Monday, 30 November 2015

Nordicon 28.11.2015 - 50SS fixed faction tournament - part 2

Game report - 28.11.2015 Nordicon, Belfast - 50SS fixed faction tournament - part 2

After two games I was on 2nd place right behind Mike and his Molly so I knew the next game won't be easy one...

For the reminder those were the strategies/schemes for last two games of the tournament:
Round 3
Strategy : Extraction
Deployment : Close Deployment
Schemes : Distract,Assassinate,Make Them Suffer,Take Prisoner, ALiTS
Round 4
Strategy : Stake a Claim
Deployment : Standard Deployment
Schemes : Breakthrough,Assassinate,Take Prisoner,Frame for Murder, ALiTS

Round 3

Mike... My personal nemezis... :D

Mike's crew:

Molly - Forgotten Life, Tear of the Gorgon, Take Back the Night - 7SS pool
Madame Sybelle - Bleeding Tongue
2x Guild Autopsy
Carrion Effigy
Night Terror

I took:

Ash Viki (4SS pool) - Sisters in Spirit, Sisters in Fury, Synchronized Slaying
(sling-shot machine for her twin-Sister and killing machine herself)
Blood Viki - Oathkeeper, Mark of Shez'ull
(main killer in the crew)
(general support for the crew with extra card each round on the top of everything else)
(Sister-healer who benefits also from Sisters in Fury, Ca damage dealer)
Freikorps Librarian
(healing support)
Freikorps Trapper
(forwardly deployed, annoying Minion :D)
(beat-stick and condition removal)
Malifaux Child
(Sisters in Fury caster, healing support)

We both picked: Assassinate and Make Them Suffer.

I have never played against Molly before but seeing Killjoy in the crew I was sure some dirty trick will be involved. And I wasn't left disappointed - Mike showed me a dirty trick straight on the turn 1...

Deployment (Viks were deploying first)

Key moments in the game:

Turn 1:
- Mike wins initiative, activates Molly who walks once, summons Guild Autopsy who dies straight away as there is no enemy model nearby - that makes Killjoy unbury in front of my models. Mike also summons Punk Zombie. Killjoy chain-activates and charges Ash Viki. My reasonable high cheats meets Mike's extremely high cheats (Red Joker and 13) and even burning all my soulstones could not prevent first turn kill of my Master and 3VP for Assassination. Right after that I was ready to call a game but as it was a tournament I had to play to the bitter end...

Turn 2-5:
- Mike summons in total over 35SS worth of models  - couple Punk Zombies, 2x Student of Viscera (after I killed one he summoned other) and he slowly worn me down to my last two models - Malifaux Child and Trapper.
- I'm able to score 2 points for Make Them Suffer and 1 for strategy. Still I'm surprised I was able to withstand to the last turn...

Final score: Viks 3 - Molly 7

That was a brutal lesson of what Molly can do... Well, no pain, no gain as the wise man said. Now I know Molly's basic tricks and I'll be prepared better next time :D

Round 4

I was currently sitting on the 4th place but still I had a chance to be 2nd or 3rd but first I needed to win against Matt (who was currently 3rd) and his Neverborn master. I was expecting Lynch but Matt picked Dreamer instead. I thought 'great, another master I'll play for the first time...' :D

I don't remember exactly what Matt has in his crew (upgrade-wise) but it looked something like this:

Dreamer - Dreams of Pain (6/7SS pool)
Mr Graves - unknown upgrade
Mr Tannen - unknown upgrade
2x Waldgeist
2x Day Dream

I took:

Tara (5SS pool) - Dead of Winter, Knowledge of Eternity, Obliteration Symbiote
(burying/unburying shenanigans, slow/fast caster)
Malifaux Child
(slow/fast caster)
Death Marshal
(burying shenanigans which can remove one of the enemy key models without killing it)
Nothing Beast - Void Shield
(very mobile beat-stick)
2x Void Wretch
(strategy runners, slow casters, healing and condition removal for buried models )
(beat-stick and condition removal)

Matt picked: Breakthrough (revealed) and Take a Prisoner (one of the Void Wretches).
I picked: Assassinate and Frame for Murder (Killjoy). I was expecting Killjoy to be killed soon after he jumps out and tries to kill Dreamer but I should take something else instead.

