50SS Leveticus (daniello_s) vs Misaki (Stephen)
Deployment: Flank Deployment
Strategy: Guard The Stash
Schemes: Convict Labour, Hunting Party, Show of Force, Catch and Release, Search the Ruins
Stephen brought:
Misaki (3SS pool) - Oathkeeper, Cut Purse, Stalking Bisento
Taelor - I Pay Better, Tally Sheet
Johan - Oathkeeper
Lazarus - Oathkeeper
Freikorps Librarian - Scout the Field
Void Wretch
I took:
Levi (4SS pool) - Pariah of Bone, To Earth Return
(recently trimmed killing machine ;))
(highly mobile shooter and beat-stick; Waif anchor)
Madame Sybelle
(Belle supporter; Waif anchor)
Johana - Oathkeeper
(beat-stick; Waif anchor)
Dead Doxy
(moving shenanigans support, Waif anchor)
2x Rotten Belle
(lure, lure and scheme runner)
Hodgepodge Effigy
(soul stones re-charger; scheme runner)
2x Hollow Waif
(Levi's life insurance)
Stephen picked: Hunting Party and Show of Force.
I went for: Hunting Party and Search the Ruins
Idea for the game was simple: lure a model (or two) into the open area and shoot it/beat it to death with Levi, Rusty and Johana who would benefit from Doxy's push. Sybelle would help position Belles and be as a backup beat-stick. Simple enough, right ;)
Fore more this was my first game with 'new' Levi who was trimmed significantly with the latest errata so I was really keen to see him in action.
Initiative: Levi
Key moments/actions:
- Stephen being out-numbered and seeing two Belles waiting to lure his models close to me was played very defensively this turn. There was loads of single walks and defensive stances on his side. He stretched Johan on his left flanks and I seized opportunity to Call Belle with Sybelle and lure Johan twice to me. Then I pushed Rusty with Doxy so Rusty got a Rapid Fire on Johan killing him. Levi double walked and fired at Lazarus hurting him.
Upkeep phase:
No VPs scored by either side.
Score after turn 1: Levi 0 - Misaki 0
Key moments/actions:
- Stephen being out-numbered and seeing two Belles waiting to lure his models close to me was played very defensively this turn. There was loads of single walks and defensive stances on his side. He stretched Johan on his left flanks and I seized opportunity to Call Belle with Sybelle and lure Johan twice to me. Then I pushed Rusty with Doxy so Rusty got a Rapid Fire on Johan killing him. Levi double walked and fired at Lazarus hurting him.
Upkeep phase:
No VPs scored by either side.
Score after turn 1: Levi 0 - Misaki 0
Turn 2
Initiative: Levi
Key moments/actions:
- After loosing Johan on the first turn Stephen played against rather defensively and kept Taelor and Librarian on the back. Lazarus was able to walk once and shot at Dead Doxy - with double negative flip on damage he flipped Red Joker...Oh well... ;) This way he score VP for Hunting Party this turn. He also pushed Misaki and Void Wretch closer to centre of the table.
- I tried to lure Shang but Stephen had incredibly good hand - loads of 12s and 13s and my hand was rather crap this turn. Then i decided to go after Lazarus but Levi and Rusty couldn't do much (have I mentioned Stephen's nice hand already?) so Sybelle had to double walk to tarpit Lazarus and disallow him to utilize his shooting skills next turn. I also secured VP for strategy and started to drop scheme markers for Search the Ruins.
Upkeep phase:
Levi: +1VP Guard the Stash
Misaki: +1VP Hunting Party
Score after turn 2: Levi 1 - Misaki 1
Levi: +1VP Guard the Stash, +1VP Hunting Party; +3VP Search the Ruins
Final score: Levi 10 - Misaki 3
Few comments after the game:
- Levi is still strong in killing stuff but shooting into the cover is now a big gamble. Looks like Focus+Attack is going to be his bread and butter from now on. Also it looks that he will have to focus on finishing already wounded models and go after Master/Hencheman only when they are severely crippled (about 4, max 5 wounds left)
- I like Sybelle. With two Belles and Doxy she can be really annoying for opponent. And Dead Doxy is one of mine favorite support models in the game.
- Rusty is excellent when combined with Belles/Doxy - her amazing shooting skills are scary when applied on the model outside the cover.
Till next time!
Key moments/actions:
- After loosing Johan on the first turn Stephen played against rather defensively and kept Taelor and Librarian on the back. Lazarus was able to walk once and shot at Dead Doxy - with double negative flip on damage he flipped Red Joker...Oh well... ;) This way he score VP for Hunting Party this turn. He also pushed Misaki and Void Wretch closer to centre of the table.
- I tried to lure Shang but Stephen had incredibly good hand - loads of 12s and 13s and my hand was rather crap this turn. Then i decided to go after Lazarus but Levi and Rusty couldn't do much (have I mentioned Stephen's nice hand already?) so Sybelle had to double walk to tarpit Lazarus and disallow him to utilize his shooting skills next turn. I also secured VP for strategy and started to drop scheme markers for Search the Ruins.
