Sunday, 10 April 2016

Game report 08.04.16 50SS Leveticus vs Seamus

Game report - 08.04.2016

50SS Leveticus (daniello_s) vs Seamus (Owen)

Deployment: Standard Deployment
Strategy: Headhunter
Schemes: Convict Labour, Leave Your Mark, Hunting Party, Set Up, Catch and Release

Owen brought:
Seamus (7SS pool) - Bag O'Tools, Red Chapel Killer
Madame Sybelle - Bleeding Tongue
Copycat Killer
Bete Noire
The Hanged
Punk Zombie
2x Canine Remains

I took:
Levi (4SS pool) - Pariah of Iron, To the Earth Return, Tally Sheet
(ultimate killing machine who with Effigy's help can get a fresh sousltone after killing enemy model)
Howard Langston - Oathkeeper
(fast and deadly hitter; Waif anchor)
Teddy - Oathkeeper
(second heavy hitter in the list; Waif anchor)
Soulstone Miner
(Leave Your Mark prime scheme runner; backup Waif anchor)
(heavy hitter and condition removal; Waif anchor)
Hodgepodge Effigy
(soulstone re-supply model which combines nicely with Levi; scheme runner and Headhunter snatcher)
Winged Plague
(scheme runner and prime Headhunter snatcher which would be replaced with Necropunk if I had any for this game)
2x Hollow Waif
(Levi's life insurance)

We both picked same schemes: Leave Your Mark and Hunting Party.

Before the game we agreed (as gentleman should do) not to hire any Belles for this game. It was perfectly acceptable for Seamus to summon them along the game but we didn't want to end up running similar lists and use same models (3x Belle + Madame Sybelle).

It was Owen's second game with GG2016 schemes and, as he agreed himself, he didn't picked crew and schemes correctly. On the other hand I was more than aware that Hanged and his Whispers From Beyond can easily cripple Howard and Teddy (especially Teddy would be hurt as he wouldn't be able to use Regeneration after it) and Seamus could then easily remove them with one shot of his deadly gun (Focus + cheat for severe damage).
So my plan was to remove Hanged with Levi as fast as possible even if that leaves easy Head Marker for Owen to pick after.

Owen wrote his report as well which can be found here:

Deployment: Seamus deployed first (Levi's crew is on the right).
I spread my crew to have a heavy hitter in every place (Howard left flank, Johana center, Teddy right flank).
Levi was placed almost opposite to Seamus and Hanged. Soulstone Miner started game buried (like Bete).

Turn 1
Initiative: Seamus (Levi won the flip but allowed Seamus to start)

Key moments/actions:
- Owen didn't really want to get close to either Teddy nor Howard (not to mention Levi) and moved his models closer to the centre of the table not far from his deployment zone except Punk Zombie who was flanking me on left and Sybelle flanking me on my right. Copycat jumped in base contact with Seamus, Focused and shot Effigy who was sitting in hard cover but missed.
- I pushed forward making sure that Hanged won't Whisper anything to any of my models in turn 1.
- Levi double walked and killed Copycat with single shot (extra soulstone in my pocket). I knew Owen will pick this head before me but it was worthy to remove this pesky fellow. Bete took opportunity and unburied next to dead Copycat.
- Soulstone Miner unburied on my right flank and now Sybelle was facing Teddy, Miner, Winged Plague and Waif there all alone.

Upkeep phase:
No VPs scored by either side.

Score after turn 1: Levi 0 - Seamus 0

Turn 2
Initiative: Seamus

Key moments/actions:
- Seamus picked Head and jumped into small building next to Waif.
- Hodgepodge used Loyalty to the Coin on Levi and then Levi chain-activate and killed Hanged - another soulstone in my pocket.
- Owen used Canines to block my way to the Head Marker.
- Howard burnt Oathkeeper and charged Punk Zombie. I had two high Rams for Decapitate trigger. First attack went through and Owen discarded two cards. Second attack went through as well but Black Joker on damage flip ruined my day. Third attack (from Fast) hit again with flipped Ram! Owen had to use 2 soulstones to save Punk Zombie who was left on last wound (Hard to Kill). Punk Zombie flurried and damaged Howard quite a lot.
- Teddy burnt his Oathkeeper and charged Canine killing it but it took him 3 attacks to do that (I was short of cards as well). Thankfully that got me a VP for Hunting Party.
- Bete run towards my deployment zone as fast as possible.
- Soulstone Miner moved and dropped scheme marker for Leave Your Mark
- Waif run away from Seamus and Johana tarpit that gentleman.

Upkeep phase:
Levi: +1VP Hunting Party, +1VP Leave Your Mark
Seamus: +1VP Headhunter

Score after turn 2: Levi 2 - Seamus 1

Turn 3
Initiative: Seamus

Key moments/actions:
- Punk Zombie flurried at Howard but with small effect.
- Plague snatched Head marker.
- Sybelle picked another Head Marker
- Howard finished Punk Zombie and moved towards table centre.
- Bete and Miner moved and dropped scheme markers.
- Teddy attacked Sybelle and hurt her a bit.
- Seamus put Johana on last wound (Hard to Kill) and got smacked a bit by her in return (she had this nasty condition which gives -2 MI when targeting Seamus)
- Levi walked all the way down towards Bete to negate VP for Leave Your Mark.

Upkeep phase:
Levi: +1VP Headhunter, +1VP Hunting Party, +1VP Leave Your Mark
Seamus: +1VP Headhunter

Score after turn 3: Levi 5 - Seamus 2

Turn 4:
Initiative: Levi

Key moments/actions:
- Johana flurried and put Seamus in pain (damage prevention done). Seamus killed her dropping his scheme marker with the hit (trigger), walked and picked Head Marker.
- Effigy picked Head Marker.
- Sybelle hit Teddy and walked to Winged Plague.
- Teddy charged Canine and killed it.
- Levi walked and attacked Seamus leaving him on last 2 wounds.
- Howard moved to support Levi.
- Miner tried to charge Sybelle but failed Horror Duel.
- Plague wounded Sybelle
- Bete walked and dropped another scheme marker.

Upkeep phase:
Levi: +1VP Headhunter, +1VP Hunting Party,
Seamus: +1VP Headhunter, +1VP Leave Your Mark

Score after turn 4: Levi 7 - Seamus 4

Turn 5:
Initiative: Levi

Key moments/actions:
- Levi attacked Seamus. First shot bounced off as Seamus used Red Joker for defense. Second shot went through as I used Red Joker for attack but I flipped Black Joker on damage... Oh man... Third shot went through as well and put Seamus down.
- Sybelle killed Plague and then died of combined effort of Teddy, Soulstone Miner and Waif. Bad flips for attack forced me to use all those 3 models to kill her and actually Waif did the job :D
- Bete dropped another marker.
- Effigy did the same.
- Howard picked Head Marker.
- Flip for turn 6 - nope. Game ended here.

Upkeep phase:
Levi: +1VP Headhunter, +1VP Leave Your Mark
Seamus: +1VP Hunting Party, +1VP Leave Your Mark

Score after turn 5: Levi 9 - Seamus 6

Few thoughts after the game:

- Howard and Teddy are great beat-sticks with Pariah of Iron Levi. Put Oathkeeper on them and they are absolutely crazy good.
- Miner is good as well. Resilient, can unbury in nice place, mobile and is an anchor as well. I used him first time and I already like him.
- Plague is good scheme runner for Jack but definitely will loose his place to Necropunk.
- Hodgepodge Effigy + Tally Sheet on Levi is a pure gold. It almost like Effigy and Tally Sheet were intentionally made for Levi ;)

Till next time!

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