Saturday, 28 February 2015

Game Report 26.02.15 35SS Viks vs Levi

Game report - 26.02.2015

35SS Viks (daniello_s) vs Leveticus (Eoghan)

Deployment: Standard Deployment
Strategy: Turf War
Schemes: ALITS, Breakthrough, Protect Territory, Murder Protege, Power Ritual

Eoghan brought Levi with:

Levi (3SS pool)- To the Earth and return, From Ash
Rusty - From Aether
Freikorps Strongarm
2x Waif

I took:

Ash Viki (3SS pool)- Sisters in Spirit, Sisters in Fury, Synchronized Slaying
Blood Viki - Mark of Shez'uul, Oathkeeper
Malifaux Child
Freikorps Librarian
Desperate Merc
Hodgepodge Effigy

Eoghan picked Power Ritual (announced) and Protect Territory (not announced)
I picked Protect Territory and Murder Protege on Strongarm (both announced).

After deployment it looked like this (note Rusty Alyce was behind top left building where she stayed for two turns summoning abominations):

First turn we both moved forward to get to the centre point as fast as possible. I tried to snipe out Waif with Hans but thanks to my terrible flips (even with Focused condition on Hans) and even more terrible hand (6 was my highest card...) I was able to inflict 2 damage only.

Upkeep phase - no VP points for either side
Score after turn 1: Viks 0 - Levi 0

I won initiative on Turn 2 and decided to score VP for killing Freikorps Strongarm as he was nicely within a range of Viks slingshot (see below). Please note that there was actually Levi instead of Waif nearby Strongarm.

I buffed Sisters and send a 'Bloody Sister arrow' :) straight in Strongarm's face. That was way to much for poor guy and I claimed 3 VP points for killing him.
It was still hard decision as I knew that next thing will be loosing Blood Viki - nearby Levi would definitely kill her.
Eoghan (as I suspected) charged Blood Viki but thanks his poor attack flips (even with Chanelling) and my good hand (I was able to equal Attack/Defence totals and therefore force - flip on the damage. Also I burnt soulstone to prevent damage and Blood Viki was able to survive with 4 damage on her.

Other than that we mainly moved closer to the centre marker and also we dropped few scheme markers for Protect Territory scheme.
Lazarus took a single shot on Hodgepodge but missed and Hans again shot at the waif with no effect (she was behind hard cover).
I was able to heal Blood Viki with Malifaux Child (2 damage healed).

Upkeep phase - Viks +1VP for startegy, +3VP for Murder Protege; Levi +1VP for strategy)
Score after turn 2: Viks 4 - Levi 1

Start of the turn 3 Eoghan won initiative and decided to slain Blood Viki

But again thanks to the amazing flips for defense, cheating down duel total for negative damage flips and preventing damage Blood Viki survived onslaught.
After that killed Lazarus with slingshot action and to be honest game was over by this time but we kept playing anyway.
Rusty moved behind the tree area dropping some scheme markers on the way and generally I dropped scheme markers for myself and prepare defensive position to claim VPs for strategy. Also I killed one Waif.

Upkeep phase - Viks +1VP for startegy,
Score after turn 3: Viks 5 - Levi 1

Turn 4 and 5 we moved a bit around, Levi and Rusty tried to kill something but will little effect (Rusty put 4 damage on Ash) and I was happy to stay hidden and claim more points VP points for strategy.
Waif killed Desperate Merc and survived Librarian's charge. Hans killed one abomination.

Game has ended on the turn 5.

Upkeep phase - Viks +2VP for startegy, +3VP for Protect Territory; Levi +1VP for Power Ritual

Final Score : Viks 10 - Levi 2

Eoghan misread Protect Territory and thought that scheme markers must be no more than 6'' of deployment area and couldn't claim VPs for those scheme markers but the final score should be 10 - 4.

