Saturday, 26 September 2015

The Man is in the town... and his guns for hire.

Finally I can officially introduce my new master and his crew. Boys and girls, Von Schill is here! :D

As probably you would notice I don't have even a single Freikorpsman. Why? Cause despite the fact I like their sculpts, I can't fit them in the Von Schill's crew. Their cost of 5SS is always their nail to the coffin as I end up with 2 Void Wretches rather than with Freikorps grunts. 

Anyway I present few snapshots of my crew and as usual more game reports involving Von Schill will folow soon.



Saturday, 19 September 2015

Game Report 18.09.15 50SS Von Schill vs Tara

Game report - 18.09.2015

50SS Von Schill (daniello_s) vs Tara (Mike)

Deployment: Flank Deployment

Strategy: Reckoning
Schemes: ALITS, Protect Territory, Bodyguard, Plant Evidence, Spring the Trap

Mike brought:
(7SS pool) - Obliterate Symbiote, Knowledge of Eternity, Eternal Journey

Karina - The Faces of Oblivion
Killjoy - Necrotic Preparation
Bete Noire - Decaying Aura 
Rotten Belle
2x Void Wretch

I took:
Von Schill (3SS pool) - The Shirt..., Survivalist, Oathkeeper
Freikorps Strongarm
Freikorps Trapper
Freikorps Librarian
Hodgepodge Effigy
2x Void Wretch 

We both picked and announced same schemes: Protect Territory and Plant Evidence

My first game with Von Schill but after short reading of his card I knew he will not need that much insight in how to play him correctly as Jack Daw :D 

Table setup:

Crews deployment:

Turn 1

Tara used her traditional trick of activating first to set up a Killjoy bomb at the turn.
Trapper hurt Karina leaving her on 2 wounds left - if I only had a high Ram on my hand, Trapper would get his first kill on the Turn 1 :D
Belle lured Trapper twice and then enemy Void Wretch moved and snapped at him but missed. Also it tried to make Trapper slow but didn't succeed.
I run my Wretches along the edges of the table to start dropping scheme markers next turn.

When I had Librarian and Von Schill still to go, Tara reactivated (Killjoy and Bete started the game being buried) and did what I was expecting she would do: unbury Killjoy, make him fast and send him staright into Von Schill's face. Then the onlaught started - Killjoy attacked 5 times (one from trigger) and dropped Von Schill to the last wound (Survivalist!). For some reason I forgot to prevent some damage :D

At this moment I had two cards on my hand which the highest was 6 so I was sure to pass Horror Duel if Von Schill decides to attack Killjoy. However because Killjoy had a Black Blood ability plus Necrotic Preparation upgrade, Von Schill would suffer 2 damage each time he punched the beast in his face, which also meant some healing was needed [edit: I forgot that since Von Schill has a Freikorps suit he ignores pulses so Black Blood wouldn't do him any harm but he still would be affected by the Necrotic Preparation ability] . Librarian tried twice - no success...

As Mike had a last card in his hand I decided to gamble and I used The Shirt... which healed 3 wounds on the manl and made Killjoy paralyzed. Von Schill moved and charged Tara hurting her a bit (she took 3 wound in total plus 1 wound from Black Blood when she made Killjoy fast) and drop her Df thanks to his triggers.

Upkeep phase - No VP score by either side; Score after turn 1: Von Schill 0 - Tara 0

Turn 2

Tara won initiative with Red Joker... I knew Von Schill is in trouble... The good thing was that I had Red Joker and one 13 in my hand so I could bounce off an attack or two.
Tara unburied Bete and buried Killjoy at the second attempt. Then Bete flurry at Von Schill but thanks to my excellent flips and Mike's combination on poor hand and even worse flips Von Schill survived again on the last wound.
I took a chance and push Trapper out of combat, moved and killed Karina with one shot.
Enemy Void Wretch tried to remove paralyze from buried Killjoy, but didn't succeed. 
I knew it is now or never and decided to burn Oathkeeper and make a hammer attack on Tara.
I focused but Mike is too experienced to not know what it does mean and used his soulstone to give me a negative flip. The Von Schill started to punch her which was quite easy as her defense was already lowered by his previous attacks. He slashed her 3 times dropping her to last wound burning her soulstones dramatically as well for damage prevention. Then he used Finish the Cur which ended up her life. No one mess up with the man! [edit: here we accidentally forgot that after Tara's death, Killjoy should have unburied (still paralyzed) as he was buried with the Glimpse of the Void trigger. Today we both analyzed how it would impact the game and we have concluded that in the turn 3 Von Schill would kill Killjoy (I had Red Joker, Black Joker and 10, 9 and 8 of Rams on my hand when Mike had poor hand on the turn 3), then possible he would die of Bete, who consequently would die from Strongarm or Librarian. Eventually game would end around even 7-1 as I wouldn't even try to kill anything but rather keep Belle and Wretch in check with Hannah and Trapper]

Mike announced that in this moment game is practically over but we played on.