Upkeep phase:
Levi: +1VP Guard the Stash
Misaki: +1VP Hunting Party
Score after turn 2: Levi 1 - Misaki 1
Turn 3
Initiative: Misaki
Key moments/actions:
- Misaki killed Hodgepodge Effigy (who was able to drop scheme marker before his death) and decided to go after Sybelle. Stephen burnt two soulstones for Assassinate trigger but I used my high cards to bounce it off.
- Then I decided it is time for revenge - Sybelle hit Misaki once. After that I lured Misaki closer to Levi and Shang closer to Levi and Rusty. Then Levi shot Misaki once and used To Earth Return trigger to drop her to 5 wounds left (BTW she was with no SS left in pool at this moment). Second shot went through and I flipped Red Joker on damage with double negative twist. Misaki was dead. As a final AP Levi burnt SS to get positive attack flip and shot Shang leaving him on last wound. To finish him off Rusty focus and killed this Peon.
- Stephen pushed Void Wretch closer to second Stash Marker where I had Johana already and Taelor closer to centre of the table to score Show of Force.
Upkeep phase:
Levi: +1VP Guard the Stash, +1VP Hunting Party
Misaki: +1VP Guard the Stash, +1VP Show of Force
Score after turn 3: Levi 3 - Misaki 3
- Rusty killed Lazarus who was already being beaten by Sybelle and Belle.
- Johana whacked Taelor leaving her on last wound. Taelor tried to walk and kill Waif but missed. Levi shot at Void Wretch in cover and hit once dropping it to last wound. Wretch tried to hit Waif but missed and I cheated Tome for Unmade trigger which killed Wretch ;)
- Librarian tried to shoot at Waif with Focus +2 but missed. I dropped first marker on Stephen's side for Search the Ruins.
- At this stage Stephen decided to concede the game.
Upkeep phase:
Levi: +1VP Guard the Stash, +1VP Hunting Party;
Misaki: +1VP Guard the Stash, +1VP Show of Force
Score after turn 4: Levi 5 - Misaki 3
We played quickly 5 turn for fun - I got initiative and Levi killed Taelor and Librarian wouldn't hurt Belle. I dropped another scheme marker.
Upkeep phase:Key moments/actions:
- Misaki killed Hodgepodge Effigy (who was able to drop scheme marker before his death) and decided to go after Sybelle. Stephen burnt two soulstones for Assassinate trigger but I used my high cards to bounce it off.
- Then I decided it is time for revenge - Sybelle hit Misaki once. After that I lured Misaki closer to Levi and Shang closer to Levi and Rusty. Then Levi shot Misaki once and used To Earth Return trigger to drop her to 5 wounds left (BTW she was with no SS left in pool at this moment). Second shot went through and I flipped Red Joker on damage with double negative twist. Misaki was dead. As a final AP Levi burnt SS to get positive attack flip and shot Shang leaving him on last wound. To finish him off Rusty focus and killed this Peon.
- Stephen pushed Void Wretch closer to second Stash Marker where I had Johana already and Taelor closer to centre of the table to score Show of Force.
Upkeep phase:
Levi: +1VP Guard the Stash, +1VP Hunting Party
Misaki: +1VP Guard the Stash, +1VP Show of Force
Score after turn 3: Levi 3 - Misaki 3
Turn 4
Initiative: Levi
Key moments/actions:
Key moments/actions:
- Rusty killed Lazarus who was already being beaten by Sybelle and Belle.
- Johana whacked Taelor leaving her on last wound. Taelor tried to walk and kill Waif but missed. Levi shot at Void Wretch in cover and hit once dropping it to last wound. Wretch tried to hit Waif but missed and I cheated Tome for Unmade trigger which killed Wretch ;)
- Librarian tried to shoot at Waif with Focus +2 but missed. I dropped first marker on Stephen's side for Search the Ruins.
- At this stage Stephen decided to concede the game.
Upkeep phase:
Levi: +1VP Guard the Stash, +1VP Hunting Party;
Misaki: +1VP Guard the Stash, +1VP Show of Force
Score after turn 4: Levi 5 - Misaki 3
Turn 5
Initiative: Levi
We played quickly 5 turn for fun - I got initiative and Levi killed Taelor and Librarian wouldn't hurt Belle. I dropped another scheme marker.
Levi: +1VP Guard the Stash, +1VP Hunting Party; +3VP Search the Ruins
Final score: Levi 10 - Misaki 3
Few comments after the game:
- Levi is still strong in killing stuff but shooting into the cover is now a big gamble. Looks like Focus+Attack is going to be his bread and butter from now on. Also it looks that he will have to focus on finishing already wounded models and go after Master/Hencheman only when they are severely crippled (about 4, max 5 wounds left)
- I like Sybelle. With two Belles and Doxy she can be really annoying for opponent. And Dead Doxy is one of mine favorite support models in the game.
- Rusty is excellent when combined with Belles/Doxy - her amazing shooting skills are scary when applied on the model outside the cover.
Till next time!
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