Game report - 29.11.2016
50SS Levi (daniello_s) vs Sonnia (Owen)
Deployment: Standard Deployment
Strategy: Guard the Stash
Schemes: Convict Labour, Hunting Party, Exhaust Their Forces, Neutralise Leader, Occupy Their Turf
Owen brought:
Sonnia (5SS pool) - Cherufe's Imprint, Counterspell Aura
Fransisco - Wade In, Hermano de Armas
Samael Hopkins - Witch Hunt
Witchling Handler
2x Witchling Stalker
I took:
Levi (3SS pool) - Pariah of Iron
(killing machine or at least believed widely to be still this kind of monster and Abomination summoner with the melee attack only)
(tanking model to sit closely to one of the Stash markers, Waif anchor)
(beat-stick, condition removal, Waif anchor)
(second tanking model to sit closely to one of the Stash markers, Waif anchor)
Freikorps Librarian
(healing support, Waif anchor)
(scheme runner)
Brutal Effigy
(Levi's healing support, scheme runner)
Terracotta Warrior
(backup scheme runner, 'life insurance' for Minions/Enforcers, upgrade swapper for Levi)
2x Hollow Waif
(Levi's life insurance)
Owen picked Hunting Party and Neutralise Leader (surprise!)
I took Neutralise Leader and Convict Labour
I intentionally took Levi for this game as I wanted to test how long Levi can survive when he has Survivalist upgrade on him (swapped from Pariah of Iron thanks to Terracotta Warrior's action) and support from Librarian and Brutal Effigy.
I was a bit unsure which schemes I want to take and I made a first mistake here - I should take Exhaust Their Forces and Hunting Party as I think those two would be easier to achieve. Oh well... ;)
Deployment: Sonnia deployed fist (Levi's crew deployed at the bottom of the picture):
Turn 1
Initiative: Sonnia
Key actions/moments:
- Sonnia and her crew moved aggressively towards centreline. I tried to be less aggressive however I noticed overextended Stalker on my right flank and I clipped him first with Ryle's range attack, then Levi sacrificed his Waif to get two shots at Stalker finishing him. Unfortunately I made huuuge mistake and placed Warrior in wrong place which Owen used against me - Sonnia thanks to push from Francisco was able to fire at him once and wounded him. She was in perfect position to attack next turn.
- My other mistake was trying to flank Sonnia along my left flank. I didn't notice there is quite narrow gap between two buildings which could be blocked with Sonnia's fire wall.
Upkeep phase:
No VPs scored by either side
Score after turn 1: Levi 0 - Sonnia 0
Turn 2
Initiative: Sonnia
Key actions/moments:
- My misery started on this turn. My highest card was 9 and carried over from previous turn and rest of them was 4 and lower. Then Owen won initiative with high card (11). Well in matter of fact he won all initiatives from now on (turn 1 I won but I allowed him to go first) with high cards. This allowed him to control the game easily.
- Owen activated Sonnia bumping her Ca +2, walked once and attacked my Warrior again. I couldn't even put him on negative damage flips (low Df flip and bad control hand) which he used to cheat for straight damage flip and severe damage. That killed Warrior and clipped Johana, Waif and Effigy for 3 damage each with +1 Burning. This really hurt me ;) As last AP she raised flame wall to cut off Joss from getting to close to her or Stash marker. It also disallowed me to get to her with Johana.
- Samael attacked Johana with Ricochet trigger which killed Waif... Sweet...
- I tried to retaliate and attacked Exorcist with Ryle (walk, push, attack) but I missed and then I walked with Levi once and charged him - just one hit went through for 3 damage (hurray!!!).
- Necropunk dropped two scheme markers and I made another mistake - instead of walking with Joss once and dropping 3rd scheme marker I decided to walk once and hit Stalker. Guess what? I missed...
- Librarian healed Johana twice (3 damage healed). Johana spotted that Francisco pushed Sonnia a bit double walked and got into melee range with her. And if I only measured distance more correctly I would make sure I stayed more than 2'' from her but I was already devastated with the game I didn't notice that.
