Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Levy's art...

Levy was quite busy recently.
Raising all those Abominations is quite time consuming task. But finally they are ready to support their Master :D

Sunday, 29 March 2015

Game Report 29.03.15 50SS Viks vs Seamus

Game report - 29.03.2015

50SS Viks (daniello_s) vs Seamus (Mike)

Deployment: Standard Deployment
Strategy: Headhunter (Gaining Grounds 2015)
Schemes: ALITS, Bodyguard, Assassinate,
Make Them Suffer, Vendetta
Mike brought:

Seamus (3SS pool)- Bag of Tools,
Decaying Aura, Necrotic Preparation
Sybelle - Not too Banged Up, Bleeding Tongue
Copycat Killer

Rotten Belle
The Hanged
The Yin
Chiaki the Niece
Before we flipped for Strategy/Schemes and announced Factions I knew two thing: no matter of what I'll play Viks and use Killjoy for the first time. When Strategy/Schemes were flipped I had a moment of hesitation cause I knew Levy would fit better in this game but nevertheless I've decided to stay with my Viks and Killjoy.

So I took this crew:
Ash Viki (4SS pool) - Sisters n Spirit, Sisters in Fury, Synchronized Slaying
Blood Viki -  Mark of Shez'uul, Oathkeeper
Hodgepodge Effigy
Malifaux Child  

Mike picked Assassinate and Bodyguard (Chiaki).
I picked Make Them Suffer and Bodyguard (Vanessa)

Table was setup like that (big thanks to Mike for bringing his terrain - the table looked really nice).

Turn 1 - crews are ready for the bash

We both moved forward. I knew Sybelle and Belle can Lure me into open where Saemus and Copycat can kill anything in the blink of the eye with their pesky guns so I decided to move Ronin forward behind the obelisk and second Ronin around the windmill. Vanessa and Child would stay behind the hedge and Viks would go closer to the building in the middle section of the table. And after that I realized that Seamus can easily shorten the distance to Ash (Back Alley... it really should be 2AP action not 1AP... :D) and shoot her. So it happened. I got 4 damage in my face. Then Copycat got into base contact with Seamus with 0 action and shoot Ash twice - one miss but the other I had to prevent damage so Ash ended up with 5 wounds. Blood Viki killed Belle but Seamus raised other Belle from the corpse and that newly arrived Belle engaged with Blood,

Upkeep phase - no VP points for either side Score after turn 1: Leveticus 0 - Lilith 0

Turn 2

I won initiative and I did realize that Mike will get 3VP for killing Ash shortly so I had two options - either run away with her or go for fun swinging her katana. So I did :D But I made a mistake - I buffed Viks with Sisters in Fury and then charged Copycat. What I really should do was to move Ash, charge Seamus and try to trigger Whirlwind to kill Copycat, then chain activate Blood, burn Oathkeeper, kill Belle and charge Seamus. That could work as Blood would have 4 attacks in total. Well, mistakes were made so I paid the consequences later :D.
Ash killed Copycat, Blood killed Belle. In retaliation Yin killed Ash - there was my second mistake - I should unbury Killjoy now but I didn't do that.
Vanessa shot Yin hurting her a bit (4 wounds remained).
Seamus engaged Blood but she survived attacks (heavily beaten , but survived) and then he summoned another Belle. Ronin stepped back and picked the head token. Hodgepodge covered her with the Mist. Second Ronin came closer to pick the other head token. Sybelle jumped close to that head token.

