Game report - 02.04.2015
40SS Viks (daniello_s) vs Leveticus (Eoghan)
Deployment: Corner Deployment
Strategy: Reconnoitre
Schemes: ALITS, Bodyguard, Breakthrough, Outflank, Frame for Murder
Eoghan brought:
Levi (2SS pool)- To the Earth return, Oathkeeper
Rusty Alyce
Freikorps Strongarm
2x Waifs
2x Abomination
I took:
Ash Viki (3SS pool) - Sisters in Fury, Survivalist, Oathkeeper
Blood Viki - Mark of Shez'uul, Oathkeeper
Student of Conflict
Freikorps Librarian
2x Ronin
2x Void Wretches
Eoghan picked Frame for Murder (Strongarm) and Outflank (not revealed)
I picked Frame for Murder (Blood Viki) and Bodyguard (Librarian).
Seeing those 4 good shooters in Levi's crew my plan was simple - using both Viks kill as much as possible (preferably Strongarm and either Lazarus or if possible Rusty) and the rest of crew would defend themselves using LOS blocking terrain and earn VPs for Strategy and for Bodyguard.
VPs for Frame for Murder were almost certain - no one can ignore this crazy Sister - she must die or otherwise she would wreck a havoc among the other crew :D
The table was set up this way:
Levy won deployment flip and deployed first.
I have deployed on the opposite corner of the table.
Turn 1
Viks won initiative but gave Levy a green light to go first.
We have moved forward. Abominations double-walked towards Levi's left flank. Rusty and Lazarus moved closer towards centre and positioned themselves behind the wooden fence. Strongarm duck behind the building in the centre of the table. I moved Student, Ronin and Blood towards buidling in the centre. Librarian and one Void Wretch walked towards my left flank. Ash and second Ronin walk near my right flank behind other building.
Levi, who did activate as a last model in his crew, burned Oathkeeper, double-walked and fired twice at Blood Viki (my bad, bad positioning....).
Both shots hit - first has triggered no-soulstone use against it and Levy cheated damage with Red Joker (6 wounds). I have burnt soulstone during second attack to get + flip for Df and - flip for Levy's damage. Of course second shot hit as well with moderate damage - enough to kill Blood. One teh one hand I would score 3 VPs at the turn 1 for Frame for Murder but on the other hand I wouldn't mind to keep Blood Viki alive at least one turn more so I have burnt second soulstone for prevention and thankfully I have prevented all the damage :D
My last activations was Void Wretch - I decide to inflict a bit of terror on Levy and attacked him as he was buried. Combination of good flip for attack and severe damage left Levy with 4 wounds after he unburied himself at the end of the turn. Eoghan
Upkeep phase - no VP points for either side Score after turn 1: Viks 0 - Leveticus 0
Turn 2
Viks won initiative.
Librarian healed Blood twice with minimal effect (2 wounds healed). Abomination walked towards Levy's left flank.
The I decided to burn Oathkeeper and charge Strongarm. I killed poor guys (moderate and severe damage). Eoghan announced that Strongarm was a decoy and got 3VPs for Frame for Murder.
In return Levy came out and killed Blood Viki - then I announced similar thing - 3VPs for me for Frame for Murder. Levy for the last action moved back but he didn't bury himself (Void Wretches were waiting... :D)
Rusty moved and fire the blast in Ronin's face. Severe for damage dropped Ronin's life to the last wound remaining. I hid wounded Ronin behind the building, second moved closer to walk and hit Rusty in the next turn. I moved Wretches and made sure they will be safe to secure me points for Startegy.
Abomination attacked Levy and killed him so he could bury himself and heal his wounds.
Lazarus and two Waifs moved towards behind building in the centre (the one with the roof on the above picture).
Unfortunately they were 2'' from each other and I still had Student and Ash inactivated :D
So, I moved Student and used Sisters in Spirit to bring Ash in b2b with Student. Then Ash activated, burned Oathkeeper, double-walked and charged Waif the way she would be able to Whirlwind on second Waif
and Lazarus.
With + flip for attack for her East and West 0 action and Red Joker on my hand I was pretty confident.
First attack flip was disaster - Black Joker.
Second attack hit but without necessary suit (I forgot to burn last soulstone to get a suit but to be honest I forgot about it during first attack too so possible I would burn it at the first attack wasting it with Black Joker flipped...). So I cheated with Red Joker to trigger Whirlwind. Severe damage flip killed first Waif.
Additional attack on second Waif wasn't too spectacular but hit. Eoghan decide to cheat defense flip with high card and I had to cheat my to punch through defence with marginal success and negative flip for damage. Now I had to flip moderate damage with negative flip - 6 and 7 so I killed second Waif which meant no more Levy tonight!
I tried the last swing from Whirlwind on Lazarus but I missed.
Eoghan tried to call a game but I told him to wait for the next turn and see if he wins initiative, kill Ash and push me to defence.
Upkeep phase - Viks +3VP for Frame for Murder, +1VP for Strategy; Levy - +3VP for Frame for Murder, +1VP for Startegy Score after turn 2: Viks 4 - Leveticus 4
Turn 3
Viks won initiative. Levy tried seize initiative burning the soulstone with no success.
Ash 3 times attacked Lazarus - first attack flip was with Black Joker, but the rest were brutal - severe and Red Joker flips for damage finished Lazarus.
Rusty then tried to rapid fire on Ash but thanks to hard cover Ash didn't suffer a single hit. After that Eoghan called the game.
Final Score : Viks 10 - Leveticus 4
Running Viks as two, separate beatsticks wasn't bas idea. I was a bit hesitating if I should to take Student + Librarian or maybe Vanessa + Child but Student was really, really helpful with her Sister in Spirit action. Thanks to her I was able to remove both Waifs in one go :D
Void Wretches - I love them and I'll buy the box once they are released.
Till next time!
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