Game report - 04.06.2015
50SS Viks (daniello_s) vs Seamus (Owen)
Deployment: Corner Deployment
Strategy: Turf War
Schemes: ALITS, Assassinate, Bodyguard, Frame for Murder, Vendetta
Owen brought lovely looking Puppet Seamus crew:
Seamus (7SS pool) - Red Chapel Killer
Copycat Killer
Madame Sybelle - Bleeding Tongue
Rotten Belle
Punk Zombie
Bete Noire
2x Canine Remains
I hope Owen will take some photos of his crew in nearest future as those Puppet models are absolutely gorgeous.
I took:
Ash Viki (3SS pool) - Survivalist, Oathkeeper, Sisters in Fury
Blood Viki - Oathkeeper, mark of Shez'uul
Freikorps Librarian
Malifaux Child
Owen picked: Frame for Murder (Seamus) and Bodyguard (Bete)
I took Frame for Murder (Blood Viki) and Bodyguard (Librarian).
Deliberately I decided to leave sling-shot horror home and play with slightly different setup on Viks. Also I wanted to check if the low soulstone counts could be mitigated by the extra cards in my hand (additional card thanks to Hannah plus additional cards from Abomination biting Lazarus and Lazarus taking Assimilate from Abomination to bite it back).
Table setup:
Crews deployment;
Turn 1
Viks won initiative but allowed Seamus to go first.
The tradition had to be fulfilled and all turn was spent on moving towards the marker in the middle of the table.
Vik's crew went straight along the road...
... when Ressers decided to split their forces - Belle and Bete flanked Viks from the left and the rest of them from the right.
Ash decided to move along the table edge to have a better look at the nice, undead bubble in hope that Blood will get a chance to jump in the middle of it at some stage next turn.
Upkeep phase - No VP scored on either side;
Score after turn 1: Viks 0 - Seamus 0
Turn 2
Viks won initiative and started to prepare killing trap.
Librarian moved out of the Blood Viki way, Child cast Sisters in Fury.
In the meantime Canine found a bone. Seamus shot at Lazarus but missed (Lazarus cheated 13 for defence) and then use Back Alley to disappear 16'' behind Vik's crowd in the middle.
Punk Zombie advanced blocking the possible charge of Blood Viki so Ash moved aand charged him but he survived on the last wound.
Nurse healed him fully but then Blood Viki, who wasn't in LOS to to charge Punk Zombie walked twice and being in LOS of Ash used Melee Expert and killed Punk Zombie in single attack.
Hannah moved twice to be within 3'' from Seamus and Bete. Unfortunately I forgot that Ressers are know from dirty tricks so Belle lured Seamus out of 4'' range from Hannah and then Copycat jumped in base contact with Seamus and fire twice at Hannah. She had to burn soulstone for damage prevention and took 4 damage in total.
Lazarus who tried to shoot Madame Sybelle but failed a Horror test.
Upkeep phase - Viks +1VP for Strategy; Seamus +1VP for Strategy;
Score after turn 2: Viks 1 - Seamus 1
Turn 3
Viks really, really wanted to win the initiative but Seamus had flipped 12 so he went first.
Bete charged Hannah but inflicted only minor damage (one Black Joker on damage flip).
now Viks had a serious problem - what to do? Either activate Hannah and try to blast Bete, Copycat and Seamus or activate Blood Viki and kill Sybelle, Nurse and Canine.
Blood Viki decided to go first and burned Oathkeeper and charge Sybelle (being also in 2'' from Canine and Nurse).
4 attacks from frenzied Blood was enough to put Sybelle and Canine to sleep but Nurse survived severely beaten (and run away thanks to her defence trigger).
Seamus looked in the sky and decided that fate is on his side so he focused and shot at Hannah who was engaged with Bete. Unfortunately he successfully randomized shot on Hannah and killed for good. After that he used Back Alley to jump on the other side of building but because he had to be within 6'' of central marker he was in sight of Vik's crew.
Vanessa seeing what have just happened used her Arcane Staff and killed Copycat with Bete standing nearby (who buried herself successfully).
Second Canine was aware that Lazarus is going to kill it soon so he charged the construct but only scratch his armour (1 wound plus 1 Poison).
Ash burnt Oathkeeper and charged Nurse finishing her off. After that Lazarus killed Canine.
At this moment Seamus and his undead minions were absolutely outnumbered.
Upkeep phase - Viks +1VP for Strategy; Seamus +1VP for Strategy;
Score after turn 3: Viks 2 - Seamus 2
Turn 4
Viks won initiative.
I was keen to get VPs for Frame for Murder so Blood Viki moved twice and attacked Belle wounding her slightly.
I was hoping Seamus will do the same trick as with Hannah but he instead focused and killed Abomination allowing Bete to unbury. He also summoned Belle near Lazarus
Librarian used Furious Casting and killed Bete who failed to bury herself.
Belle put on +2 Defensive Stance but it wasn't enough as Ash moved and used Dragon's Flight to make herself and Blood attack on Belle hacking and slashing undead beauty to pieces. It wasn't a surprise as Sisters were buffed by the Sisters in Fury cast by Child.
Second Belle took a Defensive Stance as well but Vanessa charged her and killed her..
This way Viks negated Seamus a final VP from Strategy. After onslaught I announce Bodyguard on Librarian.
Upkeep phase - Viks +1VP for Strategy, +1VP for Bodyguard;
Score after turn 4: Viks 4 - Seamus 2
Turn 5
Seamus was surrounded by the angry Sisters...
He won initiative and I was hoping that in the act of desperation he will shoot Blood giving me a some points for Frame for Murder but instead he summoned Belle and took +2 Defensive Stance.
Now I knew I will get max points for Strategy and Bodyguard which allows me to win the encounter so Child cast a Sisters in Fury and then Blood executed filthy Seamus.
To my surprise Owen announced Frame for Murder on Seamus. I was really and truly expecting it on Punk Zombie which I killed on Turn 2 and after that I thought he could have either Assassination or Vendetta rather than Frame for Murder on his master.
At this point we agreed that fully buffed Ash Viki would easily kill last Belle so we immediately flipped for turn 6 - no success. Game has ended at Turn 5.
Upkeep phase - Viks +1VP for Strategy, +2VP for Bodyguard;
Seamus +2VP for Frame for Murder
Final score: Viks 7 - Seamus 4
It was really bloody game - Viks & friends killed 11 models in total losing only 2 in return.
I should have put Frame for Murder on Hannah however I was absolutely sure that no one wants to have Blood Viki close to his models and will try to kill her at the first opportunity.
Viks without sling-shot are still nasty like a hell as Oathkeepers give them enormous buff which combined with Sisters in Fury and mark of Shez'uul is a perfect source of terror for enemy crew.
Personally I think they work best with this tactic as the threat range is so insane that hardly anything can ignore it, but from time to time it is worthy to try something else :D
Steady flow of the extra cards proved to mitigate small SS pool however I wouldn't advice this to the new players.
Till next time!
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