I think his biggest mistake was to keep Rusty away from centre to he table. Her passive pulse which negates ending charge with 3'' of her would ruin my day and he could shoot the crap out of me when slowly claiming points for Turf War :D

Game report 22.0115 35SS Viks vs Nicodem

Game report - 22.01.2015

35SS Viks (daniello_s) vs Nicodem (Derek)

Deployment: Standard
Startegy: Squatter Rights
Schemes: Line in the sand, Bodyguard, Protect territory, Plant explosives, Deliver message

Nicodem's crew - 6SS
Nicodem - Shadow Embrace, Necrotic King
Mortimer - Corpse Bloat
Bete Noire
Punk Zombie

Nico took: Bodyguard (Bete) and Plant Explosives (both not revealed)

Viks crew - 4SS
Ash Viki- Oathkeeper, Survivalist
Blood Viki - Oathkeeper, Mark of Shez'uul
Freikorps Librarian
Taelor - Scramble

Viks took Bodyguard (Vanessa) and Plant Explosives (both not revealed)

After deployment:

Nico is smiling (he doesn't know what will happen to his undead minions )

Turn 1:

Viks advanced towards the centre line. Mortimer removed his spleen and dug out a corpse marker.

Mortimer removed his spleen and dug out a corpse marker One of the markers Vulture carried out to the middle section of the table.

Nicodem started summoning so Taelor was happy to greet newly summoned Flesh Construct (Welcome to Malifaux)

Turn 2

Viks won initiative and started to hack & slash undeads. Flesh Construct fell to the Taelor's hammer - Bete Noir pop out so Taelor burnt soul stone to prevent damage - 3 damage was saved. Ash and Vanessa claimed Squatter markers.


Punk Zombie died slashed to pieces by Blood Viki in the centre of the table and newly summoned Crooked Man was smashed by Taelor. Ash and Vanessa claimed two Squatter Markers. Mortimer removed his spleen again so Nicodem summoned Crooked Man.


End of turn - Viks gor 1VP for Strategy. Score 1-0 for Viks.

Turn 3

Nicodem goes first.
Bete charged Taelor leaving her Paralyzed and on one wound left. Ash burned Oathkeeper and jumped on Mortimer killing him and a nerby Vulture.


Nico summoned Flesh Construct but he was swiftly killed by the Blood Viki before he was able to smashed Taelor and summons Punk Zombie near Ash Viki. Librarian claimed third Squatter marker. Vanessa dropped scheme marker near enemy models. Ash takes a hit from Punk Zombie.


End of turn 3 - Viks get 1VP for strategy and 2VP for Plant Explosives. Score 4-0 for Viks.
Turn 4

Nico wins initiative and summons Flesh Construct near Taelor.
Taelor hits Flesh but doesn't kill him  and then dies of Bete. Blood Viki kills Crooked Man. Ash takes a hit form walks and jumps with Blood on Flesh Constructs killing him.
Vanessa walks away to protect her (Bodyguard). Librarian comes closer to the party.


End of turn 4 - Viks get 1VP for strategy and 1Vp for Boduguard, Nico gets 1VP for Bodyguard and 3VP for Plant Explosives. Score 6-4 for Viks.

Turn 5

Viks win initiative.
Bete Noire dies (Blood Viki but buries herself). New Flesh Construct is summoned and healed by Nico with blast damage on Blood Viki.  Punk Zombie attacks Librarian. Viks jumped on the Flesh Construct but he survived. He tries to retaliate but with marginal effect. Vanessa heals her Sisters. Librarian retaliates and kills Punk and accidentally unburies Bete Noire then survives her attacks:D


End of Turn 5 and game. Viks get 1VP for strategy and Bodyguard. Nico gest 1VP for Bodyguard.

Final score: Viks 8 - Nico 5

Man (woman ) of the game: Taelor - she killed loads of models and hold back enemy before she finally dies. She was awesome.

Game report 19.02.15 40SS Viks vs Lucius

Game report - 19.02.2015

40SS Viks (daniello_s) vs Lucius (Gavin)

Deployment: Flank Deployment
Strategy: Reckoning
Schemes: ALITS, Power Ritual, Deliver Message, Distract, Bodyguard

Gavin brought Lucius (and he played him the first time ever) with:

Lucius (don't remember any unpgrades on him) - 7 pool
Guild Lawyer
2x Guild Guard
Death Marshal
Francisco Ortega
Santiago Ortega (I think he had some upgrade but again can't remind myself which one...)

