50SS Leveticus (daniello_s) vs Ramos (Owen)
Deployment: Standard Deployment
Strategy: Extraction
Schemes: Convict Labour, Leave Your Mark, Exhaust Their Forces, Mark For Death, Detonate The Charges
Owen brought:
Ramos (6SS pool) - Arcane Reservoir, Under Pressure, Field Generator
Joss - Imbued Energies, Bleeding Edge Tech
Large Arachnid
2x Steam Arachnid
Mobile Toolkit
I took:
Levi (6SS pool) - Pariah of Iron, Tally Sheet, Desolate Soul
(killing machine and Abomination summoner)
The Valedictorian
(highly mobile beat-stick; Waif anchor)
(heavy beat-stick and good shooter; Construct healer; Waif anchor)
(scheme runner; Waif anchor)
(scheme runner)
Flesh Construct
(high wound tarpit; Waif anchor)
Hodgepodge Effigy
(soul stones re-charger; scheme runner)
2x Hollow Waif
(Levi's life insurance)
We both picked same schemes: Detonate The Charges and Exhaust Their Forces.
My plan for the game was:
- 'tank' Extraction marker with Ryle, Valedictorian and Flesh Construct to secure points for strategy and tag enemy models for Exhaust Their Forces. Ryle would heal them as much as possible. Also I intentionally had larger SS pool than usual as I suspected to use it mostly for damage prevention on both of my Henchmen.
- Necropunk should at some stage leap closer to enemy models and drop scheme marker for Detonate Charges. Also one of the 'tanking' models should be able to drop second marker for this scheme.
- Levi was to annoy enemy crew and kill low wound models like Arachnids and summon Abomination in their places to annoy even more enemy crew.
Also I wanted to use models which I ever used so far (Ryle) or used only once (Valedictorian, Flesh Construct and Hunter).
Deployment (Ramos was deploying first):
Turn 1
Initiative: Ramos
Key actions/moments:
- We advanced towards the Extraction marker. I flanked enemy crew with Hunter (left flank) and Valedictorian (right flank).
- Ramos summoned 3 Spiders from what was left from Mobile Toolkit when Joss decided to smack it to pieces ;)
- Levi walked twice and killed one newly summoned Arachnids and got one Abomination its place. It died quickly as well but absorbed enemy crew a lot ;)
Upkeep phase:
No VPs scored by either side.
Score after turn 1: Levi 0 - Ramos 0
Turn 2
Initiative: Levi
Key actions/moments:
- Levi started his deadly dance once Hodgepodge gave him Loyalty to the Coin and Accomplice him. He attacked 3 Arachnids and killed them all summoning also 2 Abominations. Good man! ;)
- Ramos summoned 2 new Arachnids and granted all his models Df buff and Joss and Coryphee killed my Abominations. I didn't mind as their sole purpose was to stand there and annoy opponent.
- Ryle, Hunter, Flesh Construct and Hodgepodge Effigy made sure I'll get VP for strategy and move Extraction marker this turn. Hunter also dropped scheme marker close enough to Large Arachnid.
- Necropunk leaped and drop another scheme marker near Joss and Coryphee but Performer used Siren Call on them to push them away from it. So I had a little choice and Valedictorian walked once and dropped another scheme marker near enemy models which allowed me to score max points for Detonate The Charges this turn.
Upkeep phase:
Levi: +1VP Extraction, +3VP Detonate The Charges
Ramos: +1VP Extraction
Score after turn 2: Levi 4 - Ramos 1
Turn 3
Initiative: Ramos (Owen flipped Red Joker on initiative and I flipped 13... What a waste...)
Key actions/moments:
- Joss burnt Imbued Energies and charged Valedictorian hitting it once and second damage I prevented fully. Then he Exhausted my girl.
- Hodgepodge and Levi did their usual dance and Levi killed 2 Arachnids and summoned 2 fresh new Abominations.
- Large Arachnid charged Hunter but did very little damage. Hunter Exhausted it in return.
- Ryle shot enemy models and healed himself as Ramos used Magnetism on him previous turn.
- Valedictorian walked once and stood on the only scrap marker on the table which made Ramos really sad panda :)
- I tarpit Joss with one Waif and Necropunk Exhausted Joss.
- Ramos Exhausted nearby Abomination.
- Owen dropped two scheme markers near my models but I was able to push Hunter away and he could only score 2VP for Detonate The Charges. I think he should wait with declaring this scheme for another turn and try to score full VP.
- I had more models near Extraction marker and placed it again at the end of the turn
Upkeep phase:
Levi: +1VP Extraction, +1 Exhaust Their Forces
Ramos: +1VP Extraction; +1VP Exhaust Their Forces; +2VP Detonate The Charges
Score after turn 3: Levi 6 - Ramos 5
Turn 4
Initiative: Ramos
Key actions/moments:
- Large Arachnid removed nearby scheme marker to buff her attack and damage flips and charged Levi 'killing' him.
- Flesh Construct and Hodgepodge Effigy were able to put Large Arachnid on the last wound with +2 Poison on it which killed it at the end of the turn.
- Valedictorian, Necropunk and Waif tarpit Joss and Coryphee. Valedictorian attacked Coryphee 4 times (one from the Lecture Notes trigger but either missed or didn't do enough damage and dropped it to last wound.
- Ramos summoned two new Arachnids and Ryle was able to kill only one of them.
- I had more models near Extraction marker again but forgot to place it. I reminded myself about it at the start of the turn 5 but decided not to do that as I was almost confident of the slim victory already.
Upkeep phase:
Levi: +1VP Extraction, +1 Exhaust Their Forces
Ramos: +1VP Extraction; +1VP Exhaust Their Forces;
Score after turn 4: Levi 8 - Ramos 7
Turn 5
Initiative: Ramos
Key actions/moments:
- I knew I score max of those as well so I allowed myself to hunt down as many enemy models as possible :)
Levi killed two Arachnids and summoned two Abominations.
- Brave Waif killed Coryphee ;)
- Valedictorian killed one of the Arachnids summoned this turn by Ramos (3 of them in total).
- Ryle charged Ramos and smacked him heavily.
- Game ended on this turn.
Upkeep phase:
Levi: +1VP Extraction, +1 Exhaust Their Forces
Ramos: +1VP Extraction; +1VP Exhaust Their Forces;
Final Score: Levi 10 - Ramos 9
Few comments after the game:
- Levi was a monster that day. He was recycling Arachnids on massive scale summoning Abominations in return. Thanks to Hodgepodge Effigy I was constantly re-filling my SS pool. It was crazy even for mine standards...
- Ryle is very interesting model. He is quite tough, can heal himself or other Construct, use SS for damage prevention if needed and hits in melee like a truck. I like him already.
- Valedictorian proved again to be very useful model. High mobility plus very good attack ability and shooting down enemy triggers is really, really tasty.
- Hunter is an interesting model. I think he can be used to hunt down enemy scheme runners and his push at the end of the turn is nice. Not to mention auto-Slow on his harpoon attack.
- Flesh Construct didn't do much this game but his task was to be near Extraction marker and smack any enemy model which would get to close to it so in overall I was satisfied with it. Also it force Owen to keep the last card in his hand so he wouldn't Reactivate.
Till next time!