I had no idea what I could possibly expect from my opponent except one thing: it is not going to be an easy game :D


Key moments in the game:

- Despite double obstacles (2x Germinate) Tara drops Killjoy who kills one Waldgeist on turn 1.
- Killjoy is being paralyzed at the start of turn 2 (don't remember what triggered this) but Tara buries him and Void Wretch removes this pesky condition from him, which makes him ready for action when Tara reactivates. Happy Killjoy kills another Waldgeist.
- Mr Tannen and Mr Graves advance way to close to fast Johana (fast from Malifaux Child) and Nothing Beast - both my models charge Mr Graves killing him.
- Summoned Stitched Together (2 of them) are dying faster than they can do anything substantial. Summoned Coppelius dies quite quick as well.
- Silurid leaps and drops scheme markers and claim marker but Tara also is able to drop claim markers negating Matt's ones and giving me a 1VP point for strategy over the course of the game while Matt is not able to score a single point for strategy.
- Mr Tannen, being on double Defensive Stance, survives two turns of heavy beating from Johana and Nothing Beast.
- Killjoy finally is able to jump on Dreamer on the Turn 4 reaping him apart and giving me 3VP for Assassinate.
- Delay in killing Mr Tannen disallows me to engage Silurid and remove opponent's scheme and claim markers. When claim markers are negated by my claim markers, Matt is still able to score 3VP for Breakthrough.

Final score: Tara 4 - Dreamer 3

In the meantime Mike defeats Mark which allows me to jump back on the 2nd place in the final ranking! Yay! :D

That was a very nice and well organized tournament. Robert deserved an A+ for the organization - big thanks to him.
I also want to thanks to my opponents for the challenging games and I hope I'll see all of the guys at Paddyfaux on March 2016. 

Till next time!

Sunday, 29 November 2015

Nordicon 28.11.2015 - 50SS fixed faction tournament - part 1

Game report - 28.11.2015 Nordicon, Belfast - 50SS fixed faction tournament - part 1

Again I had a chance to visit Belfast this year - this time for 50SS fixed faction tournament during Nordicon. 
It was 4 round event with following strategies and schemes for each round:

Round 1
Strategy : Reckoning
Deployment : Standard Deployment
Schemes : Protect Territory,Bodyguard,Plant Explosives,Make Them Suffer, ALiTS

Round 2
Strategy : Interference
Deployment : Flank Deployment
Schemes : Breakthrough,Protect Territory,Spring the Trap,Frame for Murder, ALiTS
Round 3
Strategy : Extraction
Deployment : Close Deployment
Schemes : Distract,Assassinate,Make Them Suffer,Take Prisoner, ALiTS
Round 4
Strategy : Stake a Claim
Deployment : Standard Deployment
Schemes : Breakthrough,Assassinate,Take Prisoner,Frame for Murder, ALiTS

As usual I was bringing my Outcasts with me however I have decided not to use same Master twice that day.
I did not have a time to note down every action turn after turn so my reports from each round would be limited to the key information about each game :D

Round 1

The Malifaux fate crossed my path against David and his Gremlins.
I have never played against Gremlins but I was expecting either Ophelia or Wong. I was correct - David picked Ophelia.

David's crew:

Ophelia - My Threatening Gun - 3SS pool
Francois - Stilts, Dirty Cheater
Manja Rocha - Dirty Cheater
Lenny - I'll love it...
Slop Hauler
Lightning Bug
Young LaCroix

I took:

Von Schill (4SS pool) - Survivalist, Oathkeeper, Shirt...
(killing-tank whose task was to hunt down enemy models and keep the rest engaged as long as possible)
Strongarm Suit
(same task as with Von Schill)
(general support for the crew with extra card each round on the top of everything else)
Freikorps Librarian
(Bodyguard-target, healing support)
2x Freikorps Trapper
(alpha-strike support to hunt down Slop Hauler, Lighting Bug or Young LaCroix as soon as possible)
Hodgepodge Effigy
(soulstone engine who would be a prime scheme marker runner as well)

David's schemes: Make Them Suffer and Plant Explosives
My schemes: Protect Territory (revealed) and Bodyguard (Librarian)

Deployment (Gremlins were deploying first):

Key moments in the game:

Turn 1: 
- Alpha-strike from Freikorps Trappers on Turn 1- Slop Hauler and Lightning Bug are killed.

