Tuesday, 5 May 2015

50SS Tournament Gamerworld Faux 03.05.2015 - Round 3

Game report - 03.05.2015 50SS tournament - Round 3

Viks (daniello_s) vs Nicodem (Eoghan)

Deployment: Close Deployment
Strategy: Guard the Stash (Gaining Grounds 2015)

Schemes: ALITS, Assassinate, Spring The Trap, Bodyguard, Distract
Eoghan brought:


Nicodem (7SS pool) - Love Thy Master, Reapers Grin, Undertaker
Mortimer - Corpse Bloat
3x Rotten Belle

Flesh Construct
Bete Noire

I took:
Ash Viki (4SS pool) - Sisters in Fury, Sisters in Spirit, Synchronized Slaying
Blood Viki - Mark of Shez'uul, Oathkeeper
Malifaux Child
Taelor - Oathkeeper, Scramble
Freikorps Librarian - Oathkeeper
Void Wretch

Eoghan picked Assassinate and Bodyguard (Bete Noire)
I picked Assassinate and Bodyguard (Librarian).

Crews deployment:

Nicodem surrounded himself with Belles and Flesh Construct. I knew killing him is not going to be easy but due to the deployment and strategy I had to do what Viks love to do - go straight to the opponent's throat :D

Turn 1
Viks won initiative flip so I activated Taelor, burned Oathkeeper and charged Construct beating him heavily. Then I used Welcome to Malifaux to charge anything summoned later this turn.
Belle lured Ash twice and then chain activate another Belle and lured Ash more with one Pounce (1 damage).
Malifaux Child cast Sisters in Fury and tried to heal Ash with no success.
Last Belle activated and lured Ash twice inflicted also 2 wounds on her. That brought me within 2'' from Nicodem.
Ash used 0 action to get + flip for attack and started to hit Nicodem. First hit went in with weak damage (5 hits) Nicodem prevented 2.
Second hit went through with another weak damage (5 wounds) - Nicodem prevented 3. So in this moment Nico had 9 wounds left. 
Last hit also passed Nico's defence and damage flip showed... Red Joker :D
Eoghan forgot to burn Soulstone before Vik's last attack to get Crow for defence which would save him thanks to Reaper's Grin ability. He was so devastated with this fact he abandoned even preventing this damage. 
Also to be honest we thought Red Joker on fully buffed damage gives 13 damage instead of 11 but we were corrected later. In either way Eoghan told me that this Red Joker crushed his will to play totally. Who would expect Red Joker on single, un-cheatable flip  :D

With Nico's death rest of his crew tried to kill Ash to get VP points for Assassination. Ash survived attacks from Bete Noire, Mortimer and Nurse on last wound (with heavy Soulstone use for damage prevention) and with 4 Poison.

Vanessa and Librarian healed Ash fully. Blood Viki charged Construct but I was down to last card and with 1 last Soulstone so I couldn't use SS to trigger Whirlwind. Also one attack miss and two were with weak damage only so Flesh Construct survived on the last wound. The bright side was that one of the attack flips was with Mask so with Whirlwind trigger Blood killed one of the Belles.
Flesh Construct hit Blood in return slightly leaving her with 2 Poison and small damage.

Void Wretch positioned itself to contest one of the Stash markers, Sue moved closer to contest other.

Upkeep phase - Viks +3VP points for Assassinate; Score after turn 1: Viks 3 - Nicodem 0

Turn 2
Viks lost initiative and burned SS to re-flip - success. Nicodem tried same - no success.
What worried me was my control hand - it was terrible...

Ash activated and tried to kill Bete. It took 3 swings before Bete was down, really down (buried flip was unsuccessful).
Then Blood chain-activated and finished Construct and Belle. 
Unfortunately Mortimer together with Nurse killed Ash...

After this tragedy Eoghan called the game.

Final  Score: Viks 10 - Nicodem 3

That was one of the bloodiest games I had so far but what could we expect from this Strategy and deployment :D

I was really happy from Viks performance during the tournament. I was battling myself whether should I take Leveticus or Viks and I'm glad I went for the latter.

Eventually I came up second in the tournament ranking right after Levi :D

Big thanks to Gavin, Robert and Eoghan for great games and also big thanks to Mike for organizing the whole event.

Till next time!



  1. That was a brutal start to the game. If Nicodem was surrounded by Belles and Constructs, why not use a Soulstone to add a mask to Vik's attack flip when attacking him to lay some damage on the rest of the crowd?

    As for the Red Joker: that just makes the game interesting, knowing that between that and the Black Joker nothing is certain.

  2. I should really use Soulstone to trigger Whirlwind but I was also afraid, that killing his minions will feed Nicodem with the cards (he had Undertaker on him) and he could deflect my attacks.
    Nevertheless I won't hesitate to do it next time :D