Upkeep phase:
Levi: 1VP Guard the Stash
Sonnia: 1VP Guard the Stash, 1VP Hunting Party
Score after turn 2: Levi 1 - Sonnia 2
Turn 3
Initiative: Sonnia
Key actions/moments:
- My control hand was again horrible. After using stone for cards I had 12 and then 4 and lower...
- I was hoping to win initiative and flurry with Johana at Sonnia but Owen won initiative and killed Johana easily.
- Levi killed Exorcist but couldn't do much as my flips were pathetic again. Necropunk tried to tarpit Handler so he leaped and flurry at her damaging her slightly.
- Owen put a lot of pressure on Levi and dropped him to below of the half of his wounds.
- My mistake was that I overextended Levi and couldn't heal him with Librarian (too far) not get to him with Effigy (which died of Francisco's attack).
- Joss couldn't hit Stalker again... I was ready to call the game now but decided to play next turn.
Upkeep phase:
Levi: 1VP Guard the Stash, 1VP Convict Labour
Sonnia: 1VP Guard the Stash, 1VP Hunting Party, 1VP Neutralise Leader
Score after turn 3: Levi 3 - Sonnia 5
Turn 4
Initiative: Sonnia
Key actions/moments:
- Finally my hand was good but it was a little too late for that...
- Handler dropped Levi to last wound with Burning +1 condition. Levi then killed her (had to walk once) and tried to hid but Sonnia picked finished him up easily.
- Necropunk survived surprisingly this turn.
- Librarian walked twice to make sure she can contest one stash marker.
- Ryle walked once, then pushed towards Sonnia hitting her for 6 damage (moderate + critical strike) which she prevented for 1 damage. Joss walked twice and engaged her as well.
- Owen moved Stalker to negated me point for Convict Labour.
Upkeep phase:
Levi: 1VP Guard the Stash
Sonnia: 1VP Guard the Stash, 2VP Neutralise Leader
Score after turn 4: Levi 4 - Sonnia 8
Turn 5
Initiative: Sonnia
Key actions/moments:
- Sonnia used her (0) action to bump her Df +2 and she had +2 Df from Francisco from last turn so she disengaged from Joss and Ryle and walked away as far as she could behind the woods.
- Ryle used his push to get LOS to her and charge her. I was lucky to hit twice with 2x moderate damage killing her (Owen was out of soulstones at this moment).
- As Owen used all his cards already I tried to kill Samael with Librarian (Furious Casting). Samael was in soft cover but I tried anyway - all 3 shots missed.
- Joss walked once and finally hit Stalker but that left him on last wound (and negate me point for COnvict again).
- Necropunk died from Samael's hand.
- Game ended on this turn.
Upkeep phase:
Levi: 1VP Guard the Stash, 3VP Neutralise Leader
Sonnia: 1VP Guard the Stash, 1VP Hunting Party
Final score: Levi 8 - Sonnia 10
Few comments after a game:
- I lost this game due to the combination of my mistakes (way too many of them), my poor control hand on turn 2 and 3 (which disallow me to either defend myself or attack) and Owen's initiative flips (he won all initiative on every turn except first). Still I was happy to pull 8VPs as the final score which is not bad.
- Levi and Neutralise Leader - well, this scheme for some reason was created to gut him (and Dreamer). With the build I tested (Survivalist, Brutal Effigy and Librarian) it is possible to play him with this scheme in the pool however it is extremely tricky to do as you have to position him and supporting models extremely carefully and Levi is reliable on where you put Waifs to sacrifice them jumping in base contact with them. I'm not sure if it is worthy to try playing him this way but I'll give it a go again anyway (and I hope GG2017 will do something with Neutralise Leader scheme).
- And finally about Levi and damage dealing. With his nerfing he was gutted massively. As I seasoned Levi's player I can see how he descended from way too good damage dealer to moderate damage dealer (unless opponent is kind enough to serve you his models in range for Levi's melee attack). I think Sonnia is better damage dealer than him - she can easily clip several models with one attack (with Burning on the top of it) from safe distance of 14'' with very high Ca plus she can influence situation on the table with brilliant flame wall action. Teamed with Francisco (and Malifaux Child) she is extremely dangerous and can easily punish enemy.
Till next time!
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