Game report - 22.01.2015
35SS Viks (daniello_s) vs Nicodem (Derek)
Deployment: Standard
Startegy: Squatter Rights
Schemes: Line in the sand, Bodyguard, Protect territory, Plant explosives, Deliver message
Nicodem's crew - 6SS
Nicodem - Shadow Embrace, Necrotic King
Mortimer - Corpse Bloat
Bete Noire
Punk Zombie
Nico took: Bodyguard (Bete) and Plant Explosives (both not revealed)
Viks crew - 4SS
Ash Viki- Oathkeeper, Survivalist
Blood Viki - Oathkeeper, Mark of Shez'uul
Freikorps Librarian
Taelor - Scramble
Viks took Bodyguard (Vanessa) and Plant Explosives (both not revealed)
After deployment:
Nico is smiling (he doesn't know what will happen to his undead minions )
Turn 1:
Viks advanced towards the centre line. Mortimer removed his spleen and dug out a corpse marker.
removed his spleen and dug out a corpse marker One of the markers
Vulture carried out to the middle section of the table.
Nicodem started summoning so Taelor was happy to greet newly summoned Flesh Construct (Welcome to Malifaux)
Turn 2
won initiative and started to hack & slash undeads. Flesh Construct
fell to the Taelor's hammer - Bete Noir pop out so Taelor burnt soul
stone to prevent damage - 3 damage was saved. Ash and Vanessa claimed
Squatter markers.
Zombie died slashed to pieces by Blood Viki in the centre of the table
and newly summoned Crooked Man was smashed by Taelor. Ash and Vanessa
claimed two Squatter Markers. Mortimer removed his spleen again so
Nicodem summoned Crooked Man.
End of turn - Viks gor 1VP for Strategy. Score 1-0 for Viks.
Turn 3
Nicodem goes first.
charged Taelor leaving her Paralyzed and on one wound left. Ash burned
Oathkeeper and jumped on Mortimer killing him and a nerby Vulture.
summoned Flesh Construct but he was swiftly killed by the Blood Viki
before he was able to smashed Taelor and summons Punk Zombie near Ash
Viki. Librarian claimed third Squatter marker. Vanessa dropped scheme
marker near enemy models. Ash takes a hit from Punk Zombie.
End of turn 3 - Viks get 1VP for strategy and 2VP for Plant Explosives. Score 4-0 for Viks.
Turn 4
Nico wins initiative and summons Flesh Construct near Taelor.
hits Flesh but doesn't kill him and then dies of Bete. Blood Viki
kills Crooked Man. Ash takes a hit form walks and jumps with Blood on
Flesh Constructs killing him.
Vanessa walks away to protect her (Bodyguard). Librarian comes closer to the party.
of turn 4 - Viks get 1VP for strategy and 1Vp for Boduguard, Nico gets
1VP for Bodyguard and 3VP for Plant Explosives. Score 6-4 for Viks.
Turn 5
Viks win initiative.
Noire dies (Blood Viki but buries herself). New Flesh Construct is
summoned and healed by Nico with blast damage on Blood Viki. Punk
Zombie attacks Librarian. Viks jumped on the Flesh Construct but he
survived. He tries to retaliate but with marginal effect. Vanessa heals
her Sisters. Librarian retaliates and kills Punk and accidentally
unburies Bete Noire then survives her attacks:D
End of Turn 5 and game. Viks get 1VP for strategy and Bodyguard. Nico gest 1VP for Bodyguard.
Final score: Viks 8 - Nico 5
Man (woman ) of the game: Taelor - she killed loads of models and hold back enemy before she finally dies. She was awesome.
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