I took:

Ash Viki (3SS pool)- Sisters in Spirit, Sisters in Fury, Synchronized Slaying
Blood Viki - Mark of Shez'uul, Oathkeeper
Maliafux Child
2x Convict Gunslinger
Desperate Merc

Gavin announced his schemes: Deliver the Message and Power Ritual
I announced one scheme: Power Ritual. Other I kept secret - Bodyguard on one of the Convict Gunslinger girl (black-haired one).

I won the flip and decided to deploy first.
After deployment it looked lie that:


Turn 1 was and advance into positions - I was preparing for second turn sling-shot, Gavin came closer to two table corners to drop scheme markers.

Score: Viks 0 - Lucius 0

On Turn 2 - I tried to kill Guild Guard with Gunslinger and his Rapid Fire but I failed miserably (1 wound inflicted...), Guild Lawyer 'cursed' Bishop so whenever Bishop hit someone in close combat would suffer one damage plus he Slow him down. Bishop used a chance and charged Lawyer killing him (and he suffered 2 wounds in process). Guild Guards hid behind building (where Lawyer died nearby). I have sling-shot fully buffed Blood Viki between Lucius and Marshal but again I failed miserably and did nothing to Lucius (soulstones were used) but I killed Marshal. Lucius used his movemnet trick with scheme marker and switch places with Francisco. Then Ortegas tried to kill Blood Viki but this time I had a lot of luck plus I burned two soulstones to keep her alive. Thankfully Child casted healing on nearby Ash successfully so Blood Viki came to life (at least a bit).

(Below - Bishop starts her killing spree. Scheme marker in the corner are Lawyer remains...)


Upkeep phase Turn 2: Viks +1VP for strategy;
Score: Viks 1 - Lucius 0

On Turn 3 Guild Guard tried to Menace Bishop with no success and paid this try with his life.
Blood Viki traded hits with Francisco - she was barely harmed and Francisco was left with one wound remaining. Santiago tried to kill Blood but again she survived with small scratch only.
Desperate Merc run towards Bishop in the other corner of the table. Lucius run and dropped scheme marker in third corner.
Gunslinger and Ash positioned themselves to strike next turn.

I announced Bodyguard scheme now.

(Below - Ortegas dance with Blood Viki and Ash and Gunslinger slowly join the party).


Upkeep phase Turn 3: No VP scored by either side.
Score: Viks 1 - Lucius 0

On turn 4 Gavin won initiative and used Francisco's action to get in base contact with Ash and did a swing but missed. I couldn't understand why he did that but the he explained that his next activation would be to run Lucius, drop scheme marker/swap places with Francisco and then Deliver the Message. All would be fine if not my Blood Viki who charged Santiago they way that she was also 2'' from Lucius. And because I had very good hand with high Masks I was able to swing at Santiago like a mad and in the same time trigger Whirlwind on Lucius - both guys were dead by the end of her activation.

On the other corner second Guild Guard took a peek from behind the house corner and tried to Menace Bishop with little success. In return Bishop killed this Guard. At this moment the game was almost over as the only model's left for Gavin was Francisco.

Ash Viki easily killed Francisco and run towards third corner to remove Gavin's scheme marker.
Desperate Merc dropped scheme marker in second corner and move b2b with Gavin's scheme marker.

Upkeep phase Turn 4: Viks +1VP for strategy.
Score: Viks 2 - Lucius 0

Turn 5 was quick - I removed two scheme markers and denied Gavin 2VP for his Power Ritual.
Game ended this turn.

Upkeep phase Turn : Viks +1VP for strategy, +3VP for Bodyguard and +3VP for Power Ritual; Lucius +1VP for Power Ritual

Final score: Viks 9 - Lucius 1

Game report 15.02.15 35SS Viks vs Levi

Game report - 15.02.2015

35SS Viks (daniello_s) vs Leveticus (Eoghan)

Deployment: Coner Deployment
Strategy: Stake the Claim
Schemes: ALITS, Breakthrough, Protect Territory, Cursed Object, Power Ritual

Eoghan brought Levi with:

Levi (4SS pool)- To the Earth and return, Desolate Soul
Rusty - From Aether
2x Abomination
2x Waif

I took:

Ash Viki (3SS pool)- Survivalist, Sisters in Fury, Oathkeeper
Blood Viki - Mark of Shez'uul, Oathkeeper
Maliafux Child
Desperate Merc

Eoghan picked Power Ritual and Breakthrough (both announced)
I picked Protect Territory (not announced however I should ) and Power Ritual (announced).

