Saturday, 28 February 2015

Game Report 26.02.15 35SS Viks vs Levi

Game report - 26.02.2015

35SS Viks (daniello_s) vs Leveticus (Eoghan)

Deployment: Standard Deployment
Strategy: Turf War
Schemes: ALITS, Breakthrough, Protect Territory, Murder Protege, Power Ritual

Eoghan brought Levi with:

Levi (3SS pool)- To the Earth and return, From Ash
Rusty - From Aether
Freikorps Strongarm
2x Waif

I took:

Ash Viki (3SS pool)- Sisters in Spirit, Sisters in Fury, Synchronized Slaying
Blood Viki - Mark of Shez'uul, Oathkeeper
Malifaux Child
Freikorps Librarian
Desperate Merc
Hodgepodge Effigy

Eoghan picked Power Ritual (announced) and Protect Territory (not announced)
I picked Protect Territory and Murder Protege on Strongarm (both announced).

After deployment it looked like this (note Rusty Alyce was behind top left building where she stayed for two turns summoning abominations):

First turn we both moved forward to get to the centre point as fast as possible. I tried to snipe out Waif with Hans but thanks to my terrible flips (even with Focused condition on Hans) and even more terrible hand (6 was my highest card...) I was able to inflict 2 damage only.

Upkeep phase - no VP points for either side
Score after turn 1: Viks 0 - Levi 0

I won initiative on Turn 2 and decided to score VP for killing Freikorps Strongarm as he was nicely within a range of Viks slingshot (see below). Please note that there was actually Levi instead of Waif nearby Strongarm.

I buffed Sisters and send a 'Bloody Sister arrow' :) straight in Strongarm's face. That was way to much for poor guy and I claimed 3 VP points for killing him.
It was still hard decision as I knew that next thing will be loosing Blood Viki - nearby Levi would definitely kill her.
Eoghan (as I suspected) charged Blood Viki but thanks his poor attack flips (even with Chanelling) and my good hand (I was able to equal Attack/Defence totals and therefore force - flip on the damage. Also I burnt soulstone to prevent damage and Blood Viki was able to survive with 4 damage on her.

Other than that we mainly moved closer to the centre marker and also we dropped few scheme markers for Protect Territory scheme.
Lazarus took a single shot on Hodgepodge but missed and Hans again shot at the waif with no effect (she was behind hard cover).
I was able to heal Blood Viki with Malifaux Child (2 damage healed).

Upkeep phase - Viks +1VP for startegy, +3VP for Murder Protege; Levi +1VP for strategy)
Score after turn 2: Viks 4 - Levi 1

Start of the turn 3 Eoghan won initiative and decided to slain Blood Viki

But again thanks to the amazing flips for defense, cheating down duel total for negative damage flips and preventing damage Blood Viki survived onslaught.
After that killed Lazarus with slingshot action and to be honest game was over by this time but we kept playing anyway.
Rusty moved behind the tree area dropping some scheme markers on the way and generally I dropped scheme markers for myself and prepare defensive position to claim VPs for strategy. Also I killed one Waif.

Upkeep phase - Viks +1VP for startegy,
Score after turn 3: Viks 5 - Levi 1

Turn 4 and 5 we moved a bit around, Levi and Rusty tried to kill something but will little effect (Rusty put 4 damage on Ash) and I was happy to stay hidden and claim more points VP points for strategy.
Waif killed Desperate Merc and survived Librarian's charge. Hans killed one abomination.

Game has ended on the turn 5.

Upkeep phase - Viks +2VP for startegy, +3VP for Protect Territory; Levi +1VP for Power Ritual

Final Score : Viks 10 - Levi 2

Eoghan misread Protect Territory and thought that scheme markers must be no more than 6'' of deployment area and couldn't claim VPs for those scheme markers but the final score should be 10 - 4.

I think his biggest mistake was to keep Rusty away from centre to he table. Her passive pulse which negates ending charge with 3'' of her would ruin my day and he could shoot the crap out of me when slowly claiming points for Turf War :D


  1. Interesting battle report, thanks for sharing. Getting two good rounds of fighting off with Vik of Blood is amazing; I guess the cards were as kind to you in turns 2 and 3 as they were harsh on turn 1. In such a small game I think that the Leveticus player probably needed to get more work out of Rusty Alyce.

    I wonder if you might get more even results playing at 50SS? I find that below 40SS games then summoners (and especially ones which don't need resources, such as Dreamer) and extreme damage specialists (such as Viktoria of Ashes) dominate the field over compared to support masters.

  2. You welcome.
    I was absolutely surprised when Blood Viki survived Levi's first charge and shocked after second. If I lose her possible I would need to play more defensively and try to hold close to the centre to score as much points as possible for strategy and then retreat in the turn 5 to get points for Protect Territory.

    We are rather small, new community at the moment but we will strife towards bigger points soon :D