Upkeep phase - Seamus +1VP for Strategy, +3VP for Assassinate; Viks +1VP for Startegy, +1VP for Make Them Suffer. Score after turn 2: Viks 2 - Seamus 4

Turn 3

I lost initiative flip so I knew Blood will die now. But she survived... On the last wound but survived.Unfortunately Seamus made her attacks be on -2MI against him. I burnt Oathkeeper and hit Seamus with 3 attacks but couldn't kill him (7 wounds inflicted).
Belle lured Ronin which allowed Seamus to heal 2 wounds.
Vanessa then aimed at Hanged and shot him twice with 6 damage inflicted but also was able to blast Yin (severe damage on Hanged) killing her. Hanged charged Blood and killed her triggering Horror test on Child, Vanessa and Hodgepodge. If I were unbury Killjoy now I would have to take horror test on him to and as my hand was drained (I had last card, 3 tome...) I decided not to do that. Result of horror tests was horrible - Child and Vanessa were Paralyzed...
I flurry Belle with Ronin (don't ask about the results of those attacks...) and sacrifice her to bring Killjoy. Sybelle attacked him, triggered 1 action and walked him close to the Hanged and then walk to engage Ronin.
As an act of desperation Hodgepodge charged Belle with small success. I decided not to attack Sybelle and Hanged as I was afraid to fail Horror tests so Killjoy did nothing (I should attack as I would loose the remaining activation and wouldn't be Paralyzed on the next turn anyway) and Ronin did double defensive stance.

Upkeep phase - Seamus +1VP for Strategy; Score after turn 2: Viks 2 - Seamus5

Turn 4
I lost initiative. Seamus charged Killjoy killing him and after that I called the game.

Final Score : Viks 2  - Seamus 10

It was my second game against Seamus and I must say he is tough as nails. But if I didn't make this mistake when declaring the charge against Copycat not Seamus. Also I've just realized one thing - since he shot me with his 10'' range gun then he was also in the range of my charge, even without initial walk action. So I could buff Sisters with Fury, charge Mister S. with Ash, kill Copycat also, chain activate Blood, burn Oathkeeper, kill Belle and finish (or even try to) Seamus... How could I miss that... Seems like I played Levy way too often lately :D

Till next time!

Monday, 23 March 2015

Who would Levy be without his Waifs?... :D

He loves them... That his biggest secret... He loves them so much he would sacrifice them rather than allow them to be with someone else :D

My another puny effort to get fully painted Levy crew - this time Hollow Waifs.
Now for next week and a half I can focus on 4 Abominations.

Friday, 20 March 2015

Game Report 19.03.15 50SS Levi vs Lilith

Game report - 19.03.2015

50SS Leveticus (daniello_s) vs Lilith (Gavin)

Deployment: Standard Deployment
Strategy: Turf War
Schemes: ALITS, Breakthrough, Bodyguard, Plant Evidence, Frame for Murder

Gavin brought:

Lilith (7SS pool)- Beckon of Malifaux, Wicked Mistress
Barbaros - Rapid Growth
Baby Kade

2x Terror Tot
I took:

Levi (4SS pool) - Desolate Soul, To the Earth Return
Rusty Alyce - Desolate Soul, From Aether 2x Hollow Waif Lazarus
Ashes and Dust Hodgepodge Efiigy

Gavin picked Frame for Murder (Teddy) and Plant Evidence (announced).
I picked Frame for Murder (Ashes and Dust) and Bodyguard (Rusty) (not announced). Here I've made first mistake - since I took A&D I should go for Plant Evidence rather than Frame for Murder or if I took Frame for Murder I should pick less obvious model than A&D.

Since we had Turf War and Lilith has Tangle Shadows and Illusionary Forest I knew it won't be easy game, but 'job has to be done' as every Outcast master used to say :D

The table was set up like that:

The centre of the table will be marked with lovely red 'teddy' marker - you will have to notice that on the next photos :D This graveyard area had walls of Ht2 so we agreed that models with Ht1 and Ht2 can't climb through the wall and there is no LOS to them.

Turn 1 - crews are ready for action:

This turn generally we have approached towards centre line. One Tot sprang behind the wall but unfortunately for him Levi was able to double Walk to aim at him with Unmade. Despite having hard cover I was able to kill him (Channelling rules!) and I summoned Abomination in his place. poor Abomination didn't last long but bought me some time. Rusty dropped scrap marker.