After deployment it looked like that:

First turn it was mostly positioning, dropping scheme markers for Power Ritual and Protect Territory and preparing for general onslaught.


However in second turn Levi was able to shoot Ash Viki i dropped her life to 3 wounds. I was able to restore her health (2 wounds remained) and in return I jumped out and killed one Waif. Blood Viki positioned herself to make a quick kill in the next turn as I was hoping to seize initiative and jump both Sisters on Abomination, Levi and nearby Rusty (I have hand fool of medium and high masks so I could trigger loads of Whirlwinds) - see photo below with charge being prepared
Johana and Merc run on the far side of the table to drop scheme markers (and then claim markers).


As usual, despite burning the soul stone to re-flip initiative I failed and Ash Viki died of Levi's charge and summoned abomination in her place (2x severe damage thanks to channelling). Then Levi hit Blood Viki for 4 wounds and buried himself... Cheeky bastich... Well, Blood Viki was completely pissed off so she charged two abomination the way she would be in hard cover from Rusty (both abominations died in process). Johana and Merc drop Claimed markers, Lazarus approached them and fire once hitting Johana (3 damage). performer positioned herself to lure Lazarus away from Waif. One abomination dropped scheme marker on the far side for Power Ritual scheme.


Upkeep phase: Viks 1VP for stake the claim. Score: Viks 1 - Levi 0

On turn 4 I won initiative! Yay! I decided to wreck havoc and Blood Viki killed abomination and Rusty Alyce (Whirlwind and Joker for damage on Rusty!!!). In retaliation Levi killed Blood Viki but I was OK as she dragged his attention for long time and killed enough models herself. Then Levi jumped in the base contact with Abomination in the centre sacrificing poor construct.
Vanessa positioned herself to claim VP points for nearby Scheme Markers (Protect Territory) and took defensive stance Merc charged nearby abomination (who dropped claim marker this turn) but did only marginal damage and Johana positioned herself to slain this abomination next turn and dropped scheme marker needed for Power Ritual.


Upkeep phase : Viks 1VP for strategy. Score: Viks 2 - Levi 0

On turn 5 Vanessa shot Levi with no result and took defensive stance again, Levi and second abomination dropped claimed markers, Merc and abomination traded some blows but with no effect. Lazarus came closer and Performer tried to lure abomination out of Merc but with no success.

I flipped 9 at the end of the turn so game was over.

Upkeep phase: Viks 3VP for Power Ritual and 2VP for Protect Territory; Levi 1VP for Stake the Claim and 3VP for Power Ritual.

Final score: Viks 7 - Levi 4

General observations:
- sling-shot is a must against Levi. With Waif being safely positioned and Rusty's charge denial ability it is the only way to harm Levi and his minions really, really hard
- Levi is a monster... Channelling is even worse
- I need to grab 1 or 2 Void Wretches as the objective runners. Desperate Merc is cheap and generally OK but a bit to slow

My painted (so far) models

Quick peek what I have ready to play with a little story how it is started...

Viks plus Vanessa and Freikorps Strongarm - these models were bought and painted as my first Malifaux models (Strongarm is no longer with me).


Then there were Lazarus and Desolation Engine:


Next I got Rusty Alyce, two Abominations, Freikorps Librarian, Hodgepodge Effigy and Malifaux Child.
Newest addition to my crew:

Freikorps librarian

Rusty Alyce

2 abominations

Hodgepodge effigy

and Malifaux Child (Stolen model)

Next in the queue were: Johana and Lady Hans.



Next were two Convict Gunslingers and Performer



Miss Bishop followed them shortly.


After Bishop, Killjoy was ready to taste some blood.


Then Desperate Mercenary joined Viks crewmerc1.jpg


And finally Ashes and Dust (aka Leveticus is coming soon )

