Game report - 16.07.2015
50SS Tara (daniello_s) vs Yan Lo (Mike)
Deployment: Flank Deploymeny
Strategy: Collect the Bounty
Schemes: ALITS, Bodyguard, Breakthrough, Distract, Take a Prisoner
Mike brough (I think he had one upgrade on Izamu but can't recall which one):
Yan Lo (7SS pool) - Fortified Spirit, Reliquary
Soul Porter
Datsue Ba - Spirit Beacon, Spirit Whisper
2x Necropunk
Flesh Construct
I took:
Tara (4SS pool) - Knowledge of Eternity, Obliteration Symbiote, Dead of Winter
Karina - Face of Oblivion
Nothing Beast - Void Shield
Death Marshal
3x Void Wretch
Mike picked and announced: ALITS and Breakthrough.
I took: Bodyguard (Karina) and Take a Prisoner (Izamu)
A second game with Tara - I wasn't expecting much but I was hoping to score more points than at the first game :D
Table setup:
I won the flip for deployment and I allowed Mike to choose side and deploy first.
Crew's ready for encounter:
Turn 1
Moving, moving, moving, push, moving , moving, moving, leap... - that the best way to describe this turn.
We both moved our crews along our right flanks.
Upkeep phase - No VP scored on either side;
Score after turn 1: Tara 0 - Yan Lo 0
Turn 2
Mike decided to turn up the heat and pushed Izamu with Soul Porter and Datsue Ba which allowed him to double walk and hit Death Marshal. Tara made Death Marshal and Nothing Beast Fast.
Mike started to drop scheme markers whenever he could (leap on Necropunk is awesome...).
Upkeep phase - No VP scored on either side;
Score after turn 2: Tara 0 - Yan Lo 0
Turn 3
Death Marshal charged Izamu and put him in the box where he stayed till turn 5.
Yan Lo killed Void Wretch.
Then I made first mistake in the game - instead of charging a Necropunk in the yard I charged Datsue Ba. I misread the Void Shield ability and I thought I can bury the my models even if I have already friendly model buried but that is not the case. Well, lesson learnt anyway.
Nothing Beast hit 3 time but Datsue spent soulstones to put attacker on negative damage flip and to prevent the damage. Heavily bruised she survived.
Then Mike unleashed the hell and attacked Nothing Beast with: Datsue Ba, Nurse, Soul Porter, newly summoned Seishins, Necropunk (one attack) and Flesh Construct (one attack). Nothing Beast... survived very, very hurt.
In the meantime Killjoy joined the party, courtesy to Tara, and killed Necropunk and Seishin.
Upkeep phase - No VP scored on either side;
Score after turn 3: Tara 0 - Yan Lo 0
Turn 4
I won initiative - so Nothing Beast hit Datsue Ba killing her and then swung at Necropunk twice leaving him on last wound. Nurse paralyzed Killjoy and chain-activated Necropunk who used flurry and brought Nothing Beast to the two wounds left. Tara looked at this carnage...
and saying: enough is enough she buried Nothing Beast and walked away.
Rest of the Yan Lo's crew tried to hit Killjoy and hurt him a bit.
Then I made second mistake - I grouped Death Marshal and two Void Wretches in one place as I wanted to have at least one model who would engage unburied Izamu to score VP's for Take a Prisoner. Fully buffed Yan Lo (with all upgrades at this time of the game) moved closer to this group of models and I was expecting his famous assault to happen soon... I really should move one of my Void Wretches forward towards the middle of the table and start removing Mike's scheme markers. one of the Wretch sucessfully healed Nothing Beast (he was back to 4 wounds left).
Apart of that I announced Bodyguard on Karina.
Upkeep phase - Tara +1VP for Bodyguard, +1VP for Strategy;
Score after turn 2: Tara 2 - Yan Lo 0
Turn 5
Unfortunatley Yan Lo got initiative and used his assault trick to kill two Void Wretches.
In response I activated Tara as first model and made my third, last mistake in the game - instead of attacking Yan Lo with Nothing Beast and then charge him with Tara at the end of the turn I charged Necropunk near Killjoy.
Because Yan Lo had no soulstones left in the pool it was doable to kill him.
Anyway, I killed Necropunk and hit Flesh Construct. Then Killjoy died to the mass of the attacks.
Now I had two choices - walk away with Death Marshal close to Tara, then kill him with Tara, put Slow on unburied Izamu and hope he will not disengage or charge Yan Lo, pine box him and then charge Yan Lo at the end of the turn with Tara and try to bury him with Tara's attack trigger. I chose option number 2.
Yan Lo landed into the coffin and Death Marshal felt a wrath of Izamu. First attack I deflected but second killed Marshal. So Tara went into action and charged Yan Lo. First attack hit, damaged so first Yan Lo's Wp test... passed. Second attack: hit, damaged, time for Yan Lo's second Wp test... passed... Yyyyyy... So as the last action I walked to Izamu to score 2VP points for Take a Prisoner.
Game has ended at this turn.
Upkeep phase - Tara +2VP for Bodyguard, +2VP for Take a Prisoner; Yan Lo +1VP for Strategy, +3VP for ALITS, +3VP for Breakthrough
Final Score: Tara 6 - Yan Lo 7
Few comments after the game:
- game went waaay better than last one
- few mistakes I made were terrible in theirs consequences - lesson learnt hard way
- still I can't feel Karina. I had a great card turn 1 which would allow me to summon Punk Zombie but I had Killjoy buried and there was no point unburying him at the turn 1. Then I needed this card for something else and Karina needed to be kept safe to score points for Bodyguard. Her summoning is so situational that I need to re-think her position in the crew. I think I'll play her couple more times but also I'll try Malifaux Child instead of her (for giving extra Fast/Slow conditions).
- Killjoy-bomb is nasty but I'll also try Desolation Engine in nearest future
- Nothing Beast is my favourite model from this crew. It is fragile but very mobile and can hit hard.
- Death Marshal - I love that guy... Pine-boxing enemy heavy hitter or master - yes, please!
Sunday 19th Mike is organizing a tournament so guess who I'll run for 4 games? Tara! :D
Till nest time!
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