Upkeep phase - no VP points for either side Score after turn 1: Leveticus 0 - Lilith 0

Turn 2 - you can see remains of summoned Abomination (scrap marker), Barbaros with Defensive Stance on him and Lazarus + A&D preparing to hit Barbaros hard.

During the draw phase cards told me big no-no. The highest card I had was 8, then 7 and then everything between 4 and 1... I spent SS to get extra two cards - got 1 and 3... I really hoped for good flips...

Gavin moved his Sorrow towards centre point, same with Barbaros and Lilith. Tot sprinted towards me but remained hidden behind the wall. He pushed Abomination with Lilith towards her so it was left on the last wound. Lilith also casted Forest in front of Teddy and Kade to screen them from Rusty. Barbaross duck behind the wall and took double Defensive Stance. 

I tried to hit kill Teddy with Levi but i only damaged him badly. Rusty re-posiotned and took single shot on Tot with miss. Lazarus used rapid fire on Barbaros with no success. I charged Barbaros with A&D hurting him a bit. In this moment Gavin figured out I might have Frame for Murder on A&D...
Rusty luckily summoned Abomination from the scrap marker.

Upkeep phase - Lilith +1VP for Strategy; Score after turn 2: Leveticus 0 - Lilith 1

Turn 3

Gavin won imitative and moved Barbaros behind the house (out of Levis LOS) and took double Defensive Stance. In return I moved Levi and charged Barbaros. During first attack - Gavin flipped Black Joker and I flipped severe damaged - enough to kill Barbaros (even damage prevention wouldn't save him at this moment) and summon Abomination.

Gavin killed my Abomination. I charged Cherub, killing him and summoned another Abomination! 

Lilith killed that poor construct and used Tangle Shadows to jump in contact with Teddy. Then he casted Forest closer to Rusty and rooted Rusty with her last action. Teddy took Walk towards Rusty and hit her but missed. Lazarus killed Tot. Sorrow dropped scheme marker on my half of the table close to the terrain area.

Upkeep phase - Lilith +1VP for Strategy; Levi +1 VP for Strategy; Score after turn 3: Leveticus 1 - Lilith 2

Turn 4

Due to the shortage of time it was the last turn we could play that night.
I won initiative and in desperate attempt to save Rusty I charged Teddy with Levi - killing him summoning next Abomination. Unfortunately this action gave Gavin +2VP for Frame for Murder. I sacrificed newly summoned Abomination to get in base contact with it and used last action to shoot Kade (3 wounds inflicted). Kade charged Levi but missed and suffered wound from Unmade dying in process :D

I moved my models closer to the Lilith. She moved and dropped another scheme marker. I shot her with Lazarus but only inflicted 3 damage in total.

That was the end of the game.

Upkeep phase - Lilith +2VP for Frame for Murder, +3VP for Plant Evidence ; Levi +1 VP for Strategy, +2VP for Bodyguard;

Final Score : Leveticus 4 - Lilith 7

If (big IF as I would really depend on who won initiative) we played last turn I might have a chance to get a draw (5-5) but that would require killing Lilith (with 7 wounds remaining and 4 SS) and remove one scheme marker.

Anyway I really enjoyed that game. Levi was a monster as usual and I really, really don't like Lilith and mobility and Illusionary Forest :D

Till next time!

Friday, 13 March 2015

Game Report 12.03.15 35SS Levi vs Lucius

Game report - 12.03.2015

35SS Leveticus (daniello_s) vs Lucius (Gavin)

Deployment: Flank Deployment
Strategy: Reconnoitre
Schemes: ALITS, Breakthrough, Distract, Make them Suffer, Outflank

Gavin brought:

Lecius (3SS pool)- Suprisingly Loyal

3x Guild Guard
Guild Lawyer

I took:

Levi (5SS pool) - Desolate Soul, To the Earth Return, Tally Sheet

Rusty - Desolate Soul, From Aether
2x Hollow Waif
Hodgepodge Efiigy

Gavin picked Make them Suffer and Breakthrough (not announced).
I picked Make them Suffer and Outflank (not announced).