Second enemy Wretch finally removed paralyze from Killjoy.
I moved forward dropping scheme markers and put some pressure on remains of Tara's crew who started a withdraw to his corner.

Upkeep phase - Von Schill: +1VP; Score after turn 2: Von Schill 1 - Tara 0   

Turn 3

I won initiative.
Von Schill put Bete back under the ground (not killed) and moved towards Librarian.
The remain of the crew moved forward dropping scheme markers and setting a trap for Belle and enemy Wretch.
Trapper focused and shot at other enemy Wretch dropping her to the 2 wounds.
Librarian and Hannah healed Von Schill who at this point had only 1 wound on himself.

Upkeep phase - No VP score by either side; Score after turn 3: Von Schill 1 - Tara 0     

Turn 4

Trapper killed Wretch - Killjoy pop out and because he had no valid target for his charge he moved and dropped scheme marker.
Belle and second enemy Wretch were hiding behind the buliding so I moved Hannah on one side and Von Schill on the other to attack them next turn.
Then I tried to set up a Strongarm and  my Wretch to remove scheme marker Killjoy dropped but I did it poorly (Strongarm was to far to move and lift the marker - I didn't measure it correctly).
Rest of my crew were dropping more markers.

Upkeep phase - No VP score by either side; Score after turn 4: Von Schill 1 - Tara 0

Turn 5

Killjoy charged and killed Wretch, then dropped a scheme marker.
Hannah charged enemy Wretch and hurt it, but not killed it. One of the attack wne with a moderate damage so Belle wa caught by the balst.
Von Schill moved and charged Belle but was only able to drop her to last two wound. Then he used Finish the Cur on Hannah who killed enemy Wretch.
Then Trapper moved and shot Belle but first he had to randomize between her, Von Schill and Hannah - three flip and success! After that Trapper killed poor undead girl. Bete pop out and took some swings on Von Schill (flurry) with limited success.

Game ended here.

Upkeep phase - Von Schill: +1VP Startegy, +3VP Plant Evidence, +3VP Protect Territory; Tara: +3VP Plant Evidence

Final score: Von Schill 8 - Tara 3 

Few comments after the game:

- generally I had between good and very good hand (except turn 1) and my flips were also above average. Mike on the other hand had poor hand almost all of the time and his flips were average. That help me a lot.

- Von Schill is a beast although his min damage of 2 and 1'' melee range is a bit of boomer.Still he his excellent tank and his damage (even if low) is very consistent. Combined this with Finish the Cur it gives a very, very solid hitter.

- Trapper is a monster. He killed 3 models that game and constantly harassed enemy.  I wonder what would happen if I field 2 of them :D

- Hannah is amazing also, especially when surrounded by Von Schill and his Freikorps boys and girls. 

- Strongarm did nothing this game as either Von Schill killed stuff first or enemy models were running away from him. Still he secured one flank and if I run him better he would get high mark as well.

Till next time!  

Friday, 11 September 2015

Game Report 10.09.15 50SS Jack Daw vs Nicodem

Game report - 10.09.2015

50SS Jack Daw (daniello_s) vs Nicodem (Eoghan)

Deployment: Flank Deployment

Strategy: Reckoning
Schemes: ALITS, Breakthrough, Protect Territory, Plant Evidence, Deliver a Message

Eoghan brought:
(4SS pool) - Reaper Grin, Maniacal Laugh, Undertaker

Mortimer - Corpse Bloat
Izamu - Decaying Aura
2x Rotten Belle
2x Canine Remains

I took:
Jack Daw (4SS pool) - Twist and Turn, Writhing Torment, 3x Injustice 
Rusty Alyce
Sue - Oathkeeper
The Guilty
Jaakuna Ubume - Creeping Terror
2x Void Wretch 

Eoghan picked:: Protect Territory and Plant Evidence (both revealed)
took: Breakthrough and Plant Evidence (both revealed)

This was Eoghan's first game after looong period of time so he was joking that he doesn't know what he is doing but seeing two Belles, Izamu and Nicodem lurking nearby I knew the game might be really messy for me as I have experienced luring-killing combo so many time already.

