Saturday, 24 December 2016

Game report 22.12.16 50SS Levi vs Sonnia

Game report - 22.12.2016

50SS Levi (daniello_s) vs Sonnia (Owen)

Owen brought:
Sonnia (5SS pool) - Cherufe's Imprint, Counterspell Aura, Reincarnation
Fransisco - Wade In, Hermano de Armas
Samael Hopkins - Witch Hunt
Witchling Handler
2x Witchling Stalker
2x Guild Hounds

I took:
Levi (5SS pool) - Pariah of Bone, Oathkeeper
(killing machine or at least believed widely to be still this kind of monster and Abomination summoner with the melee attack only)
(shooting support, Waif anchor)
Johana - Oathkeeper
(beat-stick, condition removal, Waif anchor)
Ashes & Dust
(mobile beatstick, scheme runner, Waif anchor)
2x Rotten Belle
(lure and slow casters)
(scheme runner)
2x Hollow Waif
(Levi's life insurance)

Owen picked Convict Labour and Leave Your Mark.
I took Undercover Entourage (Levi) and Leave Your Mark

Deployment (Levi deployed first at the bottom right corner):

Turn 1
Initiative: Levi

Key actions/moments:

- As usual turn 1 was all about movement and positioning. I kept in mind the range of Sonnia's attack after she would be 'towed' by Francisco so I did positioned my models as far as it was safe. I split my crew in two parts: Levi, Rusty, A&D, one Belle and Waif went along my left flank and Johana, second Belle and Waif along right. Crooligan jumped behind the building on the far left ready to drop scheme marker for Leave Your Mark on turn 2. Anything what would try to go towards Crooligan would be welcomed by my models on the left flank.
Owen split his crew in two also. Handler and two Stalkers run along his left flank and rest of his crew  moved towards centre of the table.
- Levi double walked and shot one Hound but Owen used Red Joker to put me on negative flip and Levi only did minimum damage.

Upkeep phase:
No VPs scored by either side

Score after turn 1: Levi 0 - Sonnia 0

Turn 2
Initiative: Levi

Key actions/moments:

- Levi killed one Hound (the one which wasn't wounded) but because Sonnia was close to this Hound I had to use stones to get a suit.
- Sonnia then unleashed inferno a walked one and then bumped her Ca +2 and fire twice at Johana. Owen very good cards in his hand and I had really average hand (after stoning I had 11, 9 and then lower) so he was able twice to cheat high enough to get straight flip and do 2x severe damage on Johana plus he did blast Waif into pieces and put hurt Belle for 6 damage. Also Belle and Johana got +2 Burning. This was a gamble on his side as Sonnia was now exposed to A&D. I lured Rusty to get a clear shot at Sonnia and Belle tapped out one of the Burning from herself.
- Owen tried to keep Sonnia safe and he towed her with Francisco so I had to walk once with Rusty to get shot at Sonnia. Instead Rusty shot at Hound killing it and then walked once to get fire position at Sonnia next turn. Samuel walked once and put Burning +4 on Rusty (I prevented 2 damage of it later). Also once Stalker was lucky to shoot her and do Red Joker on damage (again I used stone for damage prevention).
- Johana extinguished burning from herself.
- Crooligan dropped scheme marker as planned and Handler plus other Stalker did the same.
- At the bottom of the turn A&D walked once and charged Sonnia hitting her twice and Owen used stoned to prevent some damage.

Upkeep phase:
Levi: 1VP Collect the Bounty, 1VP Leave Your Mark

Score after turn 2: Levi 2 - Sonnia 0

Turn 3
Initiative: Levi

Key actions/moments:

- A&D finished off Sonnia despite her desperate tries of preventing the damage.This also greatly depleted Owen's hand as he tried to protect Sonnia as much as possible.
- Stalker killed Johana.
- I failed to put Slow on Handler and then run away with wounded Belle.
- Francisco charged other Belle and left her on two wounds remaining.
- When Owen had no cards left in the hand I decided it is time for Rusty to get some fun and she used Rapid Fire against Samuel standing in hard cover. First shot went through and I pulled Red Joker on double negative damage flip which made Samuel's head explode. Fun, fun, fun ;)
- Levi burnt Oathkeeper, walked once and charged Stalker but failed miserably with his 3 attacks woundng it only for 1 damage... Fun ends here ;)
- Owen dropped third scheme marker for Convict Labour and my Crooligan secured me second VP for Leave Your Mark.

Upkeep phase:
Levi: 1VP Collect the Bounty, 1VP Leave Your Mark

Score after turn 3: Levi 4 - Sonnia 1

Turn 4
Initiative: Levi

Key actions/moments:

- A&D charged Francisco and killed him.
- Handler dropped marked for Leave Your Mark.
- Levi sacrificed wounded Belle who close to Handler and then charge killing her with one strike.Then he walked away to get ready and secure me some VPs for Entourage next turn.
- Stalker shot Rusty and left her on 2 wounds 4 wounds remaining and +2 Burning. She run away behind LOS blocker and Belle extinguished one burning of her.

Upkeep phase:
Levi: 1VP Collect the Bounty, 1VP Leave Your Mark
Sonnia: 1VP Convict Labour, 1VP Leave Your Mark

Score after turn 4: Levi 6 - Sonnia 3

Turn 5
Initiative: Levi

Key actions/moments:

- Levi killed Stalker and summoned Waif on Owen's half of the table. Then A&D  walked 3 times to anchor her which allowed Levi to respawn and secure me 2VPs for Entourage.
- Stalker dropped scheme marker for Leave Your Mark.
- Game ended on this turn.

Upkeep phase:
Levi: 1VP Collect the Bounty, 2VP Undercover Entourage
Sonnia: 1VP Leave Your Mark

Final score: Levi 9 - Sonnia 4

Few comments after the game:

- Ashes & Dust was MVP of the game. This model is crazy good but 13SS justifies his enormous flexibility.
- Rusty did her job too although killing Samuel was very lucky.
- Levi performed not bad although not killing Stalker with 3 attacks was a bit blah ;)
- Belles didn't lure almost anything but they presence did impact how Owen was placing his models.
- Sonnia with her blasts is a bonker. She is so powerful thanks to her range, blasts, burning and adding +2 to her Ca. She is more filthy than Levi ;)

Till next time!

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