Turn 1 Gavin lost initiative flip but thanks to Doppelgänger sized initiative. As the matter of fact till the end of the game Gavin either won initiative flips or successfully used that pesky Mimic to snatch initiative flip from me :D
Gavin moved Judge closer, pushed one of the Guards closer towards him and shot Levi but with no success. In return Levi channelled a lot and killed freshly pushed Guard summoning abomination in his place.

Then Gavin generally moved models closer trying to hide behind hard cover and used Lawyer to add Hard to Wound condition on Judge. I tarpited Lucius with summoned Abomination (and survived hits on last remaining wound), killed Lawyer with combined effort of Alyce and Lazarus - both used Rapid Fire/Auto-Fire actions so Lazarus thanks to the good attack flips was able to finish Lawyer, hit nearby Guard with blast and then wounded Judge (although Gavin prevented 4 damage on him with 2 Soulstones).

Upkeep phase - no VP points for either side Score after turn 1: Leveticus 0 - Lucius 0

Turn 2 Gavin moved behind hard cover Doppelgänger and shot Levi inflicting 2 wounds and condition which required Levi to discard a card in he declares walk/charge action.
In response I auro-fire Judge but I was able to drop him to 5 remaining wounds only.
Judge moved towards centre behind  wall, pushed Rusty towards him and shot her inflicting 4 wounds in total.
I attacked Lucius with Abomination but couldn't hit anything. In return Lucius tried to kill Abomination but couldn't score a single hit (with actions!) and suffered 2 damage at the end of his activation.
Rusty tried to gun down Guard with little effect.
Then he tried to kill Abomination with charging Guard but again Abomination stood her ground :D
Then I tried to shoot Doppelgänger with Levi (3 attacks, 2x channelled) but although severely bruised she managed to survive... I would charge instead but I had just one, remaining card in my hand and that was Red Joker...

Upkeep phase - Leveticus +1VP for Strategy; Lucius +1VP for Strategy Score after turn 1: Levi 1 - Lucius 1

Turn 3 Doppelgänger stole the attack ability from Hodgepodge and charged it killing my poor construct.

Rusty decided to charge Judge and killed him in process, then she summoned Abomination from nearest Scrap Marker.
Lucius finally killed Abomination.

Lazarus moved forward. Guards tried to kill Waif but hard cover was very handy for her. Levi charged Doppelgänger tearing her apart and summoning Abomination in her place.

Upkeep phase - Leveticus +1VP for Strategy; Lucius +1VP for Strategy, +1VP for Make them Suffer Score after turn 1: Levi 2 - Lucius 3

Turn 4 

Gavin tried to kill Abomination with Guard but he only wounded her. In return Levi killed both Guards with shooting. After that Gavin called the game. I was able to move one Abomination to the corner of the table which allowed me to score +1VP for Outflank.

Upkeep phase for Turn 4 and 5 - Levi +2VP for Strategy, +2 VP for Make them Suffer,+1VP for Outflank; Lucius No VP scored.

Final Score : Leveticus 7 - Lucius 3

After my first game with Levi as the master I can say honestly - I love this guy and his crew :D

Sunday, 1 March 2015

New models painted: Leveticus, Alyce and... her sister called Sue :D

Levi and Rusty are ready to play. Now it is time for Waifs, then Abominations and after that I'll be ready to play Levi :D

When I got Levi's box I was left with two Alyces - new plastic one and 'old' metal one.
I didn't want to waste the old metal Alyces so I decided to use her as... Sue :D
The problem was she didn't have a guitar but I was able to get a touch with a friend from Poland who is skilled with laser cutting stuff and provide top quality products (for a nice preview see here: https://www.facebook.com/agencjareycast )and he made a guitar for me.

Please welcome a newly found Alyce's sister - Sue :D