Turn 2 :
- Ophelia kills Trapper and then is gunned down herself by Von Schill
- Merris gets extra AP via Reckless, moves and drops scheme marker in between Von Schill, Strongarm and Hannah. This suicidal mission grants David 3VPs for Plant Explosives. It was suicidal as Merris is killed straight away by Hannah.

Turn 3:
- Strongarm kills Manja. Von Schill (helped by Trapper) guns down Francois. 
- Lenny and Young LaCroix are running away as far as they can.
- I have 2 scheme markers ready and guarded by Hodgepodge Effigy

Turn 4:
- chase after remaining Gremlins and announcing Bodyguard on Librarian.

Turn 5
- Lenny tries to hit Young LaCroix to summon Piglet. Young one relents but David flips 3x severe damage on double negative twist :D
- Lenny is killed by Von Schill and Strongarm.

Final score: Von Schill 9 - Ophelia 4

Malifaux was very kind to me during this game as I had very strong control hand in first 3 turns and my flips were at least average when at the same time David had moderately good control hand and his flips were about average. 
Turn 1 was the most important as killing Slop Hauler I prevented pig-summoning machine to run.

Round 2

On round 2 I was crossed with Owen and his Colette. I played against Owen and his Arcanist Mistress few times already so I knew a bit his tricks and tactics. 

Owen's crew:

Colette - Cabaret Choreography, Practiced Production  - 7SS pool
Cassandra - Smoke and Mirrors
2x Performer
Mechanical Dove

On the one hand I wanted to play competitively but on the other I wanted Owen to enjoy this game as much as I would so I decided not to take Viks or Levi, so I chose (almost) Rat-less Hamelin.
Once I get Brotherhood of Rat, I'll be able to play Hamelin more as he should be played (with Rat-shenanigans) but in the meantime I had only 2 Rats with me :D

Hamelin (4SS pool) - Survivalist, The Piper, I Pay Better
(Obey master who can't be charged who can be parked near the table centre)
(Contruct-killer who can be surprisingly mobile (and killy) when Obeyed by Hamelin)
(almost same as Taelor plus condition removal)
Freikorps Librarian
(healing support)
2x Void Wretch
(scheme runners)
Freikorps Trapper
(forwardly deployed model who can harass Performers from the long distance, scheme runner)
(non-chargeable scheme runner who is also mercenary so she 'benefits' from I Pay Better)

We both picked and announced same schemes: Protect Territory and Breakthrough

Deployment (Arcanists were deploying first):

Key moments in the game:

Turn 1 and 2
- as we played very defensively nothing major happened on those two turns however Ronin and Trapper advanced towards Owen's table quarter which was held by Cassandra, Joss and Performer. In the meantime Taelor and Hamelin park themselves close to the centre of the table (but 6'' away from the centre marker) and Johana, Librarian and Void Wretches guard my table quarters. Hamelin uses his Obey to explode enemy Dove so all other Doves are not so keen to stay with 12'' of him any longer :D

Turn 3:

- Ronin and Trapper jump the table quarter still being held by Arcanists. Taelor decides to play a mind game and discards a card to take Focus and double walks towards Joss and the table quarter where Ronin and Trapper are. By discarding card and taking Focus Taelor convinces Owen that I'm planning some sort of attack and he stays in cover away from her. Hamelin activates last and Obeys Taelor to walk twice on the enemy table quarter which negates Owen a VP point this turn.

Turn 4 (the last turn as we were running out of time for this game):

- Owen knowing he will lose this game tarpits Ronin (already activated) and Taelor (not activated yet) with Doves to secure VP point for Strategy this turn. I make a wrong Obey order choice - I decide to Obey Taelor to swing at Dove, leaving her unable to be Obeyed again and to short to charge Dove who tarpits Ronin. I should first Obey Taelor with walk around Dove, then move Hamelin and Obey Tealor again to kill Dove. This would allow me to charge other Dove and negate Owen another VP point for strategy.
We both max out VPs for schemes.

