50SS Levy (daniello_s) vs Seamus (Mike)
Deployment: Corner Deployment
Strategy: Reckoning
Schemes: ALITS, Breakthrough, Frame for Murder/Make Them Suffer, Cursed Object, Bodyguard
Why there is Frame for Murder/Make Them Suffer? Well, we flipped for Startegy and Schemes few days before the game and Mike accidentally wrote down Make Them Suffer when really it was Frame for Murder and sent me that Scheme.
When we get to turn 3 I mentioned that he was really unlucky when he missed Waif with Seamus as he would score point for Make Them Suffer and Mike was really surprised as he was sure this Scheme was not in the pool :D
Thankfully I didn't choose Make Them Suffer and I wouldn't mind him to choose Frame for Murder as I guessed correctly he had it on his Hanged :D
Mike brought:
Seamus (6SS pool) - Bag o'Tools, Decaying Aura, Red Chapel Killer
Copycat Killer
Madame Sybelle
Rotten Belle
The Hanged
Bete Noire
I took:
Leveticus (5SS pool) - Tally Sheet, Desolate Soul, To the Earth Return
Rusty Alyce
2x Hollow Waif
Ashes and Dust - Scramble
Hodgepodge Effigy
Seamus picked: Frame for Murder (The Hanged) and Bodyguard (Bete Noire)
I took ALITS (revealed) and Bodyguard (Rusty).
I hate Seamus (like all Resser masters :D) and I expected a tough game as Mike is a good and experienced player and Seamus is a very good master especially when supported by Belle and bunch of Terryfying models.
I decided to avoid a direct clash if possible and take a guerilla style of play using LOS blocking terrain.
Table setup:
Mike won the deployment flip and handed me over this joy of deploying first.
Levy's deployment:
Seamus' deployment:
Turn 1
Both crews spent Turn 1 on the full advance - Seamus and his crew pushed to the centre of the table when Levy's buddies moved along the edge right behind the cover.
Because Seamus used his Back Alley and moved closer towards Ashes & Dust and soon Copycat Killer followed him I had a feeling that pushing A&D along this edge of the table is not good idea (he could die easily and I was a bit uncertain if Valedictorain and Hanged will not join the party to finish Ashen Core) so I duck back behind building. I knew also that thanks to A&D mobility I can threat whatever comes to close even when positioned behind the building.
Of course I wouldn't be myself if didn't do at least one crazy thing in the turn so I run Levy behind the Lion Monument to shoot Madame Sybelle/The Hanged next turn.
Upkeep phase - No VP scored on either side; Score after turn 1: Levy 0 - Seamus 0
Turn 2
Levy won initiative so he started to harass Madame Sybelle. 3 shots brought 6 wounds and Slow on this undead lady. The Levy summoned Waif directly behind monument out of LOS to any enemy model.
Of course Madame Sybelle pulled her trick with moving and calling Belle to her.
After that Belle lured 2x Waif towards her. Waif decided to run for cover beside the obelisk in the middle of the table but that effort was really futile as Valedictorain charged her and killed her. The was a glimpse of hope though as first attack missed but second attack was with Red Joker and poor Waif died anyway. Bete used an opportunity and pop out of the dead Waif.
Levy's crew continued to move along the edge in order to get on the far side and drop scheme markers for ALITS.
Seamus raised Belle from corpse marker and Ressers continued push on.
The bright side of this was that Valedictorain, Belle, Sybelle and Seamus were bunched quite close together so Lazarus could try to blast them. The bad thing was he had to move and shoot only once... unless I use Alyce's Burn Out on him...
Did I mention at least one crazy thing a turn before? :D Yep, I did it.
Lazarus moved, shot, healed, reactivated, Auto-fired, healed - effect was dead Sybelle (blast), hurt Belle (blast) and badly hurt Valedictiorain. A&D moved behind the corner to charge Copycat next turn (if needed).
At the end of the turn Levy unburied near Lazarus.
Upkeep phase - No VP scored on either side; Score after turn 2: Levy 0 - Seamus 0
Turn 3
Levy really wanted to go first but lost initiative flip. I burned a Soulstone to re-flip it and I failed.
The Hanged activated first and double walked towards Levy and Lazarus engaging them (bloody bastard :D)
Levy really wasn't in the mood for close combat action so he Channelled, then Disengaged from Hanged and walked on the top of the steps. Having this nice vantage point he finished Valedictiorain with 2 shots. When it was done he summoned Waif behind Lazarus.
Seamus tried his trick - he discarded corpse marker and used Back Alley to jump behind newly summoned Waif. His plan was to kill that Waif in melee and then shoot other Waif in the back. A good plan to remove Levy from the game permanently... unless it fails and it actually did. Both melee attacks missed - I had a crazy good defensive flips and Seamus' attacks were at least not impressive. Seems like bad things happened to Ressers this time.
It was the moment when I mentioned that it was really unlucky as not only he didn't kill two remaining Waifs and effectively removing Levy from the game but also he didn't score VP for Make Them Suffer. As mentioned before Mike was surprised that Make Them Suffer is in the pool and said there is Frame for Murder. We discussed this and at that moment I realized why The Hanged was so happy to tarpit me :D
A&D tried to score VP for strategy and charged Copyca. He hit with first attack - Black Joker on the damage. Second attack missed. Third attack went through but with minimal damage of 3 and small bugger survived...
Lazarus Disengaged The Hanged and took a shot on Belle - success with the blast so Belle and Bete took 3 damage each.
Abomination attacked Seamus and wounded him (1 damage). Rusty, Waif and Hodgepodge moved towards the corner - Hodgepodge dropped first scheme marker. Levy unburied near Lazarus out of engage range of The Hanged and Seamus.
Upkeep phase - No VP scored on either side; Score after turn 3: Levy 0 - Seamus 0
Turn 4
Levy won initiative - he activated, moved, killed Belle and hurt Seamus with second shot. After that he summoned Waif to be out of LOS from Seamus and not in melee range of The Hanged.
Other Belle moved and lured Waif who was also Pounced but deflected that and even inflicted one wound on Belle :D
A&D finished Copycat with single swing and charged Bete killing her as well. Bete tried to bury herself but failed.
As we both were a bit in rush (late hours, shop for closing up shortly and Mike had to be back earlier than usual) we decided to finish the game right at this moment.
We agreed that Seamus and The Hanged would kill Waif and Lazarus and I could easily drop another markers for ALITS and run away with Rusty to keep her safe and sound.
Upkeep phase after Turn 4 - Levy +1VP for Reckoning, +3VP for Bodyguard, +3VP for ALITS; Seamus +1VP for Reckoning;
Final score: Levy 7 - Seamus 1
I was expecting this kind of result to be honest.
The fact is also that most of the time I had a lot of luck with the flips except stuff like not killing Copycat with 3 swings from A&D.
Anyway I was really pleased that Levy took a revenge on Seamus in Viks name for their inglorious defeat against bloody Red Chapel Killer few weeks ago.
Hopefully next time my crazy Sisters will get the job done themselves :D
Till next time!
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