldn't be himself if he hasn't tried to use Back Alley (16'' jump) and kill Waif - so he tried, succeeded and allowed Bete to unbury in base contact with Librarian and Void Wretch.

That pissed off Levy so he took a walk and shot Seamus twice damaging him slightly.
Bete used flurry on Librarian but she couldn't get through defence of brave Freikorps girl (1 damage inflicted).
Copycat Killer tried to finish second Waif so he jumped in base contact with Seamus, moved and shot her but missed.

Upkeep phase - No VP scored on either side; Score after turn 1: Levy 0 - Seamus 0

Turn 2
Levy won initiative and despite terrible control hand (11, 7, 6 and four other cards lower) he decided it is a good time to kill Seamus.
Not hesitating he shot him 3 times burning soulstones to get a trigger negating damage prevention - unfortunately he was out of luck and made only 2 wounds.
Bete used flurry again. Opposite to Levy, Librarian was in favour of the mysterious powers of Malifaux and suffered 1 damage only :D
Rusty decided to kill Seamus - damage prevention was in use but left Seamus on the last wound.
Belles lured his master closer to them, then Nurse healed him fully and Chiaki removed his Paralyzed condition. After that Seamus used Back Alley and killed second Waif. 
Librarian was annoyed by this time so he killed pesky Bet. Unfortunately canny Ressers used one Night Terror to tarpit Librarian and Void Wretch so they couldn't score points for Strategy.
Void Wretch and Hodgepodge tried to kill Terror (Void Wretch even gave him Fast condition to bumped his attack flips) but with very limited success.

To complete the havoc Copycat Killer used his trick again and shot twice the last Waif who was in hard cover.

Thankfully both shots missed but things were not looking good for Levy's crew...

Upkeep phase - Seamus: +1VP for Strategy; Score after turn 2: Levy 0 - Seamus 1

Turn 3
Seamus won initiative.
Copycat walked twice and tarpit Levy.
Librarian used Furious Casting to kill Terror.
Seamus aimed at Rusty (with Focus). She had a feeling that something is going on and used soulstone to bumped her defence flip and impose negative flip on the damage from Seamus. She was right as Seamus had a Red Joker in his hand which he would use for damage but thanks to that negative flip she suffered 3 damage only. Seamus then walked away from Hannah (more than 4'' from her as she was using her aura on him) and raised Belle in base contact with Freikorps chief librarian.
Hodgepodge moved back to Levy and gave him Loyalty to the Coin.
Night Terror charged Void Wretch (and tarpit Librarian again) and inflicted 2 damage.
Hannah killed Belle and Levy killed Copycat summoning Abomination in his place and got 1 soulstone back  (by this time we were both out of soulstones). Abomination walked towards Seamus and tarpit him.

Rusty swing twice at Seamus leaving wounding him slightly. Belle lured her away from Seamus who healed 2 wounds back.
Two Terrors approached Rusty, Chiaki and Nurse moved towards the table quarter where Librarian and 2 Void Wretches were already so Levy decided t reinforce this quarter with third Wretch.

(Librarian was awarded a Void Wretch Handler title :D)

Upkeep phase - Levy: +1VP for Strategy; Seamus: +1VP for Strategy; Score after turn 3: Levy 1 - Seamus 2

Turn 4
Levy won initiative.
Hannah charged Seamus and was able to damage him although he used Hat to prevent major damage.
Seamus killed Abomination.

Hodgepodge gave Levy Loyalty to the Coin again. Terror walked and tried hit Rusty but missed.
Levy moved and with one shot killed other Terror summoning Abomination in its place (and gained a soulstone one more time).
Ressers realized that things started to go bad for them so Belle moved and dropped a scheme marker for Protect Territory.
Rusty took two swings and which not only killed Terror, but also summoned another Abomination.

Now Levy was more confident in his victory...
Chiaki moved and killed wounded Wretch.
Librarian and 2 other Wretches moved towards the table corner, dropping a scheme marker on the way (Power Ritual) and casting a The Hectic Glow on Chiaki giving her Slow condition

The summoned Abominations moved and denied Seamus a table quarter and VP point for Strategy.

We both announced Bodyguard scheme.

Upkeep phase - Levy: +1VP for Strategy, +1VP for Bodyguard; Seamus: +1VP for Bodyguard; Score after turn 3: Levy 3 - Seamus 3
Turn 5
Levy won initiative.
Librarian used Furious Casting and left Chiaki on the last wound.

Seamus looked around... He was surrounded by Levy, Hannah, Rusty and 2 Abominations...

He looked in Levy's eyes and said: 'This round is for you my dear Mister'. Then he grabbed his hat from the ground, gave his opponents a farewell nod and started walking away. Rusty aimed his gun at him, but Levy put his hand on her protege shoulder and shook his head saying: 'There was enough murder this day, my dear.'

Knowing that he can't win, Mike called the game.

Upkeep phase - Levy: +1VP for Strategy, +2VP for Bodyguard, +3VP for Power Ritual; Seamus: +3VP for Protect Territory

Final Score: Levy 9 - Seamus 6

It was a tough game. Seamus outnumbered Levy at the start and inflicted a heavy loses but thankfully Librarian withstood Bete's attacks and Levy and Rusty killed Terrors with summoning Abominations which gave Outcasts an advantage later in the game.
Hannah was another key model in the game. She is an excellent anchor for Waif however having her in this crew meant my Wretches were almost defenceless at the starts of each turn :D

Till next time!

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