Final score: Hamelin 9 - Colette 8

That was really, really nice game with both Masters who really love to manipulate their crew. Thanks to one, single trick I was able to snatch the victory by one point. 

To be continued with Round 3 and 4...

Sunday, 15 November 2015

Game report 13.11.15 50SS Von Schill vs Collodi

Game report - 13.11.2015

50SS Von Schill (daniello_s) vs Collodi (Gavin)

Deployment: Standard Deployment
Strategy: Squatter's Rights
Schemes: ALITS, Assassinate, Bodyguard, Cursed Object, Outflank

Gavin brought:
Collodi (5SS pool) - Breathe of Live, Fated, Threads of Fate
Vasilisa - Strum of Threads
2x Coryphee
Brutal Effigy
2x Wicked Doll
3x Marionette

I took:
Von Schill (3SS pool) - Survivalist, The Shirt Comes Off, Engage at Will
(tough and resilient killing machine who allows Rusty to summon Abomination each turn from her own scrap markers)
Rusty Alyce - From the Aether
(Abomination summoner; very mobile heavy hitter in both melee and shooting)
(brings extra card each turn which helps Rusty with summoning; also a very good tarpit against models relying on Ca actions)
Freikorps Librarian
(healing support; Bodyguard target)
(heavy hitter and Construct-killer)
Freikorps Trapper
(shooting support parked close to Squatter's marker to flip it turn 2)
Hodgepodge Effigy
(ALITS scheme runner who allows also get some extra soul stones when leader kills enemy model)

Gavin picked: Cursed Object and Bodyguard (Vasilisa).
I took: ALITS (revealed) and Bodyguard (Librarian)

I've never played against Collodi before so it was absolutely new experience for me. Also I've never used Rusty with From the Aether in Von Schill's crew so I was really thrilled to give it a go and I must say it worked really well :D


Turn 1
Initiative duel: Collodi

Gavin used his first activation to avoid his Coryphee being gunned down from my Trapper (which would happen :D). Generally we advanced towards centre line and nothing major happened this turn.

Rusty's Abomination summoning log: success.

Upkeep phase - No VP score by either side;

Score after turn 1: Von Schill  0 - Collodi 0

Turn 2
Initiative duel: Von Schill

Abomination flipped the Squatter marker and then was charged by the Coryphee who flipped Black Joker on one of the damage flips and ultimately failed to kill Abomination. Rusty walked and swung at Coryphee killing. Then she summoned Abomination from the scrap marker left by Coryphee.
Gavin pushed strongly forward his crew towards centre line and my guys. Then I was made aware how tricky Collodi and his crew is: Vasilisa Obeyed my Abomination to re-flip Squatter Marker (*) and one of the small guys charged Von Schill and then gave him Cursed Object (and a lot of Poison).

(*) After checking the rules and asking the question on the forum it seems this action wouldn't re-flip my Squatter's Marker after all as as pointed in the Friends & Enemies caption of the Rulebook (p.31) my Abomination still would belong to my crew so if she flips the marker it will belong to her crew anyway.

Von Schill tried to shake it down but his attacks were either one of his attacks was deflected, second flipped Black Joker, third hit and only with Finish the Cur he was able to kill this little bugger. Unfortunately it also meant that Cursed Object stayed with him... Another little bugger came close to my models but was quickly put down by Hannah.
Collodi raised Marionette who walked in between my models.
Abomination tarpit Vasilisa.
I start dropping scheme markers for ALITS.

I pushed rest of my crew towards Collodi's crew with Librarian taking looong swing around my right flank keeping her out of the combat.

Rusty's Abomination summoning log: success.

