Game report - 30.07.2015
50SS Tara (daniello_s) vs Yan Lo (Owen)
Deployment: Flank Deployment
Strategy: Turf War
Schemes: ALITS, Protect Territory, Assassinate, Outflank, Spring the Trap
Owen brought:
Yan Lo (7SS pool) - Reliquary, Fortify the Spirit
Toshiro - Command the Graves
Soul Porter
2x Punk Zombie
2x Canine Remains
I took:
Tara (4SS pool) - Knowledge of Eternity, Obliteration Symbiote, Dead of Winter
Nothing Beast - Void Shield
Death Marshal
3x Void Wretch
Owen picked:: Protect Territory (revealed) and Outflank (not revealed)..
I took: Protect Territory and Outflank (both revealed)
Before the game I was sure I want to give Karina another go and try her summoning tricks again. I think this was her final chance to convince me to her usefulness in Tara's crew.
Table setup:
Crews deployment (Yan Lo was deploying first)
Turn 1
Tara won initiative but it was Yan Lo who went first.
Generally we have moved towards centre of the table with single models run along the flanks: 2 Void Wretches on my side and Punk Zombie and Canine Remains on Owen's side.
Tara went first and I moved her to way to far picking with her from outside of the dense and blocking forest area. Yan Lo snatch the opportunity and moved, then used Lighting Dance to teleport Tara between Izamu (not activated yet), Toshiro (activated) and Punk Zombie who was made Fast but was already activated. To make it happen Yan Lo had to use Red Joker from his hand to get through Tara's willpower flip (cheated to 20 total).
Then Tara got heavy beating from Izamu (2 soulstones used for damage prevention) but survived. After this awful (for her of course) experience she unburied Killjoy, made him fast and unleashed the monster on Izamu who was left on last 2 wounds.
Yan Lo was shot by Death Marshal (missed) and once by Nothing Beast (missed).
Karina's summoning log: nothing summoned this turn but I had juicy 12 Crows on my hand left for turn 2.
Upkeep phase - No VP scored on either side;
Score after turn 1: Tara 0 - Yan Lo 0
Turn 2
Situation didn't look good both wasn't dramatic either.
We flipped for initiative and I got 11 and Black Joker... Now situation was dramatic...
Punk Zombie flurry at Tara and used his extra AP for Fast for additional swing - she couldn't survive this...
Killjoy in revenge killed Toshiro then got heavy beating from Izamu. Izamu couldn't use all 3 APs for attack as he was on the last two wounds before he attacked Killjoy he had to use his 1AP for healing or he would die of Black Blood ability.
Death Marshal tried to pine box Yan Lo with no success.
Yan Lo tried to hurt Nothing Beast without much success. Nothing Beast seized opportunity, moved and killed Izamu, then swung on Yan Lo hurting him for 4 damage.
Void Wretch with Karina moved again along my right flank when they met Punk Zombie. By this time I had to use my 12 Crows card for other purposes so she shot Punk Zombie - 2 damage.
Despite losing Tara turn wasn't that bad - I had Yan Lo surrounded by the Nothing Beast, Death Marshal and Void Wretch and I have killed Toshiro and Izamu.
Karina's summoning log: summoned feck all...
Upkeep phase - Tara: +1VP Strategy; Yan Lo: +1VP for Strategy;
Score after turn 2: Tara 1 - Yan Lo 1
Turn 3
I won initiative so Killjoy went first and heavily crippled Punk Zombie who was later finished by Nothing Beast. Yan Lo used his Lighting Dance to teleport into base contact with Void Wretch sending it in the loving arms of Soul Porter.
Death Marshal shot Izamu (who was by this time Incorporeal and Impossible to Wound) for 1 damage.
Second Punk Zombie charged and killed Void Wretch. Karina shot Punk Zombie twice - missed both.
Canine Remains dropped some scheme markers and I moved my second Wretch to drop marker next turn.
Second Canine Remains tarpited Killjoy and Nothing Beast.
Karina's summoning log: summoned feck all again...
Upkeep phase - Tara: +1VP Strategy; Score after turn 3: Tara 2 - Yan Lo 1
Turn 4
My control hand was terrible: after burning soulstone I had one 9 and rest on 6 and below...
Yan Lo dropped two scheme markers. Nothing Beast killed Soul Porter and double walked towards corner to grab some points for Outflank.
Karina moved, dropped scheme marker and summoned Guild Autopsy! Yay, my first summoned model in 4 games with Karina! :D
Autopsy shot twice at Punk Zombie hitting once (1 damage + 1 Poison). I dropped another scheme marker with Void Wretch, other Wretch moved towards centre to relieve Death Marshal for other duties than getting VPs for strategy.
Death Marshal tried to shot Canine but missed.
Killjoy swung twice at another Canine but thanks to low flips which couldn't be cheated any better thanks to my dreadful control hand he missed twice.
Canine (who was slow thanks to passing him by Wretch earlier this turn) tried to bite Killjoy but failed Terrifying test.
Karina's summoning log: Guild Autopsy summoned!!! :D
Upkeep phase - Tara: +1VP Strategy; Score after turn 4: Tara 3 - Yan Lo 1
Turn 5
My control hand was even worse this turn... Highest card was 7...
Death Marshal tried to pine box Yan Lo but missed. In return Yan Lo just killed him :D
Canine Remain and Killjoy stayed locked in combat (Killjoy missed twice again...).
Second Canine blocked corner of the table so I couldn't get there with Nothing Beast.
I moved him once and took a swing at Canine hoping to either kill him or bury him and then used Beast's last AP to get into position for Outflank but I inflict 2 wounds only and Canine passed Wp test for burying trigger.
Karina shot Punk Zombie once - miss of course.
Game ended on this turn.
Karina's summoning log: nuffin.
Upkeep phase - Tara: +1VP Strategy; +3VP Protect Territory; Yan Lo: +3VP Protect Territory, +1VP Outflank
Final score: Tara 7 - Yan Lo 5
After that game I'm fully convinced that taking Karina is unfortunately but a waste of points.
Her summoning is too unreliable and she is doesn't shine with shooting either. For now she is going to the back to the box and Malifaux Child will replace her. I used Child good few times and she was doing far better than Karina (which is sad as I love Karina's model)
Till next time!