My plan was easy - torment Sue and Rusty on turn 1, use Sue to move and force my opponent to discard as many corpse markers using Sue's action as possible, use Nurse to bump Wretches movement an run them to start dropping scheme markers ASAP and finally between Rusty and Jack (and Sue where possible) kill enemy models to get VPs for strategy. Jaakuna was tasked to either lure enemy towards my crew for easy kill or lure my models which were lured by Belles :D

Table setup and crew deployment:

Turn 1

Nico won initiative. I think I won initiative only on turn 4 during that game :D
Belles attempted to lure Rusty 4x, but thankfully Eoghan's control hand was less than average and my flips were not that bad so effectively Rusty was lured only twice.
Then Nico gave Izamu fast which immediately put me in the alert state and Jaakuna lured Rusty back into safety zone.
As planned both Wretches used Nurse movement bonus and run along the table edges like mad. Also Sue and Rusty were tormented thanks to The Guilty and Jack who 'borrowed' Guilty's action.
Unfortunately my control hand wasn't great as well as I had no 6+ Mask for Sue to cast her corpse marker removal action. Thankfully as mentioned before Nico's hand was so bad that no summoning was done on turn 1. Sue moved and shot at Nurse wounding her. 
Izamu moved and hid behind the pillar at the centre of the table.
Rusty used Jack's push to get into the shooting range to Canine Remains and killed him. I really didn't want that scheme runner messing around my Void Wretch.

Upkeep phase - No VP scored by either side; Score after turn 1: Jack Daw 0 - Nicodem 0

Turn 2

Nico won initiative again. What was worst my hand was absolutely crap - I have carried over two 9's from the previous turn and those were my highest cards, even despite burning SS for extra cards.

Belle's lured Sue 4x and made two Pounce attacks but hit only once for 1 damage.
Jaakuna lured Sue back twice. Izamu moved and attacked Sue - 4 wounds inflicted.
Sue used 3'' push thanks to nearby Jack, moved and killed enemy Nurse.
Jack moved and attacked Izamu twice inflicting 2 damage in total and granted him two Curse Upgrades.
Mortimer generated more corpse markers and Nico cast Maniacal Laugh so over the sudden 4 new Mindless Zombies was running around. Nico also healed Izamu.
One Wretch dropped scheme marker and prepared to jump next turn and drop another one next turn but was soon tarpit by the Canine Remains - clash of the titans was imminent :D.
Other Wretch moved twice ready to drop scheme markers.
Nurse moved and administered her meds to Izamu paralyzing him.

Then Rusty pushed 3'' and took Rapid Fire on Izamu. 
First shot went through but with negative flip for damage - cards flipped: 2x severe! 6 damage reduced by armour to 4. Nice!
Second shot went through, again with negative flip for damage - cards flipped: Red Joker! 9 damage reduced to 7 by armour and Izamu says goodnight :D I must admit that was brutal...

Finally The Guilty run towards the non-engaged Wretch to support it with dropping scheme markers.

Upkeep phase - Jack Daw +1VP Strategy; Score after turn 2: Jack Daw 1 - Nicodem 0

Turn  3

Nico won initiative. 
Canine attacked Wretch but hit only one for 1 damage and +2 Poison. 
Wretch hit back and killed Canine with the Red Joker on the damage flip :D
Nico raised Punk Zombie near wounded Wretch and Flesh Construct from Izamu's corpse marker (and healed him as well).
I dropped more scheme markers on the far side of the table and I was sure that next turn I'll drop two more which will grant me max points for Schemes.
Nurse paralyzed Flesh Construct. Sue shot at one Belle and wound her and Jack tried same using Sue's attack - Belle was dead.
Rusty used Rapid Fire on Nicodem but missed all 3 shots horribly.

Nico's crew dropped some scheme markers and Punk Zombie took a swing at Wretch but missed.

Upkeep phase - Jack Daw +1VP Strategy; Score after turn 3: Jack Daw 2 - Nicodem 0
Turn 4 

I won initiative.
Rusty moved and killed one of the Mindless Zombies and Punk Zombie killed Void Wretch.
Second Wretch and Guilty dropped scheme markers. Canine did same.
Nurse paralyzed Flesh Construct again. Then Jaakuna lured Canine and Jack charged it killing him almost instantly. He also 'obeyed' Rusty to drop scheme marker.
Nico raised Canine who dropped another scheme marker.

After that Eoghan called the game.

 Upkeep phase - Jack Daw +1VP Strategy, +3VP Plant Evidence, +3VP Breakthrough; Nicodem +1VP Plant Evidence, +3VP Protect Territory;  

Final Score: Jack Daw 9 - Nicodem 4

I presume that if we have played the next turn the game would end around 10-6 to Jack.

Few comments after the game:
- I'm getting more and more confident with running Jack and I must say he is crazy good when played correctly.
- Rusty, my Rusty... I love her... :D She is a main body in Jack's crew from now on. 
- Sue performed really well too although not having a decent Mask on the hand for almost whole game is bollocks :D
- Jaakuna is very, very helpful in this crew. Nurse is a great support too.
Till next time!