Upkeep phase:
Collodi: +1VP Strategy; +1VP Cursed Object

Score after turn 2Von Schill 0 - Collodi 2

Turn 3
Initiative duel: Von Schill

My first mistake this game: Rusty tried to kill Marionette but failed to do it in her activation... I should use nearby Johana to do it rather than Rusty... After this failure Rusty raised Abomination from scrap marker laying near Von Schill.
This pesky Marionette gave Cursed Object to Hannah and Rusty in her activation. Hannah used Make a New Entry to grant Rusty Finish the Cur on Marionette. That killed the construct and thanks to the trigger raised another Abomination. Then Hannah walked once tarpitting Collodi and Vasilisa and swung at Collodi (missed).
Vasilisa Obeyed Hannah (against her Wp8!!!!) and pushed her away to block Von Schill. Then she tried to do same trick but failed this time.
One of the Abominations moved and tarpit  Collodi and Vasilisa. Collodi used My Will on Vasilisa twice but she could only scratch Abomination. Then he cast Pull the Strings on Rusty hurting her for 4. Librarian walked once and healed Rusty for one.
Marionette and Wicked Doll tarpit Abomination and Hannah. Coryphee joined the party but Johana's charge proved that was bad idea :D
Abominations moved to trigger as much Df duels on the opponents as possible. This successfully drained Gavin's hand fully.
As the last model Von Schill activated. He moved and the charged Marionette the way he was in 8'' from all enemy crew. His attacks did nothing to the marionette (I had only very low cards left in my hand) but then he took of his shirt and triggered loads of Horror Duels. Only Brutal effigy and one Marionette succeeded those duels leaving rest of Gavin's crew absolutely paralyzed :D

Rusty's Abomination summoning log: double success!

Upkeep phase:
Collodi: +1VP Strategy; +1VP Cursed Object
Von Schill: +1VP Startegy

Score after turn 3Von Schill 1 - Collodi 4

As were are preparing for turn 4, the shop manager came up and announced we have 30 minutes left before he close the shop. After brief discussion, together with Gavin we agreed not play it (although I was more than eager to do it :)) and we have reviewed situation what would happen on that turn 4
Because Gavin's crew was basically grounded he couldn't do much. He would defend Vasilisa with with all his card and soul stones he had left to get VP's for Bodyguard.

I would drop final scheme marker for ALITS and secure points for Bodyguard.
Because I was out-activating Gavin heavily I would be able to shake down Cursed Objects from my models, kill some of his small dudes and possible hurt Collodi or Vasilisa. I don't think I would be able to flip two Gavin's Squatter's Marker (he had 3 at the time) to deny him VP point for Strategy. At least not in that turn :D

With gentleman's agreement we called it a 6-6 draw (Gavin would get +1VP for Strategy and +1VP for Bodyguard and I would get +1VP for Strategy, +1VP for Bodyguard and +3VP for ALITS).

I'm quite happy after the game. I had only brief idea what Collodi can do and now I see he is quite difficult to play against. Also his crew is so cool looking I think it is my favorite Neverborn crew.
Rusty was my MVP of the game and finally I was able to capitalize on From the Aether upgrade. Unfortunately I think this upgrade really works only with Von Schill and his Engage at Will upgrade.

Till next time!

Sunday, 8 November 2015

Game report 06.11.15 50SS Tara vs Colette

Game report - 06.11.2015

50SS Tara (daniello_s) vs Colette (Owen)

Deployment: Close Deployment

Strategy: Reconnoitre
Schemes: ALITS, Protect Territory, Breakthrough, Frame for Murder, Distract

Owen brought:
(4SS pool) - Practised Production, Cabaret Choreography

Cassandra - Smoke and Mirrors
2x Coryphee
Mechanical Dove

I took:
Tara (4SS pool) - Dead of Winter, Knowledge of Eternity, Obliteration Symbiote
(bury/unbury and Slow/Fast shenanigans)
Malifaux Child
(Slow/Fast caster; healing support)
Death Marshal
(burying shenanigans; Breakthrough runner)
Desolation Engine
(heavy hitter and target for Tara's burying/unburying shenanigans)
(heavy hitter and Construct-killer)
Nothing Beast - Void Shield
(very mobile heavy hitter and target for Tara's burying/unburying shenanigans)
2x Void Wretch
(ALITS scheme runners; healers for friendly buried models)

Owen picked: ALITS and Breakthrough (both revealed).
I took: Breakthrough (revealed) and Frame for Murder (Engine).

