Game report - 11.01.2017
50SS Leveticus (daniello_s) vs Jakob Lynch (Gavin)
Deployment: Flank Deployment
Strategy: Interference
Schemes: Claim Jump, Accusation!, Eliminate the Leadership, Frame For Murder, Show of Force
Gavin brought:
Jakob Lynch (1SS pool) - Endless Hunger, Wanna See A Trick
Hungering Darkness - Addict
Mr Graves - Retribution Eye
Mr Tannen
2x Illuminated
Mysterious Emissary - Conflux of Hunger
I took:
Levi (5SS pool) - Pariah of Iron, Survivalist
(killing machine or at least believed widely to be still this kind of monster and Abomination summoner with the melee attack only)
Rogue Necromancy
(beat-stick, Waif anchor)
(beat-stick, condition removal, Waif anchor)
Mechanical Rider
(summoner, Waif anchor)
Freikorps Librarian
(healing support, Waif anchor)
Terracotta Warrior
('damage prevention' support)
Brutal Effigy
('healing support for Levi)
2x Hollow Waif
(Levi's life insurance)
Gavin picked Show of Force and Frame For Murder (Mr Tannen)
I picked Eliminate the Leadership and Frame for Murder (Terracotta Warrior)
That was my first time when I used Rogue Necromancy and I was expecting it performing good especially when backed by Terracotta's Warrior protection.
Also it was my third game with Levi when Eliminate the Leadership/Neutralize the Leader was in the pool and I wanted to check how he is going to work when I won't play him as usual. Because of that I decided to bring to his crew Brutal Effigy, Librarian and put Survivalist on Levi himself.
Gavin used heavily theme crew with Mysterious Emissary as the backup. He gambled a lot with 1SS in the pool however with the amount of pushes (Graves, Emissary) and Lure he had superior mobility and Lynch can easily get 3 extra cards if he needs to. Also I was aware that his crew has really strong punch and if my model will get lured and tagged with Brilliance it is as good as dead so I decided to play defensively and eliminate enemy models one by one rather than get into massive brawl.
Deployment: Levi deployed first (the bottom of the photo)
Turn 1
Initiative: Levi
Key actions/moments:
- I moved my models rather conservatively. Mech Rider, Librarian, Brutal Effigy and one Waif moved along my left flank. Levi, Johana, Necromancy, Warrior and second Waif moved closer to the centre of the table but kept save distance from enemy models and stayed away more than 6'' from centre of the table.
- Warrior gave 'protection' to Johana and Necromancy and swapped Pariah of Iron for Survivalist.
- Gavin pushed his crew towards centre of the table ready to spread them out on turn 2. Only Beckoner moved along his left flank and lured one Illuminated who run far along this flank hiding behind the shed. Emissary also successfully summoned one Changeling.
- What I noticed was that Tannen was suspiciously moved forward so I assumed he is the one with Frame for Murder and I developed cunning plan - move my Levi twice and shot him hoping for weak damage flip. Then I would try to hit Tannen with Necromancy's range attack which damage I would cheat for weak bringing Tannen to last wound with Poison +1 and thanks to that I would avoid giving away a possible points for Frame for Murder. So Levi moved twice and attacked Tannen but I flipped severe damage. Oh well ;)
Upkeep phase:
No VPs scored by either side.
Score after turn 1: Levi 0 - Jakob Lynch 0
Turn 2
Initiative: Jakob Lynch
Key actions/moments:
- I noticed was that Gavin got two Aces during this turn and he didn't discard anything at the start of the turn so I expected him to have quite good hand with at least two Aces which he can use to inflict a huge pain to my Levi at the end of Jakob's turn. And I wasn't surprised that he pushed Lynch with Graves a bit closer to Levi.
- Necromancy snatched opportunity and fired at Graves wounding it with blast which clipped Jakob. Gavin used his one stone to prevent one damage.
- Emissary pushed Lynch closer to Levi so I faced a choice - either gamble and try to kill Jakob who was in soft cover (remainder - if I cheat attack against him I would suffer two damage each time I do it...) or attack Graves and run away. I decided to push my luck so I activated Brutal Effigy, gave Levi Fear Not The Sword condition, then I chain activate Levi burning the Oathkeeper at the start of his activation and started pounding Jakob. Levi had to use all his APs burning stones to negate soft cover but the end of his activation Lynch was dead and Levi was on 3 wounds (I had to cheat attack once but healing from Fear Not Sword was very helpful). Yay! Minus of this situation was that Levi was exposed to attacks but at least I scored 3VPs for Eliminate the Leadership.
