Friday, 21 October 2016

Game report 20.10.16 50SS Leveticus vs Dreamer

Game report - 20.10.2016

50SS Leveticus (daniello_s) vs Dreamer (Gavin)

Deployment: Standard Deployment
Strategy: Extraction
Schemes: Convict Labour, Exhaust Their Forces, Take Prisoner, Frame for Murder, Detonate Charges

Gavin brought:
Dreamer (6SS pool) - Dreams of Pain, On Wings of Darkness
Angel Eyes - Strange Alliances
Doppelganger - Mimic's Blessing
Mr Tannen
2x Alp
2x Daydream

I took:
Levi (5SS pool) - Pariah of Iron
(killing machine or at least believed widely to be still this kind of monster and Abomination summoner with the melee attack only)
(beater and strategy 'tanker', Waif anchor)
Rusty Alyce - From Aether
(beat-stick, shooter, Abomination summoner, Waif anchor)
(shooter, strategy 'tanker', Waif anchor)
(scheme runner, cover-negating model to set up targets for Rusty and Lazarus)
(scheme runner)
Mobile Toolkit
(support model for Lazarus and Joss)
2x Hollow Waif
(Levi's life insurance)

Gavin picked Exhaust Their Forces and Frame for Murder (Tannen)
I picked Detonate Charges and Take Prisoner (Beckoner)

This game was a grand debut of Watcher and Mobile Toolkit. Watcher is great addition to Levi's crew as he can help Levi and any other good shooters like Rusty, Lazarus, Mad Dog to hit targets lurking behind the cover. Mobile Toolkit brings cheap activation and can buff friendly Constructs which Levi use to bring with himself thanks to Pariah of Iron upgrade.
Also for this game I decided to give another chance to From Aether upgrade to finally decide is it worthy of those 2SS.

Deployment: Levi deployed first (at the bottom of the photo):

Turn 1
Initiative: Levi

Key actions/moments:

- We both pushed forward (but not insanely far ;)) towards centre of the table. Dreamer summoned 2x Insidious Madness and Coppelius. As one Madness, Daydream, Coppelius and Tannen were in rather nice tight group I was eyeing to get a possible shot with blast on them with Lazarus next turn. Levi unburied in the forest in the central part of the table so he had good choice what to shoot at next turn.

Upkeep phase:
No VPs scored by either side.

Score after turn 1: Levi 0 - Dreamer 0

Turn 2
Initiative: Dreamer

- Tannen used his action to give Dreamer +2 Masks for any flips. Mobile Toolkit gave Lazarus + on damage flips so Alp tried to tarpit Lazarus. Lazarus burnt Oathkeeper, 2x walked and fired at Daydream hitting it with blast. This killed Daydream and Coppelius, put Madness on last wound and hit Tannen for 2 damage.
Moving Lazarus like that was risky stuff as he was pretty exposed to attacks but I wanted to remove some models from Dreamer's crew (Coppelius mainly).
- Dreamer summoned Teddy (yay!) and Daydream which put him on Waking +4 and brought Lord Chompy near Lazarus.
- Levi successfully randomized between Teddy and Lazarus and killed big huggy boy, then fired at Madness killing it and hurt Tannen.
- Chompy attacked Lazarus but Armour reduced most of the damages, same from attacks from Angel Eyes.
- I used opportunity and Necropunk and Watcher dropped two scheme markers between 2 Alps and Chompy for Detonate Charges.
- Rusty walked once and hit Angel Eyes for 3 damage (1 prevented). She also summoned Abomination from the scrap she summoned on turn 1.
- Joss prepared a charge at Chompy.
- I had more models near Extraction marker so I placed it 3'' towards my deployment area.

Upkeep phase:
Levi: +1VP Extraction, +3VP Detonate Charges
Dreamer: +1VP Extraction

Score after turn 2: Levi 4 - Dreamer 1

Turn 3
Initiative: Dreamer

- Chompy and Angel Eyes together finished Lazarus.
- Rusty used Rapid Fire at Angel Eyes which forced Gavin to use all his remaining stones for damage prevention. Then Levi killed Angel Eyes and hit Doppelganger.
- Alps were tar-pitting me and brave Mobile Toolkit killed one of them by flipping Red Joker on damage. Unfortunately one Waif died of the Alp which triggered summoning another one...
- Tannen put on Joss -2 Walk/Charge condition so I was able to walk once and fired at Doppelganger hitting her.
- Madness put Exhaust on Watcher.
- Again I had more models near Extraction marker so I placed it 3'' towards my deployment area.

Upkeep phase:
Levi: +1VP Extraction
Dreamer: +1VP Extraction, +1VP Exhaust Their Forces

Score after turn 3: Levi 5 - Dreamer 3

Turn 4
Initiative: Dreamer

- Chompy tried to wreak a havoc in my crew but I did tarpit him with Abomination on previous turn and all he could do was killing this Abomination.
- Levi took a chance and killed Tannen and Doppelganger.
- Madness put Exhaust on Watcher.
- I tried to kill Madness with Joss to negate Dreamer a point for Extraction but I failed...
- Because we had to finish earlier that day we knew it is the last turn so Necropunk leaped and double walked to Beckoner to give me points for Take Prisoner.
- Game finished on this turn.

Upkeep phase:
Levi: +1VP Extraction, +3VP Take Prisoner
Dreamer: +1VP Extraction, +1VP Exhaust Their Forces, +2VP Frame for Murder

Final Score: Levi 9 - Dreamer 7

Few comments after the game:
- I wasn't able to fully test Watcher at this game. My shooting targets were already in the open so Watcher could engage in scheme running rather than spotting the targets. But I see great potential in this model and will use it extensively in coming games.
- Mobile Toolkit is nice, little addition to my crew and he boosts Lazarus very good. If I have spare 3SS and need another activation Toolkit will be my choice.
- As for From Aether upgrade - I summoned just one Abomination this turn and however I had two scrap markers ready on turn 3 and 4 I had no card to spare for this action (and flips failed). On the one hand this upgrade gives Rusty (0) action which she lacks on her card but on the other hand it is a bit dependable on good flips (especially later in the game when the action gets really hot) as in most of the cases I had a hard decision whether to use the high card to summon Abomination or use it for defend/attack flip and latter was almost always more important. So overally I think this upgrade could cost 1SS instead of 2 and at this case it would be pretty good choice for Rusty but now I think it would be good only fro Show of Force.

Till next time!

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