I was thinking about taking Killjoy but because I haven't used Desolation Engine for a long time and because his after-death Abominations summon I decide to pick him. 
Because of the close deployment and Colette's Prompt action I knew the game will be really bloody.


Turn 1
Initiative duel: Tara - Colette allowed to go first.

I didn't go with Tara as first model to activate as I did expect something to be Prompted heavily towards her ans then attacking her. Now I think I should just move, bury Engine giving him Fast as well and then just move in some save position.
Anyway, Marshal put Engine into the pine-box (I think it was rather big pine-box :D) and moved together with one Void Wretch to my right flank. Malifaux Child pinged Nothing Beast with Fast.
Colette's crew advanced towards the middle dropping as many scheme markers on the centreline as possible.

I decided to inflict first casualty and double walked Nothing Beast behind the building, Focused and swung at Coryphee. I had two high cards (13 and 11) so I was ready to cheat for attack if necessary and then for 7 damage which would remove Coryphee. Of course plan was good but Owen disrupt it by cheating defensive flip with Red Joker which put me on negative damage flip and effectively on 1 damage on Coryphee.
Colette used Prompt on Performer who pushed toward Nothing Beast and hit it for 1 damage and +2 Poison. Also Joss was prompted to take position to attack Nothing Beast.
Now it was time to evacuate Nothing Beast from this situation - Tara unburied Desolation Engine and buried Nothing Beast.
Cassandra moved and charged Desolation Engine hurting it, then she used Southern Hospitality.
With Desolation Engine left to activate I focused him and swung at Cassandra for 3 damage which was fully prevented with soulstones. Second hit missed. She also suffered 1 damage fro Engine's pulses (some damage prevention done here as well) . Joss moved closer to Cassandra and my guys.

Situation looked really bleak to me...

Upkeep phase - No VP score by either side;

Score after turn 1: Tara 0 - Colette 0

Turn 2
Initiative duel: Tara

I had two choices - activate Engine and try to kill Cassandra unburying heavily bruised Nothing Beast in the process which would expose it to Joss or activate one of the Void Wretches and heal Beast so even if Desolation Engine dies it will be quite healthy after unburying and might survive the turn.
I picked option 2 - Nothing Beast was healed and Poison removed from it.
Joss charged Nothing Beast - first attack went through but Black Joker on the damage saved Engine. Second hit went through but wasn't enough to kill the construct.
Now it was Desolation Engine's time to attack - first went through - 1 damage in total (damage prevention). Second went through - Red Joker on damage! Cassandra was dead and Desolation Engine fully healed himself! Yay! Nothing Beast unburied close to Joss. Engine's last attack hit Joss for minimal damage which was reduced by armour to 1 wound. 
Owen was quite devastated with Cassandra's deathso he lured Joss away from Nothing Beast with his Performer.
Nothing Beast moved, focused and hit Performer killing her.
Owen pushed his crew along my left flank to secure points from Breakthrough. One Coryphee went to support Colette who was engaged with Nothing Beast at this stage.
Marshal and Void Wretch moved foward which secured two table quarters and also Wretch dropped first scheme marker for Breakthrough.
Child pinged Johana with Fast who was immediately tarpit with Dove. Tara buried Johana, moved and unbury her so she could walk and then charge Coryphee. Here we forgot Coryphee couldn't be charged. Either way Johana hit it once (I did cheat the attack flip) and double positive damage flip showed only weak damage (I had nothing to cheat  it with...). Second hit missed. So even if I didn't charge Coryphee I would walk twice and hit it once anyway.

Now the situation looked bleak for Owen :D

Upkeep phase:
Tara: +1VP Strategy
Colette: +1VP Strategy,

Score after turn 2: Tara 1 - Colette 1
Turn 3
Initiative duel: Tara

Johana flurried and killed Coryphee.
With 4 significant models left Owen decided to call the game.

We agreed that the game would end up around 10-4 to Tara with my VPs max out and extra 3VPs for Breakthrough on Colette's side.

The most decisive moment in the game was Desolation Engine surviving Joss' charge and Cassandra's brutal death. If that didn't happen I would be in huuuuge trouble. Well, it seems bad things happen to others as well in Malifaux :D

Till next time!