- To my surprise Gavin didn't jump on Levi with the rest of his crew. He lured Necromancy once and shot it with Illuminated which inflicted 4 damage. I used Warrior's protection to prevent this damage which put huuuge target on Warrior from now on (which I really wanted to happen). Second Illuminated failed a Horror Duel when declared charge against Necromancy.
- I spread my crew making sure I get point for Strategy. Gavin did same thing plus he moved Mr Tannen closer to my crew just enough to clip Levi and some of my other models with Tannen's Cooler aura.
- At the end of the turn Gavin declared Show of Force which confused me a bit as I wasn't sure if he has Eliminate the Leadership and he was bluffing with not attacking Levi this turn or he has Frame for Murder on Tannen. Also at the end of the turn Gavin showed me that he had 4 Aces on the hand and said if I didn't kill Jakob he would inflict some serious pain on Levi or Necromancy (probably the latter). I was lucky anyway ;)
Upkeep phase:
Levi: 1VP Interference, 3VP Eliminate the Leadership
Jakob Lynch: 1VP Interference, 1VP Show of Force
Score after turn 2: Levi 4 - Jakob Lynch 2
Turn 3
Initiative: Jakob Lynch
Key actions/moments:
- I put protection on Necromancy again and moved Warrior close to engage Huggy. Also I pretend I check if Warrior has LOS to Johana and Rogue Necromancy. Gavin took a bait and killed Warrior with Huggy giving me 3VP for Frame for Murder.
- Necromancy torn one Illuminated to pieces. Beckoner put Brilliance on the Necromancy, but Johana removed it as I expected second Illuminated to charge the beast. Indeed Illuminated charged it but failed to inflict any substantial damage. Librarian healed Necromancy anyway.
- Mech Rider started summoning Arachnids and I was confident in keeping my left flank for the rest of the game.
- At the end of the turn I decided to have fun and walked once and then fired at Illuminated who was in melee with Necromancy. First randomized hit Necromancy so I declared trigger to take a free swing with beast at Illuminated hurting it a lot. Second shot went into Illuminated himself which allowed me to declare Smell Fear with Necromancy. This would kill Illuminated but I flipped Black Joker on attack.
Upkeep phase:
Levi: 1VP Interference, 3VP Frame for Murder
Jakob Lynch: 1VP Interference, 1VP Show of Force
Score after turn 3: Levi 8 - Jakob Lynch 4
Turn 4
Initiative: Jakob Lynch
Key actions/moments:
- Huggy tried to inflict the pain on Mech Rider but thanks to damage reduction I avoided loosing it. Anyway, just for protection measure I retreated Rider closer to Librarian who healed her a bit.
- Necromancy killed Illuminated. Levi killed Tannen (he was too annoying) and then I jumped on Graves with Levi and Johana killing him. This move allowed me also to negate Gavin point for Strategy this turn despite the fact that second Changeling was summoned by Emissary and supported Beckoner on this quarter.
Upkeep phase:
Levi: 1VP Interference
Jakob Lynch: 1VP Interference, 2VP Frame for Murder
Score after turn 4: Levi 9 - Jakob Lynch 7
Turn 5
Initiative: Jakob Lynch
Key actions/moments:
- Levi killed Beckoner with charge and then shot dead Changeling. Gavin moved Huggy closer to centre of the table and we agreed to call this game here.
Upkeep phase:
Levi: 1VP Interference
Jakob Lynch: 1VP Show of Force
Final score: Levi 10 - Jakob Lynch 8
Few comments after game:
- Playing Levi with Eliminate the Leadership is big gamble. He works ok with Survivalist and healing support from Brutal Effigy and Librarian but he will require 5+ stones just for damage prevention I think. Still I will use him when this scheme is in the pool as it is great challenge and I really like it.
- As predicted Necromancy in absolutely devastating beat-stick. When something is unlucky to be charged by it, then the poor bugger is in big trouble. Also her Ca range attack is really great and can nicely hit models with Df 5 or lower. Backed by Terracotta Warrior it stays longer with 5+ wounds and is really bog threat to opponent.
Till next time!
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